51. The Third Task

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This is a very long chapter and will be written in a different POV (just kinda general so I can focus on different people too).

Today is the day. The day Valentine faces the fear she's seen in her dreams nightly for weeks. She's convincing herself that Draco and Lev can't even enter the maze, only champions can, but the closer it gets, the more she doubts this theory.

She is currently walking the halls, following Professor Sprout into another room. "This will cheer you up," Professor Sprout says, smiling back at Valentine and ushering her into the room. Everyone can tell that Valentine is petrified; even those who don't know she's been having nightmares know that there is something constantly troubling her. It's evident on her face -  her eyes stare into space blankly as her fingers tap rapidly on whatever surface is in front of her.

Valentine enters the room and is shocked by what she sees; Harry is with what she can guess is Mrs. Weasley and an older son, Cedric is with his father, and the other champions are speaking excitedly with their own families. Valentine looks around the room in confusion - why has Professor Sprout led her here if her father, a muggle, is unable to enter Hogwarts?

That's when she sees him. His glasses shining bright under the shining candles on the wall, sitting between Marcus's parents. "Dad!" Valentine gasps. She runs to him and embraces him in a hug. "How did you get here? I thought only wizards could enter Hogwarts!"

Valentine hugs Mr. And Mrs. Weatherby. "We had to pull a lot of strings, and he won't remember coming or leaving," Mr. Weatherby informs Valentine. She gives her father another hug and they all sit next to one another in conversation.

Mrs. Weasley stands behind the Weatherby's and smiles politely. "So sorry to interrupt, dear, but are you the Valentine my boys are always going on about?"

Valentines face turns Scarlett and she quickly hides it from both Mrs. Weasley and her father. "Yes, ma'am," she replies shyly. "Fred and I are good friends." This isn't quite a lie, since Valentine does enjoy spending time with the red-headed prankster. She's feeling quite conflicted now, standing in middle of the good boy vs bad boy complex. She hasn't spoken to Draco, but she's also ignored Fred's attempts to speak to her. She has barely slept, but her mind has mostly been on her dreams.

Mrs. Weasley quickly embraces Valentine in a hug. "My, dear, you're lovely! And a beautiful name," she coos, nodding politely to Valentine's father. "I can't wait to see you participate! I've heard many good things about you. Oh, do come to the burrow when you have time!" She invites.

"Mrs. Weasley, can you please leave Valentine alone?" Harry begs. He awkwardly smiles at Valentine's father and the Weatherby's. "I'm sure her attention is focused... elsewhere." His eyes fall on Valentine's and then the floor.

"Oh, of course, of course. My apologies!" Mrs. Weasley apologizes. She hugs Valentine another time before she follows Harry to another spot.

"I'm happy to see you have so many friends," Valentine's father says. "I'm sure being one of the most famous names in the school will create many friendships. And opportunities."

Mrs. Weatherby smiles warmly at Valentine. She's come to see her as a daughter; a new addition to the family. She adores Rue, of course, but knowing one of her self-titled "daughters" is a Hogwarts champion at only 14 swells her with so much pride that she's told everyone at the ministry who would listen.

Valentine looks to her father and tries to rid of the thought that this could be the last day they see one another. She wants to apologize for not writing so often, but she knew she couldn't write him knowing that she had to hide her nightmares from him. And what would he think about the situation with Draco?

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