23. Hogwarts Express

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"I love you," Marcus says to his parents, who return the farewell. Rue and I line behind him to hug his parents, who have been more than hospitable these past few weeks. "I'll make sure to write whenever I can."

We find our way to a cabin inside the train and look out the window again. His parents are below us, his mom in his father's arms. "Please be careful this year! You have to keep us updated weekly!" His mother calls. After Marcus promises, we take our seats and wait for the ride to begin. My owl, Val, is in her cage and chirping lightly to Rue's owl. Martin, my chubby orange best friend, is purring next to Marcus.

"She's been so worried. Do you think it's because of the dementors and Sirius last year?" Marcus asks. He's right - his mother seems very excited and nervous for us this year. Mr. Weatherby has dropped hints that this year will be like no other.

"It has to be. What other reason could there be?" Rue asks.

"How much do you think they know about last year?" I inquire. Rue shrugs, but I'm sure her parents know exactly what happened, besides the whole truth of Sirius not being a killer. My best friends don't even know that much, and I was there when it was revealed. The train hisses and it begins to roll away from the station. We wave to the Weatherbys again as they become smaller as they get further away.

Fifteen minutes into our ride, the door slides open and I'm shocked to see who's standing there. "Can I have a word with you?" Draco asks. His eyes are on me as if Rue and Marcus aren't next to me, or if Martin didn't stand and meow at his arrival. I'm sure Martin remembers that Draco was the one that rescued him when he was trapped in an unfamiliar place.

Marcus stands and steps in front of Draco. Draco had to have grown this summer; there isn't as big of a height difference as there was last year. I noticed his height at the World Cup but seeing him next to Marcus makes me remember. "I don't think that's the best idea, Malfoy," Marcus warns. Rue grabs his hand to hold him back but he shakes it off. I stand, too, and my hand on his arm grabs his attention.

"It's okay, Marcus," I say. He gives me a confused glance but I nod reassuringly. "I'll be right back."

I follow Draco down a few train carts to a less crowded place. To our left is a table with four chairs surrounding it. Pansy, Crabbe, and Goyle are sitting at it. Pansy is glaring at me as if I've personally offended her. I'm sure it's because Draco likes me. But, after his pride of mudbloods being targeted at the Quidditch World Cup, I'm not sure how genuine his feelings are.

We sit in the far right, with barely anyone near us. I'm sure he told people to move before he came to get me so no one could hear us. My idea is confirmed by the stares of other students who are struggling to make it more secretive. I focus my attention on Draco again; his pale eyes look compassionate when they land on me. "You never responded to my letter," I say. I know it isn't what I should begin with, but it's what came out. He promised he would write back at the end of the school year, but he never did.

"What letter?" Draco asks. I try to read his expression for any hint of deception, but his ignorance is true. He either has no clue about the letter, or he's the world's best actor. "Valentine, I waited every day for a letter to arrive from you."

"Draco, I wrote you a letter! I sent my owl to deliver to Rue and then to you. Rue received her letter."

Draco sighs and reaches for my hands, which are nervously playing with each other as he speaks. His warm hand rests there and squeezes mine. When his other hand joins to cup my hands, I try to fight the butterflies that rise in my stomach. I'm still mad at him for his hurtful words over the summer. But could it have been different if he had received my letter?

"My father must have gotten to it before me. Valentine, please believe me," Draco pleas. There's a twinkle of desperation in his eyes I haven't seen before.

"What about what you said at the World Cup?" I question. I know this has turned into an interrogation, but I need to trust him again. "You were a little too proud to be getting rid of filth like me."

Draco winces at my words. "Valentine, please," he begs. His eyes won't leave mine. When I stare deep into his eyes, I feel as if I can trust anything that comes from his mouth. "I can't explain everything to you, but you have to trust me."

I know exactly what he means. I know the reasoning is that he has to act a certain way per his fathers orders. The more I find out about Lucius Malfoy, the worse I feel about him. After a moment of thinking, I sigh. I can't stay mad at him knowing the stress his father puts him under.

"Do you promise not to torment Hermione about that anymore?"

Draco's face twists into disgust momentarily. He bites his bottom lip; I know he wants to argue about it. "If I promise, will you forgive me?"

I nod my head. Draco sighs in relief. I can see him physically deflate from the stress he's felt since. "Valentine, I cannot tell you how worried I've been that you would never forgive me."

He stands from his seat and takes the one next to me and cups my face in his hand. He leans in and I can almost melt at the touch of his soft lips on mine. He hesitates at first, but when I return the kiss, he leans further to deepen the kiss.

"Times up."

Marcus is standing next to us with his arms crossed. His outer appearance is intimidating, but I know him too well. I see the hint of amusement in his eyes when he looks down at me as if he were a disappointed father. Draco stands barely an inch from him and I can feel the tension growing. I put my hand on Draco's arm to dissuade him. "Draco, please," I beg. Per usual, I bring out my begging eyes. It works as it usually does - Draco takes a step back from Marcus to let me follow.

"Valentine," Draco calls. I turn from where I stand behind Marcus. Draco places his right hand on the back of my head and his left hand on my waist as he kisses me tenderly. My knees buckle at the sudden affection - I stand in place after he takes a step back. Draco smirks at me, glares at Marcus, then joins his friends at his table.

Marcus links our arms together as we speed-walk back to Rue. I know he's dying to tell her everything.

When we arrive back, Marcus flings the door shut as I take my seat next to Martin. "What happened?" Rue asks. I can tell she's weary of what I am about to say. The rest of the summer, she has been on the fence about Draco. She constantly said how he would have to win back her approval, and I'm sure she'll just melt at what just happened.

"You'll never believe what the Slytherin Romeo just did!" Marcus exclaims.

Another long chapter!! I'm feeling ~romantic~ again so I wanted to write a sweet moment between Draco and Valentine. Also, small spoiler - I will change the storyline significantly for this year. Please stay with me though because I think it's a great plan!! <3

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