75. A Big Prank

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We have luckily avoided Umbridge's wrath, safely making it on the train and sighing in relief as the train begins to move away from Hogsmeade. Hermione and I are sitting together, the door shut so we can have more privacy. Some students have passed to look in as if I'm a zoo animal, but Hermione has done a great job in making them leave.

"I can't imagine how you're feeling, breaking up right before break," Hermione says in sympathy. "If there's anything I can do for you, Valentine, I-"

"Hermione, I have something to tell you."

I've never been one for secrets. Surely I can trust her with this one, right? Maybe she can help me to avoid any advances over the next few weeks. "Draco and I... we didn't really break up."

"What? But I saw-"

I shake my head. "Fake. We staged it so Umbridge would get off our back. I couldn't risk being expelled. Especially since I'm one of the leaders of an organization meant to rise against her and the Ministry."

Hermione looks at me in disbelief. "Wow, Valentine, I don't know what to say," she finally replies. "I mean, it's genius. And it could really help with Dumbledore's Army to have you off her radar..."

I'm sure she still doesn't like the fact that I'm with Draco, but she surely has to trust to some extent that he wouldn't tell. She was completely on board with me leading with Harry, after all. "Have you heard anything about Mr. Weasley?" I ask in an attempt to change the subject.

It works. "No, I haven't. Harry and Ron haven't written to me. I hope that he hasn't gotten worse."

We fall into a silence as worry begins to take over. "Surely nothing worse. We would've known," I finally reply. Hermione gives me a half-hearted smile and we change topic. "Don't you miss your father during the holidays?" I ask. Hermione never speaks about her parents, and I've only just noticed.

"Oh, em... yeah, of course I do. I'm sure you understand when I say that... well, being in the muggle world during the holidays isn't as exciting as it is in the wizard world."

A smile appears on my face before I can stop it. She's completely right - no muggle Christmas can compare to how truly magical it is when you're with other witches and wizards. "You're right. What have you gotten the boys?"

There's a light knock on the door and we find that the trolley of candy is being pushed around. I immediately stand and grab some coins from my purse. "Would you like some?" I ask. Hermione nods, stands, then we both take a few pastries before paying and shutting the door.

"Thank you, Valentine. Do you miss your father? You know, after that blow up he had with the Malfoys."

I sigh and think about how little I've written my father. My heart aches, knowing how mad he'd be that I'm still with Draco, despite everything. Would he also be furious to find that I'm co-leading a group and teaching defense against the dark arts? Maybe word will get to him about my public breakup somehow.

"I do," I reply. "I just feel guilty. Part of me knows I'm doing everything against his will, but the other part of me knows that it's for the best. Even if no one else sees it, I know it. Especially with Dumbledore's Army. He wouldn't approve of me helping with something so dangerous, but I wouldn't give it up for the world."


Fred and George greet us at the train station with Tonks and Moody by their side. I'm immediately suspicious of why Harry and Ron aren't with them, but I don't have time to think much of it. George already has my luggage in his hands and Fred has Martin and my purse in his. Since Val loves the other owls at Hogwarts, I've decided to leave her there over holiday. She hooted every time I tried to persuade her out of her cubby, so I assumed she didn't want to come, either. "Good afternoon, ladies," George greets. Tonks grabs a few of Hermione's bags while Hermione holds Crookshanks' carrier and her purse.

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