82. New Decree

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"You're joking!" I exclaim. I'm crowded around the Black Lake with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. "He was killed by a plant? And no one thought that was suspicious?"

A Ministry of Magic worker that specialized in the Department of Mysteries was mysteriously killed by a plant. Of course it's being written off as an accident. Who would question the Ministry's word that Voldemort hasn't returned and there's no need to worry?

"And you're sure that your dreams were in the Department of Mysteries?" I question.

"Yes, it was exactly where I went with Mr. Weasley before the trial this summer," he responds. His word is all I need to be on board.

Hermione looks over my shoulder and frowns. "Umbridge is here, we better go," she says through gritted teeth. She grabs Harry by the shoulder and yanks him away with her. This leaves Ron and I alone, a few meters from anyone else.

It's still cold outside and the grass crunches as we walk. I'm not sure how Hermione bribed Harry and Ron to meet outside so early, but it worked. "I guess we, um, better go too," Ron mumbles. We've always been too awkward with one another.

We head back to the castle, where more students pour out to go to lessons or just get away from listening ears. Umbridge is standing with her arms crossed as she looks around the courtyard at the students. Her toad face twists into a sinister smile as we try to avoid her gaze while walking into the castle.

"Ah, Ms. Walker!" She chimes. Her voice doesn't sound like wind chimes, though. It sounds like scratching a chalkboard. "I knew a Weasley would suit you better!"

Ron grabs my sweater sleeve and pulls me inside before I can respond. "You need to stay under her radar," Ron reminds me. "She'll poison you, or curse you, or-"

I hold my hand up to stop him from rambling. "I get it, Ron," I interrupt. "I just hate seeing her so happy."


A large crowd of students stand in front of the wall of decrees, each student turning to the side and whispering to the one next to them. I'm too far back to see what they're talking about. The crowd is too condensed for me to even try to push through. Luckily, two tall redheads stop right behind me.

"What does it say?" I ask Fred. He raises an eyebrow and squints at the wall in front of us. His expression drops.

"Professors aren't allowed to talk to us about non-school related topics," he replies in a defeated tone. "You know, once we leave, we-"

I turn quickly at Fred's words. He is looking at George but widens his eyes when he realizes I heard what he said. "What do you mean, 'once we leave'? Like, when you graduate?"

George pats my shoulder. "Ah, Valentine. So curious," he sighs. Before I can question any more, they turn around and leave. I forget that they're a few years older than me. Sometimes I also forget how unserious they can be. They're planning something, I just know it. It just can't be on the forefront of my mind.

I'm meeting Rue and Marcus near the Forbidden Forest for our Care of Magical Creatures class. I love this class and the strange creatures Hagrid has brought in, but he's had to tame it since Umbridge has become High Inquisitor. Especially since she's now attending every class. I can already see her bright pink dress and matching coat on the edge of the forest. She looks misplaced next to Hagrid's hut.

There are already a few students there and Rue is talking to Hagrid. I would normally assume that they're talking about fun things, or how life has been, or whatever else may be the case. But since I saw the newest decree, I know it has to be something educational. Especially with Umbridge within earshot.

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