40. Trouble

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I quietly open the door to Hufflepuff common and squeeze myself through the small opening. I'm still soaking wet and freezing, but managed to only slip three times on the way up the stairs. There is a dim fire in the corner and I check the usual corner, but no one is there. What if something happened to them?

Ignoring my racing heart, I ascend the stairs to the girls dorms and try to quickly and quietly find my room. Even my shoes were missing when Draco and I came back, and I can barely feel my frozen feet as I step into my room. Both mine and Rue's bed are empty. Hers isn't even messy, so I know she hasn't returned. Maybe she's in the shower? I grab a change of clothes and head for the bathroom but there's no one in there. Although I'm terrified, I can't stay this cold. I can barely think.

I set my clothes down and turn on the warm water. As I'm letting it heat up, Martin meows softly at the door and scratches at it to be let in. I open the door slightly and he runs in, sitting on top of my clothes and staring at me expectantly. That's when I notice there's a letter tied around his neck loosely. Frantic handwriting is sprawled along the small piece of parchment.

They've been caught and are being interrogated by Professor Snape. Karkaroff saw you. Go to bed quickly and pretend to be asleep.

My breath catches in my throat. How could Karkaroff have possibly seen us? We were against the Forbidden Forest! Martin meows and kneads at my clothes, a warning that I need to act fast. I have no time to shower; I have to change and lay down.

My hands can barely grip my frozen-solid clothes as I take them off replace them with dry ones. Martin meows again, louder, and I take the hint. I finish putting on my pajamas and stuff my wet clothes in a cabinet close by. Once I turn the water off, I run back to my bed and dive in, pulling the covers over me and squeezing my eyes shut tightly. Martin jumps in bed with me and lays down as if he, too, is sleeping.

The door opens and I fight the urge to look at who it is. I relax my face and focus on steadying my breath to fool the person. If it's Rue, she'll surely say something. I hear two sets of light footsteps approach my bed before one of them speaks.

"She's right here, Professor McGonagall," Professor Sprout whispers. "I told you, that Karkaroff has it out for any Hogwarts champions! Her friends just wanted a midnight date."

Professor McGonagall whispers something else before they both leave. I let out a deep sigh of relief but don't dare to open my eyes again. After a few minutes, my breath finally slows down enough to fall asleep, and I can faintly hear two steps of footsteps on the staircase.

When I wake the next morning, I instinctively look to Rue's bed. Although she's not there, it is messy. She's been here at some point. I get up and am reminded of how messy my hair is. I didn't get to wash, dry, or brush it before I fell asleep last night and I'm sure it looks like a mess.

After grabbing another set of clothes, I set out for the bathroom and hope to find Rue somewhere near. I find that it's empty, but the mirror is steamed as if someone had just showered. Hopefully I can shower and get dressed in time to see her for breakfast.

I rush down the stairs after I get dressed and look at our usual table. It's empty. Ignoring my deflated hopes, I continue to the great hall to eat breakfast. It's already packed and I steer out of the way of students to try to find my friends faster.

"Rue, there you are!" I exclaim. I take my seat across from her and Marcus and sigh in relief. "What happened?"

They both look incredibly angry. "That sad old bloke actually saw us," Marcus seethes, glaring at Karkaroff as he stares among the students seated in front of us. "We think he was tipped off. He went running to Professor Snape as soon as he heard. How he could actually see us, I don't know."

"We wanted to wait for you guys but we couldn't risk you getting in trouble," Rue huffs, avoiding eye contact. Her eyes are glued to her food as she eats it slowly. "We got a weeks worth of detention. And were interrogated for hours."

"I'm sorry," I say. "I wouldn't have dragged you guys along if-"

"Just save it, Valentine," Rue mutters. She drops her fork on her plate and stalks off. Marcus slides to the now empty seat in front of me.

"Forgive her, she's upset her perfect record has been destroyed," Marcus explains. He picks her fork up and continues to eat his breakfast. I slowly pick at my plate as I realize the situation I put my best friends through. "She'll come around. She kept going on about how it was a date - she's completely forgotten the real reason we were there."

I glance at the professors table at the front and notice Professor Snape already glaring at me with his top lip up as if he's snarling. "It really is my fault you guys got caught, you shouldn't have been out there with me."

Marcus rolls his eyes. "Valentine, you could die if you're not properly prepared for this task. Once Rue's anger subsides, she'll understand that."


I lean against my hand as Professor Snape instructs us on today's potion. He is rather annoyed and is pacing around us as if looking for any reason to scream. "I expect it to be finished at the end of the hour. The instructions are on the board."

Once I've studied the notes enough, I line up the ingredients in order of when I'll need them. Rue does the same, but gives me a cold shoulder the entire time. Professor Snape approaches me and, to my dismay, stops directly in front of me.

"I believe I have something of yours."

He sets my bag carefully on the desk in front of me. Rue shifts uncomfortably in her seat but does not look at either one of us. "Don't act stupid, Ms. Walker, I know this belongs to you," he snaps, his look of disgust more evident than ever. He leans closer to me, his greasy hair shining in the dim light of the room. "You snuck out past curfew, asked your friends to lie and say the contents of this bag weren't yours, then dare to look at me as though you have no clue what I'm talking about?"

The entire class has stopped to look at us now - he wasn't very quiet about his hatred. He points his wand at my bag and it pops open, revealing the golden egg within. The silence in the room seems to get louder. "You and Malfoy will meet me in this room for detention at six tonight, no later."

Sorry for posting a day late! I was too busy yesterday and then had to work today. Hope you have a great day <3

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