6. Halloween

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"Are you coming to the party? I'm asking my mom to send us costumes!" Rue cheers. There's a Halloween party after a huge feast on Friday, and we've been encouraged to wear costumes.

There's no need for me to contemplate - I love Halloween and dressing up, so of course I agree. "I was thinking about going as little red riding hood," I say. Although I prefer the original versions of fairytales, I don't mind dressing like the nicer versions. Rue and Marcus exchange an ecstatic look and Rue begins writing a letter to her parents. "What are you two dressing as?"

They begin to giggle. "We're dressing as Barbie and Ken. Rue's idea! Thought I'd fit the character," Marcus brags. I can't say they're too far off though; his handsome features, tall stature, and beautiful blonde curls fit the character well.

After lunch, I meet with Seamus to study for an upcoming potions test. We aren't in the same class, but Professor Snape is equally hard on all of his classes, so the work is the same. "Can you believe he'd think we'd have this down in an instant? I've never even heard of half the ingredients!" Seamus exclaims. He's right - most of the ingredients are foreign to students in our year and pretty hard to pronounce. To embarrass a Ravenclaw girl, Professor Snape made her stand and attempt to pronounce all of the ingredients.

We continue to study and I eventually feel more confident about the test, and I can tell Seamus is, too. While we close our textbooks, Seamus clears his throat. "Um, Valentine, I had a question," he begins. He's leaning forward and I can almost see the sweat forming on his forehead. "Do you want to go to the Halloween party, you know.... Together?"

I smile at him - who wouldn't want to spend more time with someone who spreads happiness and laughter? "Of course! Do you have time to get a costume?" I ask. Relief washes over his face and he nods. "Okay, I'm going as little red riding hood. Can you go as a the big, bad wolf?"

He laughs his contagious laugh and nods. "I think I can manage! I can meet you outside of the library before dinner and you can make sure I look the part."

We agree, say our goodbyes, and begin to walk opposite directions. I pass Malfoy and his two friends, but he doesn't seem to notice.

"Was that your boyfriend, Hufflepuff?"

Okay, maybe I thought he didn't notice. It's also out of character for him to speak to me in front of his friends. They're sitting on a set of stone steps in the shade, but I can still see his smirk as I approach. "No, but it was my date to the party this Friday."

Draco's smirk drops and it looks almost like anger overcoming his face. "Date? Are you mad? Why'd you need a date to a party?" His hands are fists beside him as he stands up to talk to me. His friends snicker behind us, but try to act cool when I glare at them.

"Because I like Seamus and thought it would be great to have someone to match costumes with," I reply. Draco scoffs and crosses his arms. He's becoming defensive, but I don't know what for.

"You fancy him? I thought you said your love life wasn't active!" He's almost screaming now and almost close enough to feel his breath on me again.

I step closer to him with my hands now in fists next to me. "I don't fancy Seamus! He's just a great guy that I like to spend time with. And get this - he isn't mean to me!"

Draco scoffs and takes a step back. "Whatever, Hufflepuff. Go snog with your boyfriend or something."


Marcus and Rue almost spit out their food when I tell them. They still haven't gotten over the encounter in Hogsmeade, so I knew this one would send them over the moon, too. "He's jealous! Pissed he didn't get the chance to ask you himself!" Marcus whispers. Since there aren't any empty chairs next to us, we're having to whisper and try to contain any excitement we want to project.

"And in front of his monkeys! He's crazy for you, Valentine! But what I need to know is do you have feelings for Seamus? That might be the game changer!" Rue asks. Marcus nods and leans in even further, almost smushing his plate of food.

"I overheard him bragging about taking you. So there's no doubt he fancies you," Marcus says. I glance over at the Gryffindor table and try to read Seamus's lips, but it's difficult to do so. "I can't believe this! Our little Valentine in a love triangle! With a good boy and a bad boy, no less!"

Rue giggles and clutches Marcus's arm. "We have to make sure you look irresistible on Friday! There's no way he wouldn't confess then."

The week continues in a blur; we're too focused on the Halloween party to think about much else. I ace the test in potions, and Professor Snape seemed less than surprised. I don't run into Draco for the remainder of the week, and I wonder if he's avoiding me. He can't be that upset that I'm going with Seamus, right?

The day is finally here, and I'm currently getting ready in my dorm, spinning in front of a mirror to see my outfit fully. My red cape extends to my ankles but my dress only falls to mid thigh, where my stockings fall an inch short of. The shiny red boots really make the outfit.

Rue is doing my makeup and I'm stashing my lipgloss in my pocket to reapply after the feast. "Oh, he's going to melt when he sees you," she says. She finishes my makeup and I grin at my reflection. It's rare that I wear makeup, but Rue is truly an artist.

"I sort of feel bad for Seamus, though. He's a great guy and I know he likes me."

Rue puts a comforting hand on my shoulder. "You haven't necessarily given him any signs you like him, besides this party."

"Speaking of, I have to go. I'm meeting him at the library soon."

I say goodbye to Rue and go to the common room, where Marcus is waiting with a few other boys. He whistles when he sees me and mouths "irresistible," making me laugh as I exit the front door.

A few students complement my costume on my walk to the library, and it boosts my confidence tremendously. Right as I'm about to turn the corner to the library, someone clears their throat behind me. "He's not there."

I whip around. Malfoy is leaning against the wall with his usual smirk. "Wouldn't bother looking for him if I were you. He's been sick since potions today. Concoction gone bad."

I walk towards him and he stands straight. It's no surprise that he's not wearing a costume. It would be out of character. Draco's eyes squint at my lips and he brings his finger to touch them, a look of disgust on his face. "Lipgloss! Planning on snogging with your date? Thought you didn't like him!"

I want to push his hand off of my face, but I can't. Part of me knows he had something to do with Seamus's illness, which is why I want to push him. But having his face so close to mine mesmerizes me; I can't bring myself to push him away. His eyes are still on my lips and my hands are on his chest. Neither of us are moving.

"I told you, I don't have feelings for Seamus," I whisper. I'm not sure if he heard me; I could barely hear myself.

"What is going on over here?"

Both of us jump and my heart sinks as Professor McGonagall approaches us. "Skipping the Halloween feast for- for-" she stops and looks between us. There's disbelief on her face as she contemplates what to do or say.

"We were walking there, Professor!" I say, almost in a shriek. I've never gotten in trouble in my life, and it shouldn't surprise me that it happens with Malfoy. "We were just, um,"

"Kissing?" She asks, trying to finish my sentence. Neither Draco nor I respond. A smile forms on her face. "I have to say, I never thought of Draco having these sorts of feelings. An extraordinary student as his interest, at that. Well, off you go. And don't let me catch you again!"

I feel like I'm developing them too fast but I can't help it. Please like and comment what you think about the Seamus, Valentine, and Draco triangle. Do you think Draco poisoned Seamus?

As always, thank you to anyone reading.

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