1.- "Happy birthday, love"

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*Let's see how Bora Dogrusöz decides to surprise and celebrate the birthday of his beloved wife, Ada Tözun*

Bora Dogrusöz was really excited, it was Ada's first birthday as his wife and he felt the need to surprise her.Ada had not only helped him to believe in love again, she made him happy every day. And if that wasn't enough, she had given him a family, the family he had always dreamed of. She, he, Elif and the little one on the way.

They had been married for 6 months now and 4 months ago they had found out about Ada's pregnancy. In a very peculiar way clearly.

His wife's sexual appetite had increased considerably, she had become more grumpy and emotional than usual. And if that wasn't enough, she was constantly having cravings, cravings that he had to satisfy. Belma had told him that she had felt similarly when she was pregnant with him. Ada had noticed that she was very late with her menstruation and when they went to the hospital, they received news confirmation. There was a little Dogrusöz growing inside her.

This baby had been made on their honeymoon, that much was clear to them, the times were right and they couldn't be happier. A baby made with all the love they had for each other and created on the beautiful Hawaiian Island.

As soon as they had married, they had moved with Elif to a beautiful house very close to Bizde Boyle and also very close to Bora's parents' house. Ada had decided to give the house she had bought during her marriage to Ruzgar to her aunts and uncle Aslan, so that they could stay with her in Istanbul.

Bora gets out of bed very carefully, without waking his wife. He had decided to prepare breakfast for her, Ada valued this kind of detail, something that was made with effort and love.

He puts on his pajamas that were lying on the floor, Ada had surprised him while he was sleeping the night before. He should have gotten used to it by now, there wasn't a night he didn't have sex with her. who was he not to fulfill his wife's wishes? He thought she would stay awake at least until midnight, so he could congratulate her, but no. Ada slept peacefully beside him.He had decided to make her pancakes with melted chocolate. Her most constant craving, but when she goes to the kitchen she is surprised, her little Elif was in the kitchen mixing some ingredients as if she was about to prepare some dessert.

"Good morning, dayi. Today is Ada abla's birthday and grandma gave me the recipe for Ada abla's favorite chocolate cake. Grandma yesterday left it in the oven ready, and told me to get up early to decorate it"- Elif mentions giving her a warm smile.

"My ray of sunshine, good morning. I'm sure Ada will love this cake"- Bora greets her, giving her a kiss on her cute little head.

"I want my little brother to like it too"- Elif says completely happy, she would finally have someone to play with!

"We still don't know if it will be little man or little woman, princess"- Bora smiles tenderly to her niece.

"Grandpa says I'm his princess too, and he's missing a prince. Besides, with one more little girl, you'll soon grow gray hair, uncle. Although if it's a girl I'll love her a lot too."

Bora laughs at his little niece's words. She really was very smart and very naughty.He helps her decorate the little cake with more chocolate and strawberry pieces.

"So are we ready to wake up Ada?"- Bora asks his little girl.

"No, not yet. I have to go get the flowers Grandpa helped me buy for her. I hid them in my room, I'll be right back"- Elif says before running to her room.

At that time, Bora realized that if they were going to surprise Ada, they would find her totally naked and he did not want to traumatize his niece in any way.He was devising a way to surprise her, when he felt someone hug him from behind.

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