1. Cold Ride

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"Hurry, Valentine, you mustn't be late," my father says. His warm brown eyes look down to meet mine. He places a small kiss on my forehead and hands me my cat's carrier with Martin, my plump orange tabby inside. I say my final goodbye to him and find some of my friends waving to me from a nearby window. "Please be safe, my dear! And write to me every chance you get!" My father calls after me. I run inside and find the cab my friends were in and they help place my luggage overhead while I set Martin on the seat to wave goodbye to my father one last time. 

It's just been the two of us for the last five years, and I try not to notice the gray in his beard or the growing wrinkles on his forehead. He winks at me and I blow a kiss; both excitement and sorrow course through me at the thought of going to Hogwarts and not seeing my father for a few months. "Come on, Valentine! You have to tell me all about your summer," Rue says. The train whistles and I finally take my seat. Marcus closes the cab door and I open Martin's cage so he can greet our friends. "I'll never get tired of your stories of the muggle world!"

Martin stretches to look out the window at the people we pass as we begin our journey to Hogwarts. "You overestimate how fun I am," I laugh. Rue rolls her eyes and Marcus tsks. Out of the three of us, I am the only one that isn't what they call "pureblood." I was honestly just excited to find out about the amazing past my mother had that I didn't realize her marrying my father was shunned. "Really! I was at the library almost every day," I confess. It's only part of the truth, but I can't tell my friends about how I spent most of my time with my father helping him work. My father has been a lawyer since my mother passed away and he allows me to "help" him. By "help," I mean that he tells me certain dates to look for and what to highlight on particular paperwork. Very boring for someone that is used to a magical summer filled with Quidditch and creatures.

"Slow down, I can't keep up with all the adventure!" Marcus teases. I throw my hands up in surrender and motion for him to tell us about his fun. His family is wealthy and they constantly take vacations. "Well, over the summer we went all over Asia," he says. He pulls an envelope out of his bag and reveals a stack of pictures within. Rue and I move to be able to see everything. Each picture is of his entire family in front of different monuments and events. He has the same curly blonde hair and gray eyes as his father; quite an unusual pair. His mother is also blonde but has dark blue eyes and a beautiful smile. It's no wonder why his parents love one another, and their love is evident even in photographs. His family waves up at us from the pictures as he describes each one. 

"This winter, you've got to come with us, Valentine. Bring your father, too. I'm not sure where we're heading next,  but you've got to come. My mother's been dying to meet you," Marcus says. I smile and stare at his mother again. We've spoken in letters with each other and share the same passion for misunderstood creatures. Last Christmas, she sent me many books she personally annotated for me and I couldn't have thanked her enough. Rue has already gone on vacation with Marcus and his family and kindly declined every invitation after, stating that she is too lazy to keep up with every activity. 

Suddenly, the train screeches to a stop, sending Martin to the floor. I scramble to pick my furry best friend up and I put him back in his carrier so Rue can open the door. The lights begin to flicker and an overwhelming cold takes over. Rue steps into the walkway and I cross my arms to generate some heat. "What's going on?" I ask. Martin is meowing lowly in his carrier, which he has never done before. Even when the caretaker's naughty cat tried to attack him. 

"Everyone back in their cab!" Someone yells. Rue steps back in and the door suddenly slams shut, frost making it impossible to see clearly through. All that can be seen is a hooded figure seemingly floating past us, and a feeling of dread accompanies it. All I can think about is the loss of my mother and how I will never be able to see her again. A pit forms in my stomach and I lean back in my seat and close my eyes to try to get my mind off of the sudden thoughts.

After a moment, the terrible feeling is gone. The frost is gone along with it, and the lights are back on. I share glances with Rue and Marcus as the train begins to move again. "I'll be back," Marcus says. He stands and leaves the cab, following the commotion down the walkway. Rue and I follow, but we don't make it far. A boy is standing in front of us, snickering with his friends. 

"Can you believe it? Potter fainted. What a complete wuss," the boy scoffs. His friends laugh with him and I step forward. The boy turns to look at me - Draco Malfoy. You don't have to be in the same house as him to know who he is and his hatred for Harry Potter, his one and only rival. "Can I help you?" Draco asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Harry fainted?  Is he okay?" I ask. Draco and I lock eyes and he laughs before he turns to his friend to mock my question. Ah, I almost forgot that his arrogance and hostility aren't only focused on Harry.

Draco takes a step closer to me with a smirk still on his face. "What's it matter to you, Valentine? Don't you know he's with that filthy mudblood?" He asks. His friends laugh again but anger boils inside me. Mudblood is such a hateful word for someone who didn't choose to only have one wizard parent. Besides, why does it matter as long as your parents are in love?

"It matters because he's my friend. You know, some of us actually care for others," I reply. I can feel Rue's hand on my arm in an attempt to pull me away from him. There is no one in this school that can bring my anger out quite like Draco. 

Draco scoffs again. "I can care for others! Just not for him and his little, pesky friends!" He says. Marcus pushes past Draco and stands in front of me. "Watch where you're going!" Draco yells. He straightens his posture when Marcus turns around to talk to him. Although Marcus is handsome and kind, it is easy to be frightened by his 5'10" stature (that is, if you're also a student) and broad shoulders. It's hard to think how tall he'll be when he's full grown, given that he grew at least three inches over this past summer. Marcus steps closer to Draco and their noses are almost touching. Neither of them says anything as they stare at each other. "Do I need to repeat myself?"

"It's not worth it," Rue says. She pulls both me and Marcus back into our seats and shuts the door. "You guys have to watch your temper around him. He feeds off of angering others, you know."

Marcus takes a deep breath and relaxes back in his seat. I release Martin yet again and he jumps directly into Marcus's lap to calm him down. We continue the rest of the train ride to Hogwarts by telling each other about our summers.


Thank you to anyone who reads this! I'm hoping to write a longer book with character development on all parts (especially Draco). Please like and comment as the story develops! <3

Wonder will follow the storyline of the movies, but with less focus on Harry, Hermione, and Ron. They will be included, but will not be the main focus. This will be all PG 13 and Draco will remain the same smart-mouthed boy that we grew to love in the series. 

Again, thank you all. 

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