55. Awkward

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It's the first full day at the burrow, and I feel as awkward as ever. Ginny, Hermione, and I are sharing a room toward the top of the house while the boys are in rooms on the floor above and below us.

The sun is shining beautifully through the window next to my bed, making my pink sheets look more cozy than normal. As I lay on my back, I think of things I could do until the other girls wake up. I could read, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to focus.

Martin jumps on my bed and meows lightly, his round orange head rubbing against my hand in an attempt to get my attention. I scratch between his ears lovingly - he's a piece of home that may keep me sane this summer. My father can't possibly expect me to be here the entire summer, right?

I quietly get out of bed and follow him down the hallway to where his food bowl is. Crookshanks slinks from behind a doorway and joins us, knowing where I'm going. Their tails intertwine as they trot down the stairs, leading me excitedly to their food.

When I enter the kitchen, I'm surprised to see George and Mrs. Weasley already awake. "Oh, um, good morning," I say.

Mrs. Weasley looks up from washing the dishes and George smiles with a mouthful of toast. "Monin' Valendine," George says through his mouthful of food. Mrs. Weasley scolds him before she offers me food as well.

"Oh don't worry about them, dear! I've already fed them," she assures me. I look down at the two cats that are purring and rubbing against my legs, begging for food. "They're cheeky, aren't they?"

I nod my head and take a seat at the table, George pulling out a seat next to me and handing me toast with some jelly on it. "Mum makes the best jelly," he says. "You should eat it. I'm sure Fred has a million things planned for you two today."

Mrs. Weasley thumps the back of George's head, making him spit out some toast on the table. "Leave the poor girl alone! She's had a hard year, I don't want you two making any more trouble for her!"

She sets down some orange juice and cereal in front of me. "Do eat, dear, breakfast is important!"

Large thundering steps can be heard running down the staircase and Ron and Fred fling open the door, both of them arguing about something. They become silent once they see me staring at them with wide eyes.

"Do you ever sleep?" Ron asks. "Blimey, woman, it's barely light out!"

He and Fred sit across from me and George and they gladly accept the food from their mom. Hermione and Ginny join a few minutes later, both gaping at how much the boys in front of them eat.

Mr. Weasley joins us, opening up a newspaper and thanking Ginny for spreading jam on his toast. "So, Valentine, I heard you help your father with muggle law?" Mr. Weasley asks politely.

"Yes, sir, on the breaks I help him at his law firm," I reply. Ginny gives me an apologetic look as her father sets his newspaper down and leans forward, intrigued. "I typically just help with the paperwork and sometimes be a receptionist on busy days."

"I'm impressed! You could use your knowledge and power to work for the Ministry of Magic when you graduate. Have you given any thought to it?"

"Dad, I don't think Valentine wants any recruitment this summer," Fred groans. He's already finished twice as much food as any of us have.

"What? She's a wonderful witch, only a fool would miss an opportunity to-"

Mrs. Weasley clears her throat to stop her husband from blabbering. I'm sure I'm as red as the Gryffindor ties by this point, but I still try to hide it by looking down at my plate. "It's fine, really," I explain. "I don't think it's too early to think about life after Hogwarts."

I have never considered what life would be like after Hogwarts. After this past school year, I've found that I'm honestly not prepared at all for what life can be like in an instant. I miss when my only problem was if Draco liked me, not why Cedric was the one that died, or why Marcus had to be the one to kill Lev in order to save my life. How is he even handling everything?

"You sound like Hermione," Ron says, chugging the rest of his orange juice and wiping his mouth. "Haven't you ever thought about, I dunno, having fun?"

Hermione and I giggle at how simple-minded Ron is. "Ron, I'd like to see how much fun you'd have if you had a year like mine."

Ron blushes and mumbles an apology.

"Anyways, I must get going," Mr. Weasley announces. We all bid him a goodbye and then another silence falls over us.

"Erm, Valentine, I was thinking... well, wondering really..." Fred begins.

"Get on with it!" Ginny hisses. I try not to laugh at the glare Fred gives her. "Do you expect us to wait around all day for you to ask her something?"

I hide another laugh as Ginny rolls her eyes. Hermione is smirking now, too, her eyes finding Ron's as we wait for Fred to finish his question. "Would you mind helping George and I with a few plans we have for this year?"

Although I know Fred truly wants to spend more time alone with me, I can't help but be relieved that he's added George to his plans. "As long as you can fix whatever charm you put on me."

Mrs. Weasley warns them to not hurt me too badly before we all put our dishes in the sink. "We'll see you in a bit, Valentine," George says, clapping my shoulders with both of his hands. He leans down to whisper in my ear. "Don't worry, he's all bark and no bite."

I swat George away and he leaves, laughing, while Fred follows him out with a confused expression. "Let me know if they become too much, dear," Mrs. Weasley says.

I join Hermione and Ginny in our room and we all get dressed for the day. "Don't worry, Valentine, we'll save you before dinner," Hermione promises.

After we say our goodbyes for the time being, I descend the staircase and walk outside to join the twins in whatever shenanigans they have planned for the day.

I'm so, so sorry for the wait. My time has been eaten up a lot by a lot of personal things, but hopefully I can get back in the rhythm of everything. <3

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