4.- "Wrong- Part 2"

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Two weeks had passed and Bora had seen Ada every day. The chemistry between them was undeniable. He had even invited her to do her pre-professional internship as his assistant at Bizde Boyle and all the workers knew that something was going on between the two of them. Ada kept her distance from Ruzgar, they only spoke as much as necessary. 

Ruzgar seemed to be more than happy, his plan was going perfectly, when he noticed how Ada's eyes sparkled when she was close to Bora, her eyes had never sparkled like that when she looked at him. And this, was starting to bother him little by little. 

"Osh! I can't stand that Ada. Bora seems to float around her. This isn't going the way I planned. I need you to do something to get her fired"- Tugce mentions while Ruzgar and her were in her office.

"Of course not, the girl is talented, she hasn't done anything to you. You seem jealous of her"- Ruzgar says, to Tugce's astonished look.

"Then you complain to me why I'm not a loving girlfriend to you. Stop talking nonsense and go to your module, you are not paid to have coffee with me."- Tugce replies curtly, inviting Ruzgar to leave the place.

Ada was a little nervous, although she and Bora were not officially dating. They were kind of outgoing, arguably. He would pick her up every day from her house, take her to Bizde Boyle, they would have lunch together, and then he would drive her back home. Sometimes he would stay and have some snacks with her while they watched a series or went out to the movies. They were literally like boyfriend and girlfriend, without them even realizing it. 

But today was special, because Bora would introduce her to Elif, his little niece. They had already spoken by video call, Ada could define Elif as the most adorable little girl of all. She just felt that she didn't deserve that closeness. Bora was the cutest man she had ever met and he didn't deserve what she was doing. 

"I need you to give me the first jewel he ever gave you"- Ruzgar mentions approaching Ada's desk. 

"What are you doing here? He hasn't given me any jewelry yet. He and I aren't boyfriend and girlfriend, so you have to wait"- Ada mutters annoyed. 

"Well you have to hurry, I'm not a patient man, but I must admit you're doing a good job"- Ruzgar replies before leaving, but before he leaves completely, Bora approaches them. 

"Good afternoon, Ruzgar, can I get you anything?"- Bora asks, a bit jealous of the closeness Ruzgar had had with Ada. He could see that she was uncomfortable, so he went out to see what was going on. 

"Nothing, boss. I was just asking Ada if she needed any pictures for the week's articles"- Ruzgar replies fearful that Bora had overheard them.

"Thanks for worrying about that, Ruzgar, but I'm sure Ada will ask the graphics department for what she needs"- Bora mutters curtly. He had to admit he was jealous, he was enchanted by Ada and it had never bothered him before when any man talked to the girl he liked, but with Ada everything was different. 

"Thanks boss"- Ruzgar leaves after muttering between his teeth.

"Shall we go, baby?"-Bora asks, while looking at Ada as if the event with Ruzgar never happened.

"Of course we are" -Answers Ada, she was about to take her bag, when Bora took it and hung it on his shoulders. All people saw this gesture and for everyone, there was no doubt that Bora Dogrusöz was in love.

Ada and Bora arrived at the Dogrusöz mansion, where Ada immediately pleased Bora's parents, especially Belma who knew that she would be the perfect girl for her son. Elif came down from her room excited, hugged Bora and smiled a lot to Ada, both played with their dolls, even Bora joined them. Elif wanted to do everything together with Ada, she sat next to her at the table, and ate all her food, to everyone's amazement. 

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