16. Whomping Willow

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"He's already asking about parents? He should just get on one knee already," Marcus teases. We've studied for so long, we can't tell how much time has passed. We decided to gossip instead.

Rue hits Marcus's shoulder jokingly, but I'm sure she is along the same lines as him. "He hasn't even properly asked her out yet!" She defends. She's doing a terrible job at keeping her voice low. "Would you even be comfortable with him staying at your house? I mean, with his father's obsession with hating anyone that isn't pure blood, and all?"

My heart skips a beat at the thought of Draco meeting my father. I don't know when this idea came into the situation, but it's making me panic a little. I can't decide if I love the idea or hate it. I don't know why it's a topic of conversation because Rue is right - Draco and I aren't officially dating.

"It's a shame his father won't do anything about Buckbeak," I say, making an obvious effort to change the topic. Marcus notices this attempt and thankfully follows.

"I'm still in shock he actually asked. He's got a real soft spot for you, you know," he says, his grin becoming wider as he speaks. "If only he were a decent human being to others."

Before I can reply, there are chairs being pulled next to me. Fred and George Weasley plop down in each chair and grin at me, most likely already scheming on how to tease me. "If it isn't our little lovebird," Fred says, poking my nose.

"Where's the rest of you? Gone to buy a cozy cabin far away from here?" George adds, batting his eyelashes.

I hit his shoulder and roll my eyes. "Why is everyone advancing my relationship with Draco?" I groan, my hands rubbing my face. Something I said made the twins' eyes pop open.

"Aha! So you are dating! You owe me," George says, pointing to Fred.

I look at Fred with a confused expression. "What? I didn't think the bloke had feelings."

I didn't mean to call what I have with Draco a relationship. But friendships are relationships too, right? How I wish it was way more than just friends that occasionally kiss and have feelings for each other. Why won't he ask me out formally? Boys are too frustrating.

"Careful, I see steam coming out!" Rue teases and everyone joins in, fanning the imaginary steam emitting from my ears.

"Think too hard and that might be the end of you," Marcus adds, obviously enjoying his ability to tease me with his girlfriend.

Yet again, I roll my eyes and finally stand from the table, hoping my cheeks aren't too red from the conversation. "If you'll excuse me, I have a cat to feed." I ignore their teases as I leave the group. Although I take no offense to the twins, I still get embarrassed at the thought of someone cooing at my supposed relationship with Draco. As I am exiting the library, I pass Seamus studying with a group of friends. "Seamus, have you seen Martin?" I ask. All of my friends know my round furry friend and Martin sometimes decides to follow them around. He's about as nosy as Marcus and Rue are.

Neville Longbottom, a shy friend of Seamus's that doesn't seem to know the words to say when I'm around, looks up shyly and waves. I return the gesture and my gaze focuses back on Seamus. "I haven't. Sorry, Valentine."

Neville clears his throat and although his head is directed to the homework in front of him, his eyes are looking up at me nervously. "I saw him earlier," he starts, his voice cracking at the beginning of his sentence. A few people snicker and he shakes his head and clears his throat, obviously too embarrassed to continue. I step closer and smile reassuringly. When my head nods in encouragement, Neville continues. "He was outside near the Whomping Willow."

My heart drops slightly at the mention of the horrid tree that tries to eliminate anything that comes near it. "Thank you, Neville," I say. I give another wave to Seamus and exit the library to start my journey to find my cat. Martin loves to go outside and play with other animals - there's no telling what creatures he has come into contact with while on one of his adventures. I'm sure there's an author somewhere that can write amazing stories about where my cat has been.

Thanks to preparations for exams, there aren't many people in the castle. Even the students I pass do not care to give me a second glance as I continue outside. Thankfully there is no rain coming from the sky, though it is downcast and a bit chilly.

As I'm outside, I see a flash of pink in the forbidden forest that catches my eye. Although I'm squinting, I can't see anything or where the color could've come from. I can't shake the feeling of being watched, but I continue to the whomping willow to find Martin.


I stop in my tracks at the sight ahead of me. Hermione is latched onto one of the branches of the whomping willow and Harry is ducking as the tree branches swing at him. "Harry!" I yell, running forward and grabbing my wand. I'm not sure what to do, but I have to do something.

Harry's attention turns to me and there's utter confusion riddling his face, soon replaced with more panic. "Valentine! You shouldn't be-"

Hermione grabs Harry and they're thrown into the base of the tree, disappearing from sight. The whomping willow stops it's attack while my wand is still shaking in my hand. Before I can process anything, an orange cat runs past me and touches the base of the tree. It's Crookshanks, Hermione's cat. He meows at me once and I run into the opening I just saw my friends fall down.

When I fall onto the cold floor beneath, the wind is knocked out of me. I heave for a moment, but sit up and grab my wand once again. "Lumos," I whisper. I follow the sounds of heavy breathing in front of me and find Harry and Hermione walking up a dark, narrow staircase of the swaying building. Hermione glances back at me and her eyes widen. She shakes her head in an attempt to discourage me from following, but I'm already too far in. Besides, I have no clue how to leave this place. Wherever this place is.

"Ron!" Harry exclaims, running past Hermione and into a bedroom. Ron's leg looks completely broken and he's on the bed. I've never seen him look so terrified and he's shaking his head vigorously, begging us not to follow. Hermione and I follow anyways, running into the room with him and Harry.

The door slams shut behind us and a man with sunken features and black, matted hair appears from behind it with a wand raised. "It's a trap," Ron whimpers.

My heart drops in realization. I'm trapped with Hermione, Ron, and Harry. Which only means that the person in front of us has to be ...

"Sirius Black."

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