24. Triwizard Tournament

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We've all gathered at the tables of our respective houses and have completed the sorting ceremony. The small, nervous first-years have found their place in the empty seats between us. Per usual, the food is was grand - my stomach aches with how much I've eaten.

Professor Dumbledore clears his throat to begin his welcome speech. Excitement buzzes through the air despite everyone being silenced. "It is with great pleasure that I see every student back and have the chance to welcome the new."

A few of us smile reassuringly to the soaking wet young students that halfway slipped on the way in. It's been storming since the train ride, and it made it almost impossible to arrive without being drenched. Professor Dumbledore continues his speech with the usual welcoming when the doors swing open with a clang.

All of our heads turn to see a man clanking his way up to the professors. One of his legs is wooden and he has a large glass eye that constantly moves, scanning the crowd. He is not as wet as we are - maybe he arrived before the storm? His face is the most peculiar of all; it's covered in scars that cut in every direction. Who is this man?

As if hearing my thoughts, Rue leans forward. "It's Mad-Eye Moody! The auror!" Excited and nervous whispering erupt from around us, yet most students stay silent. This includes me; yet I can't help but feel uneasy as his fake eye lands on me and stays while he passes. If it could see through the back of his head, I'm sure he'd be looking at me. Why? I'm not the daughter of another auror or an important person in the ministry.

Professor Dumbledore introduces Professor Moody, who will be teaching defense against the dark arts. "I have an exciting announcement to make," Professor Dumbledore continues. This is enough to silence all of us - finally, the reason for Mr. And Mrs. Weatherby to act as suspicious as they have been recently. "An event that hasn't taken place in many years will take place in our very school. Students, I am proud to announce that we will host the Triwizard Tournament at Hogwarts."

The what? I don't seem to be the only person confused, but many students erupt in cheers. "There will be two schools joining us. I trust that you will all welcome them warmly. Our guests will arrive in October, shortly before we choose a champion from each school to compete.

"I am obligated to warn you all about the dangers of this tournament. Do not take entering lightly. With that being said, we have added an age requirement for candidates. Students must be seventeen years of age to be considered."

This time it is screams of anger. Fred and George Weasley are above the other yells of frustration, which no doubt is unsurprising to Professor Dumbledore, evident in his lingering gaze fixated on the twins. "There will be three events not to be disclosed to the champions that will be distributed throughout the school year. More information will come in time, but for now, I bid you a Goodnight."

More angry grunting comes from fellow students as we make our way to our respective dormitories. "I agree with the age restriction," Rue huffs as people pass. Rue has always been a strict rule follower, so it's no surprise she's rolling her eyes as the passing students scheme how to enter.

We find our usual spot at the table in Hufflepuff common by the window. Martin is already sitting on the windowsill awaiting our arrival. "Do you think Fred and George may actually try to enter?" Marcus asks, as if there's any doubt that they will.

"There's no way they can get through whatever precautions Professor Dumbledore will impose," I reply. "They're masters of trickery, but they can't outsmart Professor Dumbledore."


Time passes rather quickly; the main topic of interest is the Triwizard Tournament and how the Quidditch matches will be affected. Another popular discussion is Professor Moody and his rather hostile style of teaching. Although I'm intrigued by the spells he's teaching, I can't help but to find it absurd that he is willing to practice curses on students.

"Did you see your father in the paper, Weasley? He's made the front page," someone teases. Rue and I exchange glances and we turn the corner to the main hall. Draco is standing with The Daily Prophet in his hands and is holding it tauntingly at Ron, Harry, and Hermione as they enter the dining hall for dinner. Crabbe, Goyle, and Pansy are standing behind Draco and are laughing.

"Is this your mum?" Draco continues. "It would have to be - you've got her wild orange hair. She's a bit plump, don't you think? She's taking up most of this picture."

"Shut up, Malfoy!" Harry yells. Hermione is tugging on his arm to pry him from the situation. Ron is standing, taking ragged, deep breaths as he glares at Draco.

When Hermione has finally convinced her friends to leave, Draco pulls out his wand to try and curse them. "Oh no you don't!"

Professor Moody appears from behind me and Rue with his arm outstretched toward Draco. Well, what was Draco. There is a loud popping sound and now, in Draco's place, there is a white ferret. "Trying to jinx someone with their back turned like a coward!" Professor Moody booms. He is moving ferret Draco around in the air with his wand, making students giggle.

"Professor, stop!" I exclaim. His head turns to look at me but his wand remains fixated on ferret Draco, now dangling upside-down in the air.

"Ms. Walker, I could tell you things about his family that will make the hair on the back of your neck curl," Professor Moody grunts.

Professor McGonagall pushes her way through students to the clearing. "What is happening? Wha- is that a student? Set him down immediately!"

Professor Moody does as she says and she turns Draco back into normal. He runs off with his friends and I'm left speechless. What is with him this year? First, he exclaims hatred for mud bloods, which I am. Then he talks about a "plump" woman, which I also am.

Professor McGonagall continues to scold Professor Moody while I glance at Rue. I can tell she already knows what's going through my mind. She puts her arm around me and pulls me into the dining hall for dinner.

Sorry there is a lot of drama. It won't always be like this, but I needed to show that Draco is still the Draco in the books and movies. I'm pretty excited for the next coming chapters!

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