27. Attention

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Before I open the Hufflepuff common door, I take a deep breath. I don't want to face anyone right now and would stay out all night if I could. I know I can't do this, and would rather not sleep on the cold floor, so I open the door without another thought. 

Everyone turns toward me and the laughter abruptly stops. I step through the doorway and let the door close behind me. As suddenly as the laughter ended, applause begins. "Brilliant! Two Hufflepuff champions!" Someone cheers. I'm pushed to the center where Cedric is. His cheeks are flushed and he's smiling down at me.

"I told them not to make such a fuss," Cedric tells me. He puts his hand on my shoulder reassuringly. "I know you didn't put your name in the goblet. I could tell by the fear on your face."

All I can think to do is hug him. The top of my head is right under his nose as I squeeze him. He might be one of the only ones who believe I would never do anything like that.

Big hands are suddenly on my shoulders and I'm pulled away from Cedric. Marcus and Rue stand behind me like parents that are ready to scold their children. "Did they tell you it was a mistake?" Rue asks. It's difficult to hear her over the people trying to high-five and congratulate me over something I don't feel proud of.

We squeeze our way through the crowd and sit at our normal table. Martin is laying there already, his cute orange face crumbly in anger. He has never liked crowds. "You're making me nervous! Just tell us they excused you already!" Marcus says. His eyes widen when I don't say anything. "You're kidding!"

I shake my head. "I begged to not participate but apparently I'm bound by some magical contract," I explain. "I even offered to have detention every day all year."

Martin stretches and then rubs his face against my forehead. He's purring loudly and he's vibrating every time he makes contact with me. "Valentine, people have died," Rue hisses. There are tears in her eyes and her lips are shaking as she speaks. Parts of her curly black hair have been straightened by how many times she's run her hands through it.  "There's no way they would make you do it! You're fourteen!"

"What can I do? Run away? They'd find me! Rue, I have no choice."

Marcus rubs his forehead and leans forward. "Valentine, I don't like this. We know you didn't put your name in. But who did? Who would hate you enough to do something like that?"

"Pansy Parkinson seems to have it out for her," Rue suggests. Marcus shakes his head.

"No. She's not old enough. Besides, being jealous is different than being bloodthirsty."

He's got a point - there's no one that would ever put my name into the goblet. Even if not everyone likes me, no one wants me dead. Well, that's what I thought before today. It's obvious that there's someone out there that wants me in danger. But who?


My arm links with Rue's as we walk toward Hogsmeade. People haven't stopped staring at me even after a week of the news. I wrote to my father last night about everything. Although I'm terrified, I told my father I'm excited about representing my school. I can't have him worry, especially since he can't do anything to help me. He can't even see me during this tournament.

"Valentine, can I have a word?"

Rue and I stop. Draco is in front of us, his face pale and eyes sunken. It's similar to how he looked when I was hurt last year - he hasn't slept. Rue gives me a look and I nod. She glares at Draco before joining the rest of the students towards Hogsmeade.

"What is it, Draco?"

He holds his hand out for me to take. I hesitate; can you blame me for being cautious after what he's said recently? Although I have doubts, I put my hand in his and he leads me away from the path. We sit down on a bench overlooking the lake and sit quietly for a while.

"It killed me to hear your name called," Draco whispers, breaking the silence. His focus is still on the lake. "I screamed at Snape until my voice went hoarse."

He was that worried? "You still care about me?" I ask. It's a genuine question; sometimes I can't tell where he stands. He turns towards me and his face twists in anger and disbelief.

"Valentine, I never stopped caring! I didn't eat for days after you refused to come with me during the chaos at the World Cup. I didn't know if you were safe!"

Draco takes a deep breath and runs his hands through his hair. He keeps his head in his hands for a moment. "You'll never understand what I'm going through. It's unbelievably hard to keep you away from...." He clears his throat and straightens his posture. "Away from danger."

"Draco, I'm already in danger! I'm not fit for the triwizard tournament yet I must compete. Somebody wants me hurt and I really need you to be on my side here." My voice cracks at the end. I don't know how long I've been holding in my yearning for his presence. He makes me feel so safe; separated from the harsh reality of the world. I can feel him looking at me but I keep my head down. I don't want to cry, especially in front of him. Why must I feel this longing for him?

Draco puts his hand gently under my chin and moves my head to where I'm facing him. "Valentine, I won't let anyone hurt you," he promises. His gaze is unwavering; there's a pain in his eyes as he says those words. "I will do whatever I can to help you win this tournament."

I nod my head in appreciation and throw my arms around him. His arms hold me tightly as tears pour from my eyes. Draco's hand rubs my back soothingly until I am calmed enough to pull away. "Better?" He asks. I nod my head and we both stand. I wipe the remaining tears from my face and we continue our walk to Hogsmeade.

When we arrive at the Three Broomsticks, I instantly find Rue and Marcus sitting at a table in the corner. Their eyes turn towards us and Rue waves her hand. "Draco, can we please sit with them?" I beg. My hand is on his arm and I'm pleading with my eyes again.

"I can't say no to you. I'll buy us butter beer and meet you over there."

Draco departs from my side and I almost run to my friends. "Valentine, are you okay? Have you been crying?" Rue asks.

"I swear, if he made you cry, I'll-"

I wave my hand and giggle to dismiss Marcus's threat. "Marcus, I'm fine. Well, I'm not fine. But Draco actually soothed me when I was crying."

Rue hits the table repeatedly in excitement. "He's head over heels for you! He's softer than I expected." Isn't this the woman who just glared at him for asking to talk with me?

Suddenly, four butter beers are set in the middle of us. We all whip our heads to see Draco standing at the end. "What are you giggling about?" He asks. Rue and Marcus hide their laughter as I pull Draco into the seat next to me.

"Why'd you get four? Stealing our best friend makes you thirsty?" Marcus inquires, raising an eyebrow teasingly. I swear, he can go from hating Draco to welcoming him in ten seconds.

Draco scoffs. "It's not stealing, she's not an object. You're looking for the word kidnapping," he retorts. "And, if you couldn't count correctly, there's four of us. One, two, three, four," Draco counts, pointing to each of us as he does so. "And if we're going to get Valentine through this, we have to be friendly. Is that too hard?"

My jaw drops a little - I had almost forgotten how sarcastic Draco is since he is only ever sweet to me.

"Okay, what's your plan?" Rue asks.

Draco will be under a lot of stress because of his (obvious) personal problems from the movies and having to get his girlfriend through each task. Which means ... sarcastic and temperamental Draco.

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