5. Hogsmeade

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Rue is almost in hysterics and Marcus's hands are over his mouth. We're currently on a bench under a shade; it's pouring down rain like the day on the quidditch field, but we still needed a private area to talk. "You kissed him! I can't believe this. Someone go get Madam Pompfrey, I think I'm about dead!" Marcus exaggerates. I laugh and hit his shoulder, although it's the exact reaction I wanted to get. When I returned yesterday afternoon, they were both away so I couldn't tell them. I wasn't able to tell them at dinner, either, because we were too busy complaining about the essay Professor Snape assigned; the annoyance made me temporarily forget the event.

"So that basically confirms that I was right - you like Malfoy!" Rue squeals. I shush her and look around to make sure no one is within earshot. "It can't be a secret much longer! Surely someone saw you kiss him. It's only a matter of time before you become public."

I roll my eyes. "There's nothing to become public! I only kissed him because I was so emotional that he found Martin!" I defend, hoping that they'll believe it. I can't even tell if I'm lying or not. Like I said to Hermione, feelings are confusing.

"That he most certainly went looking for, might I add!" Marcus says. He's as supportive of me and Malfoy as Rue is, which makes it even more difficult to be rational about this situation. I mean, I wouldn't say no if Malfoy asked me on a date. But I also am not sure if I would say I had feelings for him.

The bell towers rings, alerting us that it's time for lunch. Relief washes over me and I jump up and head toward the dining hall, hoping that that will be the end of the conversation.


During dinner, Professor McGonagall clears her throat to make an announcement. Silence overcomes the dining hall as we turn towards her. "For those old enough - you know who you are - this weekend is the first weekend students are allowed at Hogsmeade. And remember - no signature, no trip!"

After dinner, I excitedly talk about what to do with Seamus and Ron. I found them already talking outside of the dining hall and joined their conversation. I know nothing about Hogsmeade other than what people have told me. Their excitement is enough to fuel my own, and I'm happily anticipating exploring. My father happily signed my form once it arrived. He says he's trying to allow me more freedom, and that this was the perfect opportunity for him to feel reassured while I got to explore more of the wizard world.

"It's a shame Harry can't come," Seamus says. A tension forms in the group as the three of us feel sorry for Harry. It's no surprise he can't come, with how much his aunt and uncle hates all things magic. "Say, do you think there's a way we can smuggle him with us?"


Students group together as we hand the caretaker our signed forms. Rue and I have our arms linked in excitement - this is one of my first true adventures outside of the "muggle world," as everyone says. "What should we do first?" Rue asks. We both have a sweet tooth and have decided to spend extensive time in a candy shop.

I spoke to Marcus and Rue before and encouraged them to spend some time alone during this trip. We all agreed that Rue and I would be together at first, and that they'd spend time together and I could hang out with some other friends. After all, I support their relationship and don't want to create any unnecessary tension.

We follow the group to Hogsmeade and continue to giggle about everything that's happened recently. Rue tells me about all of the sweet gestures Marcus does for her, like intentionally learning tricks on how to make flowers appear and prolong their life. I honestly didn't think Marcus had a romantic side, but I've never had a reason to see that side of him.

When we arrive, we go to multiple different shops and talk with other students. I buy lipgloss and a new scarf at a small boutique and decide to end our time together and meet up with Marcus at the candy shop. We find him there already talking to a few Ravenclaw boys from class and immediately make our way over to him. He gestures to the overfilled bag in Rue's hand and laughs. "I see both of you are impulsive buyers."

We decide not to defend ourselves because it's not far from the truth. I excuse myself to look around and give them some time to talk. I head for a less crowded section of the store and begin to choose different chocolates and candies. I say goodbye to my friends and checkout, heading for a place to find something warm to drink. Although it's not freezing, it is a bit chilly and a warm drink sounds amazing right now.

"Your friends decide to leave you, Hufflepuff?"

Draco is leaning against the back of a bench with an eyebrow raised at my bag. "Shopping alone?" He questions, stepping forward and reaching for my bag. Before I can pull away, he's already got it in his hands and opens it. Why does he feel entitled to look through my belongings?

Much to my dismay, he pulls out the strawberry lipgloss I just bought. My cheeks warm with embarrassment and I try to reach for it, but he moves his hand out of my arm span. "Lipgloss?" He asks incredulously, as if it's abnormal for a teenage girl to buy lipgloss. "Why've you bought lipgloss? Got a secret boyfriend or something?"

A laugh escapes my mouth before I can stop it. "All this talk about boyfriends! You overestimate how active my love life is." I reach again for my lipgloss but he holds it even higher. My arm remains extended in the air with my hand gripping his wrist. Our faces are only inches apart; I can smell the hot cocoa on his warm breath.

We stare at each other for another moment, neither of us taking our eyes away from each other. "Why are you buying this nonsense if you haven't a boyfriend?" He questions. His voice is almost a whisper - quieter than I've ever heard it before.

"Because I am a girl who enjoys wearing lipgloss," I reply, trying not to let my voice crack. I couldn't bear embarrassing myself like that right now, this close to him. He'd never shut up about it. I try to reach for it again but my foot slips on the damp ground and I fall into him instead. He drops my bag and his hand moves to my waist to catch me instinctively. My breath catches in my throat as I look up at him. I can still feel his shaky, warm breath on my face.

He takes a step back and lowers his arm, dropping my lipgloss in my bag. "I told you not to live too much into your fantasies," he mutters. With that, he turns and walks away.

I hear someone squeal and two sets of footsteps run towards me. "I could faint right now!" Rue squeaks. Both her and Marcus look as excited as I feel right now. But I shouldn't feel excited. I don't like Malfoy because he hates me. Right?

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