21. Game Day

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For some reason chapter 21 published before chapter 20. Please read the next chapter and then come back. So sorry for the confusion!!

It's the day of the Quidditch World Cup and we're traveling to a port key not far from Marcus's house. It's only his family, Rue, and I that are camping together. I've never been to such an event, so Rue helped me to choose what to wear. I've been told to root for the Irish, which I plan to do. One of my best friends is Irish, so it's only natural to support that team. As we end our mile-long hike, Marcus's father, Adam Weatherby, picks up a worn book. The cover is gone and the pages are weather-torn, making it indecipherable. "Put your hand on the book with us, Valentine," Marcus's mother, Maria Weatherby, instructs. Although we have just met, she speaks in a kind, motherly tone.

I do as instructed and put my finger on the last spot of the worn book and am told to prepare. I hug my bag tighter and close my eyes, preparing for whatever comes. "Three, two, one," Mr. Weatherby counts. Suddenly, the sensation of being pulled through a tube overcomes every sense in my body. All I can hear is strong wind around us and I can move every part of my stiff body besides the finger touching the book. We land, Rue and I falling on our backs. We both groan and accept help to our feet. It's no wonder that the Weatherbys didn't fall; they probably use this mode of transportation constantly.

Mr. Weatherby delivers our port key to someone next to a large box of other miscellaneous objects, who then instructs us to a certain lot where we will be staying at. We follow the directions and come upon a man in a booth. He explains how strange the sudden urgency to camp is and how it must be some sort of convention or gathering. Mr. Weatherby pays the man, who I assume to be ignorant of wizards, and we continue to our specific lot. Marcus's family name is written on a sign stuck into the ground. "Here we are! Marcus, some help?"

Mrs. Weatherby stands next to Rue and me as we watch the boys stand the tent perfectly. It seems as if it is only for four people, but I can only assume that the inside will be considerably bigger. "Valentine!" Someone calls from down the trail. Rue and my's gaze follow the direction of the voice and see Seamus approaching. I'm more than relieved to see him, especially since he seems excited to see me, too. We shake each other's hands, per tradition, and he turns to greet Rue and Mrs. Weatherby politely. "I didn't know you were into Quidditch!"

"She's not. But we couldn't leave her in the muggle world all summer!" Rue chimes in. I know she doesn't mean anything rude when she says it, and she's one of the only people I trust to speak about my life with my father in such a way. "Besides, she could use some socializing."

I roll my eyes playfully at my friend. So what if I like to read books more than I like to talk to people? "Are you rooting for the Irish?" Seamus asks. We tell him we are, and he begins to chat animatedly with Mrs. Weatherby about the season, forgetting that Rue and I are standing directly next to them.

After the tent is completely steady, Seamus bids us goodbye and we set up our places. As expected, the inside of the tent is at least five times the size of the outward appearance. Different curtains separate small rooms, each currently open to reveal beds. Mr. And Mrs. Weatherby set their belongings on the biggest bed in the back left corner, and Rue and I set ours on another big bed in the back right corner. There is another room with a twin-sized bed that Marcus is sleeping on, directly next to ours.

We spend the next few hours setting everything up and finding other students to talk to. The Weatherbys are speaking with some of their coworkers at their tents while we wander until it's time for the match, but Marcus is following Rue and me around. It's nice to have someone so tall as a friend - especially with as distinct features as his - because it is so easy for us to find friends and for friends to find us. "Hermione!" I call, seeing her next to Ron and Harry. We hug each other in greeting and Rue and Marcus follow suit. "I'm glad to see some more familiar faces!"

"Oh, if it isn't our little lovebird Valentine!"

Two arms wrap around my shoulders and I don't have to look to know that it's Fred and George. I roll my eyes and push them away. "Fred, George, leave that poor girl alone!" A man calls. He has the same orange hair as the twins and Ron so I can only assume that it's their father. He looks overwhelmed enough to be their father. "Sorry about them. I'm Arthur Weasley," he greets. He shakes Marcus's hand then sends a small bow to Rue and me. "Ah, and you must be Mr. Greystone's daughter!" He delights, focusing his attention on Rue. "He's a spectacular auror! You have the same nose and hair as your father."

Rue blushes slightly; she tells me all the time that people recognize her because of her father's position in the ministry. From what I hear, he's someone for dark wizards to fear. We speak with the Weasleys, Hermione, and Harry for a long time, waiting for the sun to set. As time passes, anticipation is rising like electricity in the air; even if you've never heard of the word quidditch, you'd become obsessed with the coming match. Bets are being made as time grows closer.

Suddenly, a trail is lit up that leads to the arena. "It's time!" Mr. Weasley chimes. While they find their seats, we find our way back to the Weatherbys to accompany them to ours. We had bought souvenirs to take with us to the match and I have been told about the presence of leprechauns. I've only seen them on television (in the muggle "fantasy" world, of course) so I'm looking forward to seeing them cheer for the Irish.

"Shut up, Malfoy!" Someone sneers. I peer over the edge of the railing and look at where the noise is coming from. Below, the Weasleys are climbing their way to their seats, and Draco and his family are below them, mocking grins on all of their faces. My breath hitches at the sight of Draco. He seems skinnier and taller, but I'm not sure the former is due to a healthy reason. His father is tall, strong, and overall mean-looking. His mother is beautiful, but she holds herself as if she's better than the family she's looking at.

Draco's eyes shift to find mine and his eyes widen. His smirk is gone and a mixture of fear and disbelief is on his face. His father begins to look where I stand but Rue pulls me away from the railing to avoid blocking anyone else from climbing the steps. It doesn't seem like his father saw me, but I'm too nervous to take a second glance.

Once we find our seats, we sit to begin waiting for the beginning of the game. Marcus is talking animatedly with his parents about what they assume will happen. Since Rue and I aren't as sporty as them, we start our own side conversation.

"Have you stayed with Marcus all summer?" I ask. Rue smiles and her face begins to blush. It's sweet to see them so in love, even the mention of the other makes one blush innocently.

"Only the last week," Rue begins. She pushes some of her curls behind her ear and continues. "We've been writing daily. I've never missed him as much as I have this break. Also, your father said you can stay with us for the rest of the break if you'd like."

Relief washes over me. I love my father, but I've missed staying up and giggling with Rue. Also, I feel so disconnected from magic when I'm at home. It's as if I'm just having long dreams about it since I'm too young to practice magic outside of Hogwarts.

Cheers rise and Rue and I stand on our feet. "Let the game begin!"

So sorry for the long chapter!! I wanted to put a lot into this chapter so I wouldn't have two awkwardly short chapters. You guys know what happens next, and I promise Draco will be written in there.

Also, small spoiler - I'm planning on making a pretty big change in the original plotline of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, but I'm feeling dramatic and have plans so please bear with me. Thank you!!! <3

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