8. Intruder

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We all stand against the railing on the staircase above the Gryffindor common room. One of the paintings were attacked and the woman who is usually in it is nowhere to be seen. Dumbledore pushes his way through the sea of students below and runs his hands over the painting. "Where is she?" He asks the surrounding paintings, his voice echoing in the open castle. Paintings begin to point at the staircase next to them, down the walkway from where we're standing. We run to meet Dumbledore and the Gryffindors over there. Our class just left divination and we followed the commotion.

Behind a rhino in a painting, the fat lady is hiding and sobbing. "It was him! Sirius Black!" She shrieks. There's an uproar of fear in the students, nearly deafening as everyone's voice echoes.

"Are you absolutely sure?" He asks. The fat lady nods and let's out another loud wail. "Everyone in your common rooms, now!" Dumbledore yells. We immediately obey and begin our theories on the way to our rooms; our herd isn't too far from the common room when our door flings open and our prefect ushers us in.

"Sirius Black, at Hogwarts? How did he get past the dementors?" Someone cries out. She's a young girl surrounded by a few others in her year. I quickly find Rue and Marcus at our usual table, Martin already purring in his spot. Martin jumps on our table and begins rubbing his face against our hands. He does this when we seem anxious.

Our prefect stands on a chair and whistles to get our attention. "We have been ordered by the professors to sleep together tonight. I ask that all of you grab small belongings and put your textbooks up within the next ten minutes. Afterwards, line up by the front door and I will lead us down."

Again, we do exactly as she says. No one speaks about anything other than how an escaped murderer can enter a castle as guarded as Hogwarts, especially with the extra security. When we have gathered our belongings, we crowd together in the common room as our prefect counts us. Once she feels assured that we're all present, we begin our walk to join the rest of the school.

Sleeping bags are already set up in long rows and Ravenclaw and Gryffindor are already here. We're told to line up for attendance before we can do anything else. After we go through attendance three times, Professor Flitwick dismisses us to roam within the room. I immediately walk to a group of Gryffindors, where Seamus is sitting in the middle.

He stands to greet me and we shake hands, as always. "Listen, Valentine, I'm sorry about-"

I wave my hand to stop him. "You don't have to apologize for not coming. What happened in potions?" I ask. The group behind him begins to laugh and he shushes them and turns to me, his face red.

"I promise you're a great teacher! I just, um... got a few ingredients mixed up."

So Draco isn't responsible for his accident. It was an actual accident. I guess Draco isn't a liar at all. Seamus puts his hand gently on my arm and guides me away from the group to talk privately. This is practically impossible because Slytherin has now arrived and it's too crowded to properly say anything is "private."

"A few people told me that they saw you dancing with Malfoy," he says. My smile drops and I see an unfamiliar look on his face; an expression of his I've never seen before. "Why would you go with me if you actually like Malfoy? Are you dating him?"

I immediately try to shake my head no. I can't believe I've hurt Seamus. The bright, shining, likable Seamus. "I'm so sorry, Seamus. I just... I didn't realize you asked me as more than friends. I know that sounds like a lame excuse, but please believe me. It wasn't until after you had asked that Rue explained to me you meant it as more than friends."

Seamus shakes his head and his smile doesn't return. "I looked like a completely idiot, telling everyone we were going together and then you dance with Malfoy. Isn't he incapable of having any feelings?"

The eyes of the group we previously left are on us. No doubt they were the ones to tell him and they probably hate me now for hurting their friend. I would also hate anyone who hurt Seamus like this. Seamus scoffs and looks behind me. "There he is now, just sizing me up."

When I turn, I see Draco leaning against the wall opposite of us and he turns his head away quickly when I look. Probably hiding a smirk, no doubt. He can be really cruel. "Seamus, I-"

When I begin to talk to Seamus, he's already returned to the group and isn't looking at me anymore. It'll probably be a while before he talks to me again, and I'm not sure how I'll be without his cheery attitude and welcoming presence.

Ignoring the rational thoughts of ignoring Draco to not give him any pleasure out of hurting Seamus, I march across the room and stand in front of him with my arms crossed. "What did he ever do to you?" I ask. He turns to me with a fake confused expression.

"What did I do? All I did was dance with you. Not my problem you have another admirer wishing he were me," he defends. The anger within me vanishes and is replaced with adrenaline and shock. Did he say another admirer? As in, more than one?

"Why don't you just date me then, if you can't handle other boys fancying me?"

My voice has risen to a scream, and I feel embarrassed when many eyes turn to look at us. Thankfully I wasn't loud enough for the entire student body to hear, but I was definitely louder than I needed to be. Draco steps closer and lowers his voice.

"Because, Valentine, if people know about us- or this, they'd-"

"They'd what? Make you feel embarrassed for liking me?" I finish. I'm not screaming anymore and I can hear my voice shaking. So, he does have feelings for me. But not enough to be seen with me.

Eyes are still on us, but no one can hear how lowly I'm speaking. Draco takes a step closer, his face an inch from mine. His breath is shaky and warm and smells like mints. "No, Valentine. If people know the only way to get to me is you, then you'd just be the target of the school and I can't let that happen."

My hurt dissipates and I feel I could cry, but for the best reason. I can't even begin to comprehend what's happening. Draco has a weakness. And it's me. No, that can't be right. I have to be dreaming. Draco takes a step back and walks away, toward another group of students. His minions follow and I'm left staring at the empty wall.

Draco fancies me.

I'm not sure if the people reading this are kpop stans, but this chapter came out a bit later because Moonbin of Astro passed away today and I've been grieving. Hoping everyone reading this is doing well.

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