72. Blackmail and Weird Dreams

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A/N - I realized that I wrote Hagrid's arrival back too soon in the storyline but I don't want to go back and change it 😭😭

Rue links our arms as we follow Hagrid into the Forbidden Forest. There's typically some sort of unease when it comes to having to go in here during one of Hagrid's lessons, but the change of scenery is nice. Also, it's nice to not sit through a lecture and be told multiple times to study hard for the O.W.L.s.

We come to a clearing, and all of us look to Hagrid for clarification. There doesn't seem to be anything around us until I hear something shuffling behind the trees to our right. Silence falls over us as we look for whatever creature stands beyond. "What yer about ta see may not be visible to everyone here. In fact, I'm willin' ta bet only about three or four of ye can see 'em," Hagrid explains.

Hagrid whistles and the creature comes forward. It looks horse-like but is completely black and skeletal. "How many of ye can see 'em?" Hagrid asks. His eyes flicker to mine and then to Marcus's. Both of our hands raise, along with a petite Ravenclaw girl. I recognize her from the meetings. We lock eyes and I give her a small smile, which she returns.

"They're called thestrals. Only visible to those who've seen death."

Marcus and I look at each other then quickly look away. "How do we care for them if we can't see them?" A freckled brunette Hufflepuff asks. "I mean, only three people here can see them. It's impossible for us to know where they are."

"Oh, not impossible!" Hagrid laughs. "Here, I'll have ye feed 'em so you know." Hagrid plops two large buckets of raw meat down in front of us. One thestral eats that much? As soon as I have that thought, I hear more hooves in the leaves. A few more step into the clearing, each one with their nose in the air sniffing the meat. "Go on," Hagrid encourages. I roll my sleeves up, toss my bag on the ground, and grab a piece of meat. A few students look at me in wonder as I approach one of the thestrals, my arm as stretched as possible to maintain distance. The animal sniffs it a few times, then takes it from my hand and swallows it in two short bites. Students gasp at what they see.

"But what? How did that happen?" The boy from earlier asks. "The meat just disappeared!" I giggle and reach my hand out to touch the thestral, who sniffs my hand in search of meat. Afterward, Marcus and the other girl grab the meat and approach other animals. A few students follow suit, asking the three of us and Hagrid where to put the food so that the animals can eat them. I guess it would be strange if you couldn't see them. It's even strange since I can see them.

After a few moments, Hagrid motions for me to step away from the group to talk. He clears his throat and looks around awkwardly. "I, erm, just wanted ter let ye know I'm sorry. Harry and Draco got in an argument in their lesson... well, they said everythin'," he explains apologetically. I groan and cover my face with my non-meaty hand in embarrassment. Great. Now not only does Hagrid know, but the rest of the Slytherins and Gryffindors in our year know, too.

"It's okay, Hagrid. I'll, uh, work it out with Draco." I give him the best reassuring smile I can manage and he pats me on the back. My knees buckle but I'm quickly able to regain balance from his strong hand.

Once the lesson is over, Rue and Marcus suggest we go to the courtyard to study. "We need some fresh air," Marcus says. "No use being crammed in that library all the time."

We reach the courtyard and Rue stops abruptly, making me run into her and Marcus into me. "You know, we can just come back another time," Rue suggests. She turns around and tries to herd Marcus and me back inside when I realize what she's trying to hide from us. Draco and a few other Slytherins are by the field practicing spells.

"Rue, it's fine. He probably won't even notice we're here," I reply, feigning a laugh as I push past her and sit on a stone bench. Rue and Marcus reluctantly join me, Marcus sitting on my left to block my view of Draco. "What should we study first?" I ask.

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