73. Truth Comes Out

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I wake up to my head pounding and my pillow drenched in sweat. I look around to find everyone else already gone from the dorm. Martin gently paws at me from on top of my bedside table. After I give him food, I take a shower and get dressed for the day. I have to tell someone about my dream. Was it a dream? The last time I had a dream similar to this one, it happened. My dream came to fruition when Lev stood above Draco in the maze.

Who can I tell about this, though? Sure, I could tell my friends. But I don't know anyone in the dream. The last one seemed reasonable enough - Lev posed a real threat and I knew there was a possibility of death in the tournament. But this dream? I can't really explain it.

After throwing my bag over my shoulder, I go to the great hall for breakfast. It seems like I'm the only one that slept in. My eyes instinctively scan the Slytherin table and lock eyes with Draco. He continues to look at me and I try to, but I almost knock into someone. Hermione. "Hermione, what's-"

She grabs my arm and pulls me out of the great hall. "Woah, what happened?"

"Mr. Weasley has been attacked."

"Wait, what?"

She nods, her face twisted in concern. "The Weasleys have all gone to see him. Something happened when he was protecting something in the Ministry."

We sit on the staircase as she fills me in about everything they've been keeping tabs on this semester, including someone being arrested for breaking in. One of the members of the Order of the Phoenix. "What do we do?" I ask.

Hermione shrugs. "Do you plan on returning for Christmas break?" She asks. I hadn't thought of it recently. Or at all, really. I want to go see my father, but I know he'll ask if I've stayed away from Draco like he ordered last year. I laugh internally - he's gotten his wish now.

Before I agree, I think about how Draco would feel if I spent another holiday with Fred and Harry. If I can fix everything before the break, he might invite me to his manor over the holidays. I only have two days to do that, though. But wouldn't getting back with Draco enforce what Umbridge thinks of me? Mending things right before Christmas?

And what about the Order? I want to become a member as soon as I can and I truly think I can help. My head spins with all the things I have to choose between during this short break.

"Valentine, are you okay?" Hermione asks. I hadn't realized how long I had been lost in thought. "What's wrong?"

I take a deep breath and tell her everything. I'm sure Harry has told her most of it - and by the look on her face I can see that I'm right - but I tell her every detail. It couldn't hurt, could it? She's also a genius. She can help.

"Let me see the photograph and I will see if I know the handwriting," Hermione suggests. "Meet me in the library during lunch with everything and we'll pretend to be studying. We study together for exams all the time, no one will suspect anything."


I've put both of the photographs in the envelope and tucked it into my potions textbook. If I'm lucky, Hermione might recognize the seal. Tomorrow is the last day of classes until break and I'm hoping Hermione and I can come up with enough to convince Draco that I'm completely innocent. Harry and Fred aren't here, either, so there won't be any more surprise photographs.

I'm happily shocked with how people want to help me mend things with Draco. Both Hermione and George despise him, but somehow like me enough to help me through this. Although I'm sure it's just to clear my name of any bad rumors, I'm touched that they would go so far to help.

I find Hermione tucked in a corner by a window, completely secluded in the partially empty library. "Hey," I greet with a smile. She moves three of the six books laid out on the table to make room for me. Rue and Marcus are sitting separately at two tables surrounding us to see if anything unusual happens. Rue has a camera with her, too, to capture anything. And Marcus... well, he's Marcus. He can tackle anyone who stares for too long.

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