17. Truth

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The hair on the back of my neck stands up as Hermione pulls me closer to her. I've heard countless stories of the three conquering situations like this, but I've never been included in something so dangerous. What if my father never hears from me again?

I raise my wand and shake my head - I can't have those thoughts when there's an escaped Azkaban prisoner in front of me. Even though I was raised in the "muggle" world, students have informed me of Sirius' violent history.

"If you want to kill Harry, you'll have to kill me too," Hermione says, pulling Harry behind her.

"Only one will die tonight," Sirius responds.

"It'll be you!"

Before I can think, Harry pushes past Hermione and lunges at Sirius. "Harry!" I call, though it's obvious he didn't hear me. All that's coursing through him is rage as he attacks Sirius.

"Are you going to kill me, Harry?" Sirius laughs. Harry is above him with his wand at his head - not a situation remotely funny. This man has to be mental.

The door flings open and Professor Lupin lunges through. "Expelliarmus!"

Harry's wand flies across the room and mine does, too, seconds later. Hermione and I huddle together, shielding the wounded Ron whimpering on the bed behind us. I've never seen Hermione so protective; so bold. If I wasn't so terrified, I would be proud.

Harry joins us and Professor Lupin speaks with Sirius. My guard is lowered at the arrival of our Professor; I know he'll save us now.

Or not.

The two begin laughing and Professor Lupin pulls Sirius into a hug. "What are you doing?" I exclaim. I can see the disbelief on Harry's face; this is someone we trusted. And for him to help a murderer with the intent to kill Harry, and probably everyone in his way?

"Harry, what you have been told is a lie," Professor Lupin begins. I need to find a way out, but there's no safe exit. Especially without my wand or with the others behind me. "Give us a chance to explain."

"Are you mad?" Ron shouts, his sudden outburst startling me. I cling closer to Hermione, almost wishing I was a gnat on the wall instead of in this position.

Harry nods his head. What choice does he have? What choice do any of us have, trapped by two psychotics in an unfamiliar house? "Give me that rat," Sirius demands, pointing at Scabbers.

Ron tries to deny access to his pet, but Scabbers bites his hand and flees for an opening in the wall. Professor Lupin shouts a spell and the rat transforms before our eyes. I yell out in shock at the sight - instead of a rat, there is a man stuck in the hole.

Sirius has Harry's wand in his hand as he pulls the man back into the room. His hair is oily, his teeth are crooked, and he has an overall gross appearance. I can almost vomit at the thought of how Ron has carried a man around for who knows how long.

"I saw your picture on the Daily Prophet. Your finger missing just like what happened years ago," Sirius explains, seething as he speaks to the trembling man before him. The man only bows before him, too terrified to make a noise.

My eyes shift between Sirius, the man, and Professor Lupin. Surely someone will come to the realization that there are four students in front of them? Four terrified, confused, students. Sirius raises his wand at the man, who begins to speak. "Have mercy on me! I acted out of terror."

Sirius laughs at his words. "You betrayed Lilly and James Potter! And I rotted in Azkaban for your crime!"

The man turns to Harry to beg now. "Don't you dare talk to him!" Sirius exclaims. He yanks the man away from Harry, who seems to be too shocked to react to anything. "They were our friends, and you had them murdered!"

The man cowers again, his arms reaching out as he begs for forgiveness. "The Dark Lord, he-"

"What he says - is it true?" Harry interrupts, looking at Professor Lupin. Even in this situation, he is the only one we can trust. If "trust" is even a word we can use in this case. Professor Lupin nods, and Harry's gaze turns to the man cowering in disgust.

As Sirius tells the truth, I can barely hear anything over my heartbeat. I can't focus on his words, or the pleas of the fat man on the ground, or Hermione defending someone. My focus is on my heartbeat and how loud it is. I knows it's because I've never been in such a serious situation, but I'm beginning to realize that my heart is not meant to withstand deathly situations like this.

My attention snaps back to reality as Professor Snape lunges through the door. His attention turns to Sirius, which gives the fat man the idea to run away. As he tries, he tumbles into me and I fall back, hard. There's screaming and some flashes but unconsciousness claims it's power over me.

Sorry for two chapters without Draco :'( the next one will have him, I promise. Also sorry Valentine is not as cool as the trio, but I want her to be soft so Draco can protect her. Thanks <3

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