79. Another Holiday Over

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"Are you... what?" I ask.

A look of realization flashes over Draco's face and he takes a sudden step back. "Oh, nothing. Never mind," he mutters. He walks faster and I struggle to keep up with him. First he says he'd kill for me, now he's saying that he wants to run away together?

"Draco, please!" I beg. I tug on his arm and successfully stop him from going any further. He sighs and pinches his nose with his skinny fingers in regret. "How long have you had that thought?" I ask.

A flash of red hair catches my attention for a moment. Across the street, Fred and George are watching while laughing about something. I'm sure they'd be casting spells if they were able to, scaring off kids and frustrating their parents. "Why do you need security?" Draco asks in annoyance. I know he's trying to change the subject. It temporarily works.

"They're here to make sure I get back," I reply. I gaze into his beautiful gray eyes and look at him for a moment. He looks handsome. Not just good looking, but completely breath taking. Even when his eyebrow cocks in confusion as he looks down at me. "You want to run away together?" I ask in a whisper.

His eyebrow lowers and he looks down at me as he thinks. "Could you stand being away from them?" He asks in reply. His head nods subtly to the ginger boys watching us. "It seems you can't."

I sigh and wrap my arms around him. He doesn't look mad; he looks vulnerable. It's rare that I see such vulnerability on his face; it usually happens when he's let his thoughts get the best of them. "I see the way he looks at you," Draco whispers. "Both of them. Two of my sworn enemies look at you with such adoration that it kills me."

"I'll run away with you," I say. My words are barely above a whisper as I speak them. His eyes cautiously find mine and we stay there for a moment. To be completely honest, the idea terrifies me. I've only ever followed the rules and adhered to any instruction given to me. But I've never taken any risks. Well, not until recently. I apparently can't stop taking risks.

"Do you think... will it come to that? Someday?" I question.

Draco blinks quickly to hide the tears in his eyes. "Just forget I said anything." He suddenly pulls away and grabs my hand. He leads me into another shop to distract me from our conversation.


"You ready?" Hermione asks from the doorway. They've all been hesitant to speak to me since that failed assassination attempt on Christmas Eve. It's not like I've been too eager to speak about it, either.

Is this what Harry feels like all the time? Constantly worried that a total stranger could be the end of his life? I take a deep breath and turn to smile at Hermione. "I'm ready to be back," I reply. I can hear shuffling from the hallway above us and know that the boys are almost ready, too.

"We'll always be here for you, you know?" Hermione says. I shove the last of my belongings into my trunk and throw my purse over my shoulder. I know she is being genuine when she speaks, but I know that they have too much on their hands.

Voldemort is focused on killing Harry. Umbridge is taking over the school and making it worse day by day. There's no telling what other special rules she made up while we were all away. We also have to discuss when we'll continue Dumbledore's Army lessons, but we've decided to leave that until after the first week back.

"Here, I'll help you," Mrs. Weasley offers, appearing behind Hermione and making her way into the bedroom. She's tried to be motherly to me and for that I am thankful. It's just so difficult.

"Thank you, Mrs. Weasley," I whisper. She pats my shoulders and continues downstairs. Hermione follows her with her own bag and I sit down next to Martin, who is purring and looking up at me cutely. "Can I train you to bite Umbridge's face on command?" I ask.

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