Chapter Forty

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Jeremiah slammed the car door shut letting out a frustrated sigh as he leaned against the car door closing his eyes. After Angelina ran out, Jeremiah went to find his mom and took the car keys from her purse and left the hospital. He's drove around town for the past forty minutes looking for Angelina. He went to her secret spot by the rocks and she wasn't there. Jeremiah figured she would want to be alone and find her there but he was wrong.

"Jere?" he heard a soft voice call out. Jeremiah opened his eyes finding Belly and Cristian now standing in front of him. Jeremiah raised his eyebrow slightly assuming they would all still be at the Flores house packing the Flores' belongings. "What's going on? How is Angie?" Belly asked.

"Not good," Jeremiah answered honestly. He suddenly realized, that if they were out here at his beach house, that means the Flores' beach house was empty. "I thought you all were at the Flores' beach house packing?" Jeremiah asked.

"We finished about an hour ago and came back over to Susannah's. Laurel also wanted to clean up here and cook a dinner for everyone when they got back. So Belly and I were on our way to get some groceries," Cristian said.

Jeremiah nodded itching to get away from them. Of course, he figured everyone was still at the Flores' house so she wouldn't head there but now that he knew it was empty, there's only one place she would be. The thought of Angelina all alone in that house made Jeremiah tense. Jeremiah tossed the keys towards Cristian as Cristian caught them with ease. "Here, take the Jeep. Do me a solid, yeah? Pick up Conrad and mom from the hospital. I kind of took off without them," Jeremiah shouted as he ran towards his beach house front door. He needed them to think he was going inside. He couldn't let them know where he was really going. If too many people showed up to her house, it will scare her off again.


Jeremiah hesitated before opening the back kitchen door to the Flores' house hoping Conrad's theory of this back door alway being unlock was still true. This was the last place she could be and he was terrified to find out the state she'll be in after being all alone for awhile. As he gripped the door knob to push it open, Jeremiah paused hearing glass shattered inside. As he hesitated opening the door, another glass shattering was heard along with a frustrating scream.

Jeremiah gulped as he twisted the knob, mentally thanking god the door was unlock. He opened the door slowly. As Jeremiah walked through the kitchen door, Angelina's back was facing him as she leaned over the counter by the sink gripping the edges. Cabinet doors were open and glass was shattered around her on the kitchen floor. Jeremiah noticed she finally changed out of her debutante dress and was now only in baggy black sweatpants and off light gray Brown University sweatshirt.

As Jeremiah walked closer to her with caution, making sure not to step on any glass, he heard her let out a tired sigh. "This Brown University sweatshirt was supposed to be a gift from him. It's why I decided to forgo my senior year of high school when I saw it," she said as Jeremiah watched her grip the sweatshirt against her chest tightly.

As Jeremiah now hovered over her, Angelina turned around to finally lock eyes with him. "Go away, Jeremiah."

Her voice sounding extremely defeated and it pain Jeremiah to hear her like this. Jeremiah gave her a small smile as he kept his gaze on her.  "It's always nice to hear your voice again, Angel. Especially when it's not cussing at me," he said trying to lighten up the mood.

Angelina rolled her eyes. She was tired, frustrated and sad. She didn't want to deal with Jeremiah's happy all the time attitude. "Why? Why do you want me to go away?" She heard him ask.

Angelina shook her head feeling her throat start to tighten. Swallowing was become more difficult for her every time she tried to talk. She felt as if she was starting to get sick but she knew it wasn't from that. Clearing her throat, she spoke lowly, "because if you're here, then you start to cloud my mind and it shouldn't be about you. Right now it should be about him and only him. My dad doesn't deserve that to be pushed in the back of my mind because you're taking up all the space."

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