3. Secrets and Quidditch

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The next day, Rue is already gone by the time I wake up. It isn't out of character since she is more of a morning person than I am. I check Martin's usual sleeping spot and it's empty. I'll have to look for him again today.

I do my usual morning routine and head down for breakfast afterwards. The dining hall is already filled, and Rue and Marcus are in their normal seats whispering about something. They stop when I approach my seat and I squint my eyes suspiciously. "You guys alright?" I ask, taking my seat in front of them. My plate immediately fills with pancakes, eggs, and multiple other breakfast items that smell too good to stay suspicious. Before they answer, I begin my breakfast and almost miss their sideways glance at each other. "Seriously, what are you guys hiding?"

Rue sighs and leans forward. "Before we say anything, you've got to promise not to freak out." Rue says. My eyes shift to Marcus, who is avoiding my gaze. He crumbled under my stare and tells me anything I want to know, which reassures my suspicion that there is a secret they're hiding.

My eyes widen. "Wait, you're the one he was-"

"Shhh!" They say in unison. They look around as if the reason for peoples stares isn't them shushing me. "I'm sorry you had to find out this way. We wanted to tell you, really!" Marcus says. He looks at me, probably awaiting for me to freak out. My best friends... dating. And they didn't tell me?

"Rue, I thought we told each other everything?" I asked. Them dating isn't what's upsetting. In fact, I'm glad that they're happy together. But why couldn't they tell me? That's what hurts the most. Them hiding something this huge from me.

"Valentine, I swear I wanted to tell you. It formed over the summer when he came for a visit," she begins. My jaw drops. Neither of them visited me. In fact, they barely wrote to me. "We were going to tell you when the time was right. I just can't figure out how Malfoy saw us, we thought we were quite hidden."

"I'm still trying to figure out why that bloody jerk cared if you had a boyfriend in the first place," Marcus adds. Rue already told him everything - that's why she woke up so early. I stand up quickly, losing my appetite.

Marcus begins to protest, but Rue puts her hand on his shoulder to stop him. "I've got to go to the bathroom. Please don't follow me."

I walk out of the dining hall and turn towards the ladies room. My head is swarming with everything they've just said. "Valentine, wait up!" Someone calls. A hand is on my shoulder within a second.

"What happened?" Hermione asks. Her voice is easy to recognize. She follows me into the bathroom and I rinse my face with cold water. I tell Hermione everything, from Malfoy to Martin's disappearance to Rue telling Marcus without my permission. Hermione and I aren't the closest of friends, but it's nice having another girl as caring and as much of a bookworm as I am. We first met in the library trying to check out the same book about fascinating creatures. We've studied for finals together since.

"Maybe they thought their relationship would break up the trio?" She suggests. I enjoy how reasonable she is; she can bring anyone down from hysterics. "I mean, it's not uncommon for a relationship to ruin a friend group." Hermione bites the inside of her cheek and looks to the floor. She's as easy to read as me.

"Wait, you sound like you're speaking from experience," I say. She looks up at me, her cheeks turning red. "Do you like Ron or Harry?" I ask.

She shakes her head in denial. "Neither of them! I mean, I can't like them. They're my best friends. They're best friends, I can't imagine what a relationship would do."

I raise my eyebrows. I'm not one to pressure someone into telling me secrets that they don't want to, so I just smile and lean against the sink. "Feelings are confusing," I say. Both of us laugh, but for two entirely separate reasons.

I follow a group of Hufflepuffs into the quidditch stadium to join our fellow housemates. The crowd is already roaring, making it hard to hear the person next to you. I spot Seamus in the Gryffindor section and we wave at each other, like we do at every match. He's a great friend to have - no sport or rivalry gets in the way of his friendships.

"Hey," Rue says awkwardly, her and Marcus approaching me. I smile, feeling awkward, too. My anger has dwindled, but there is still a lot of hurt. I know I will get over it, and they know we will talk after the game.

Marcus holds out his hand. "I bought you a chocolate frog," he says. I gladly take it and he seems to relax after this gesture. I'm sure they think I'm enraged, but it's hard to communicate my feelings when I don't know what to think or feel.

The match begins, despite the pouring rain and raging thunder. It's difficult to see which player is which, but it somehow makes it more exciting. Someway into the game, I feel the urge to pee. Despite my efforts to hold it, the rain tempts my bladder too easily for me to fight anymore. I try to excuse myself, but my friends are two caught in the commotion to hear me. I fight my way through the stands and carefully descend the wet stairs to get to the bathroom.

When I'm on the ground, it's considerably quieter underneath all of the cheer. There is no rain splattering against me and no one accidentally pushing me with excitement.

"Bored, Hufflepuff?"

I jump in shock; I didn't know anyone else was down here. I hear a snicker and I don't need to turn to see who it is. "I have to use the restroom," I reply, not bothering to turn around. I hear him following me and roll my eyes, continuing my walk to the bathroom.

Suddenly everything goes extremely cold. I stop I'm my tracks and watch my breath come out of my mouth in an icy mist. Draco is in front of me now. A feeling of dread overcomes me, exactly like the one felt on the train. Dementors.

I can feel the blood drain from my face. "You okay?" Draco asks. I've never seen him look concerned for anyone. Even when that poor first year tumbled down a flight of stairs, he laughed along with his minions.

Before I can react, I lean against the pole next to me for support. My energy is completely gone and standing seems impossible. Draco steps forward and leans to get a better look at my face. He opens his mouth to talk, but screaming from the stands stop him. The cold leaves and the mugginess from the rain returns. I still feel too weak to move, but I try to turn my head to get a look at the field.

"Harry!" I hear someone call. "Someone get Madam Pompfrey!" Another student yells. A wave of students come rushing down the stairs like a herd, heading straight towards me with no regard. I push myself against the pole to protect myself from the crowd, but I feel someone else against me.

My head turns in surprise to see Draco pushed against me, avoiding any eye contact. His eyes are searching the crowd, no doubt looking for his sidekicks. His arms are around me; his hands clutching the pole I'm using for support.

After the crowd leaves, Draco steps away and clears his throat. "Don't get too lost in your fantasies, Hufflepuff. I was protecting myself." Draco looks at me one last time and I step away from the pole to let him know I'm fine to stand alone. Harry.

I run up the flight of stairs and basically fling myself against the barrier. A group of students and professors are surrounding what I can only imagine is Harry on the ground. It's hard to tell because of the harsh weather.

A hand grabs my arm and I try to shrug it off, assuming that it's Draco. "Valentine, come on, we're ordered to go back to our dormitories," Marcus says. Rue is behind him with a worried gaze. Her eyes are shifting between me and Harry and it's difficult to tell who she's feeling sorry for.

With one last glance at the crowd on the field, I follow my friends back to the castle.

I hope I'm not moving the plot too quickly. Again, please like and comment on the parts you like. <3

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