Chapter Nineteen

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Jeremiah found Nicole and Shayla laying on the beach chairs and decided to go join the two girls taking a break from life guarding duties. Chasing around little demonic kids at the club was really tiring him out.

As he went to lay on the beach chair beside Nicole, she looked over at him saying, "where's your brother been all day? He's not texting me back."

"Conrad is too much drama, Nicole. I honestly don't understand how Angelina can deal with him. Girl really is a saint for that," Shayla added.

Jeremiah sat there silently he wasn't aware Conrad was ignoring Nicole. He just saw Conrad less then an hour ago grinning at either Angelina or Belly. Either way, he wasn't a big fan of it.

"Frank Ocean is playing the Yarmouth Music Festival," Shayla suddenly squealed.

"No, stop! My dad's firm reps him. I can totally get us tickets," now it was Nicole's turn to squealed.

"Shut up, for reals?" Shayla asked.

Jeremiah suddenly got an idea. He's been wanting to take Angelina out on a date but Conrad is always in the way. The guy never leaves her side on weekend nights. "You know, um, Conrad's been wanting to go to Yarmouth."

Nicole peaked with interest, "does he like Frank Ocean?"

Jeremiah shook his head quickly yes. "Loves him, he's just been dealing with a lot of stuff with our dad, but you should totally invite him."

Shayla clapped her hands with excitement. "And I can bring Steven, let's be cheesy and rent a limo!"

"Let's. I'll text my dad!" Nicole exclaimed.

"Jere, you're an amazing brother," Shayla said looking over at him smiling.

Jeremiah gave a tight smile simply nodding. If only these two new his true intentions were not for them and Conrad but more for himself. His plan to take Angelina out somewhere, just two the of them, seemed more doable now with Conrad being gone for the weekend.


Jeremiah had returned from working at the club and was laying on the side near the pool. His mother had just started painting him and went to take a break with Laurel inside.

"Hey, what's with the crown?" He heard Belly's voice call out.

"My moms painting me as Hermes, the messenger of the gods," Jeremiah said sitting up to look over at Belly who was looking around. "Who you looking for?"

"I thought maybe Conrad would be back by now?" Belly asked still looking around.

Jeremiah raised an eyebrow with interest. "Where have you been?"

"I had a picnic with Cam," Belly said quietly.

"How cute. How is Cam Cameron?" Jeremiah smiled over at her.

"I don't think we're gonna hangout anymore," Belly answered honestly.

"Awh poor Cam Cameron," Jeremiah gave a slight laugh. He felt a bit bad for the trouble he gave Cameron when his anger and jealously had nothing to do with him.

"You guys were never gonna let that go. Angie was the only one that called him Cameron, by the way," Belly said mocking him.

"Nope and Angel is too nice for own good sometimes. For the record, I liked him. And you also don't look that upset?" Jeremiah said.

Belly ignored that part and said, "I'm sorry about outing you and Angie to Conrad. I hope that didn't cause a fight between you two or between Angie and him."

Jeremiah gave her a small smile, "it's okay. She was upset with me at first but not about that, for another stupid thing I did. But, things are going good for us at the moment and I'm going to do my best to keep it that way."

The younger Fisher boy also wondered if Conrad confronted Angelina about the kiss or if she told him what happened. Jeremiah already messed up a couple of times and he didn't need Conrad getting in Angelina's head.


Conrad was sulking around the kitchen cleaning up the mess that was left behind by his mom and Laurel. His mom's behavior was getting more noticeable. He knew it was a matter a time before she got worse. Conrad heard the refrigerator door open and looked up. "Hey," he said.

"Hey," Jeremiah answered quietly not really making eye contact with Conrad. He poured himself a glass of milk drinking it. Jeremiah watched as Conrad cleaned the counter top as he finished his glass putting it in the sink.

Conrad scoffed. "Really? Wouldn't kill you clean that."

Jeremiah rolled his eyes, "What happened to your good mood from earlier?"

"Look we all just need to be helping mom and Laurel right now, okay. And if you're over at Lina's, don't cause Professor Flores any trouble either. Better yet, just don't go over to their place," Conrad said. Angelina had texted him earlier that her dad was also smoking weed and taking longer naps then usually, just like his mom.

"They made this mess and why shouldn't I go over? You're not the only one allowed at Angelina's place," Jeremiah was saying as Conrad's phone kept ringing. "Who's blowing up your phone?" He added with irritation.

Conrad rolled his eyes, "Nicole. She wants me to go to Yarmouth Music Fest with her."

Jeremiah's interest peaked and tried resisting the grin on his face from forming. The first step to his plan was already in works. "You going to go?"

"Yeah, why not? I'll text Lina if she wants to go too."

"I don't think Nicole would like that very much. It seems like she wants it to be just a you and her thing and the last thing you want is a jealous Nicole going after Angelina," Jeremiah said quickly thinking of something, anything, to keep Conrad from including Angelina in those plans. He knew how protective Conrad was of Angelina so he wouldn't risk a jealous Nicole going after her.

Conrad sighed. "Yeah, you're right about that."

"So go, have some fun. Angel will probably be with her dad and the Tellos anyways," Jeremiah shrugged as he turned to walk away with a smirk on his face.


Angelina sighed walking into the living room finding the television left on and her dad sound asleep on the couch. Her dad has been falling asleep during the day hours a lot more recently. She texted Conrad about it and according to him, Susannah has been doing the same.

She quickly went to the storage closet in the hallway grabbing a blanket. As Angelina made her way over towards her dad, she carefully placed the blanket over him smoothing it out trying not to wake him up.

Angelina squatted down towards his eye level. Her dad looked so at peace asleep. She can only imagine what pain he was going through on his own, alone. A part of her felt anger. Anger towards the fact her dad was keeping this as a secret and not wanting to get treatment. Why were these adults so stubborn treating them all like child, like they couldn't handle the truth.

Angelina stood up letting out a frustrating sigh, she turned towards the end table grabbing the car keys taking once last look at her sleeping dad and headed out the door.

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