27.- "A lucky day"

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Ada had left her house very upset, she couldn't find her headphones anywhere. And she didn't want to travel for two hours on the city subway without listening to music, she could read, but she loved to read in print and couldn't enjoy her reading on the subway, especially since she had to travel when it was very crowded. No matter how much she traveled sitting down, it was very uncomfortable for her.
She had the intuition that her aunt Nergis had taken her headphones by chance, she had taken her charger twice before, and she had even taken her cell phone. All because she used to rush to work at the last minute and take everything on the table as if it was hers.

Ada had inherited her nice yellow car, but she knew that if she drove in Istanbul's horrendous traffic it would take her twice as long. She sighed resignedly, as she queued to board the express to the south of the city, where she was studying Literature. 


Bora Dogrusoz was angry, his father had taken away his beloved car. All because he had decided to change careers, his father expected him to be a great manager, so he could inherit the family business, but he just wanted to write. He did not mind having to take the subway to fulfill his dream, he was not willing to live up to his father's expectations. He got up early, his older sister dropped him off at Central Station and he was ready to finally study the career of his dreams.

Ada, who had fallen asleep at the first stop of the subway, woke up and noticed that she was at the central station, she had not yet reached the halfway point of her trip and she had already been on the subway for almost an hour. He did notice that the person next to him got off at Central station, but then he fell asleep again.

Bora managed to sit down before the subway filled up, he noticed that the girl next to him had a backpack with the same insignia as the one from his university, so he assumed that they would both get off until the last station. Suddenly, he felt the head of the beautiful girl next to him rest on his shoulder. He felt his ears turn red, he hadn't been this close to a girl in his 20s, except for his sister. He tried to relax listening to his favorite band Queen when he slowly began to yawn.

"Who falls asleep listening to Queen?"- Asks the beautiful dark-haired girl staring at him before yawning, slowly waking up, Bora only managed to smile.

"I'm sorry, I promise it's the first time it happens to me"- Bora answered trying to joke.

"I'll take your word for it"- Mentioned Ada, who was already in a better mood.

"I hope I won't disappoint you. Are you a Queen fan too?"- Bora asks with a frown because of the curiosity he felt.

"Yes, I love their music. I'm very much a fan of rock, whether American or Turkish. We are talking and I don't know your name. I'm Ada"- She mentions extending her hand kindly toward him.

"Nice to meet you, Ada. I'm Bora Dogrusoz."- He responds by waving his hand at her chivalrously.

"Good name, to what is it that the subway has the honor of your stay?"- Ada questions curiously, she had to kill the boredom somehow.

"All thanks to Istanbul's traffic and that it's the fastest way to get to my university"-

"Wait... You study at Istanbul Bilgi Universiti?"- Ada asks and smiles as Bora nods.

"I was studying Business Administration, but I switched majors and today is my first day of English Language and Literature."

"You must be kidding! I study English Language and Literature. How is this the first time we see each other? Do you take another line on the subway?"- Ada asks and Bora could feel the comfort growing inside him, as if Ada was a lifelong friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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