78. Christmas Eve at the Cafe

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" Hermione asks again. She's sat beside me as I put makeup on to look like I'm unaware of the forged letter. "No one will blame you if you don't go."

Everyone is around me as I get ready - even some of the members of the Order. "She wants to go," Harry defends. I'm not sure how much of his curiosity of the matter is about helping me - I'm sure it's more trying to get to the bottom of Draco's family and find new ways to hate him. Hermione glares at him only to earn a scoff in return. "When has Valentine ever listened when someone told her not to do something?"

I almost laugh at his argument. He's completely right; despite being a good girl, there's something in me that wants to go against what people are telling me to do. I'm glad Harry has picked up on that.

"I appreciate the concern," I thank as I turn from my mirror and face my friends. "But I can handle this." I stand and George pats me on the shoulder and goes on about how he "always knew" how brave I am. He also asks if he can have my autograph to sell once the "big bad wolf" eats me.

I wish my friends were here. Since it's obvious I'm being targeted, Moody strictly prohibited me from writing to anyone, including my best friends and father. It's the worst part of all of this - I'm forbidden from speaking to the people I want to speak to the most.

Everyone follows me downstairs and into the kitchen where members of the Order already are. Sirius and Kingsley are deep in a hushed argument in the corner when we enter and don't bother to look up when we ask what the game plan is.

Remus smiles at me as I stand before him, away from the group so we can speak privately. "How are you feeling?" He asks. Before I can answer, he sighs. "I begged them to not allow you to be used as bait."

"I'll be okay, I promise. I've dealt with-"

"Valentine, you have never dealt with Greyback. He isn't a task assigned by professors. He is a ruthless beast that has made a very intelligent attempt to trick you to be his vulnerable target."

The grave expression on his face makes me regret my previous reassurance. I'm looking at the man that Greyback turned. I'm looking at a man that hates his uncontrollable wolf side. I try to hide my racing thoughts as I look at Remus but it's so difficult. The reality of it all sinks in.

If it is Greyback that is going to meet me, what if he doesn't kill me? What if he hurts me just enough to turn me? Gosh, I don't think I'd be able to control myself. I'd have to be chained during the full moon for as long as it takes...

Remus chuckles. "Having second thoughts?" He asks. So my expression wasn't as inconspicuous as I thought. He puts a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "We will be watching your every move. Don't worry."

When Tonks clears her voice we know it's go time.


"I'll catch up with you later," I say to Ginny and Hermione. We wave goodbye and they enter a small shop while I continue to walk to the cafe Draco and I met last summer. Endless questions swarm my mind with each step; I begin to second guess everything. What if it was Draco that actually wrote me, and I'm just crazy?

I take a deep breath and focus on looking like a clueless girl in search for her boyfriend. I even let a small smile play on my face as I pass through the crowds. It's busy outside on this cold, snowy day. Kids giggle at their guesses of their Christmas presents while adults carry heavy loads of bags from the shops.

There's a strong smell of peppermint in the air as I get closer to the cafe. A band is playing at the end of the street and a crowd has gathered to watch them. I stop, too, and listen to the holiday songs they play. A few tables are set up with hot chocolate and cookies and a few chairs are set out for people to use.

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