7. Halloween Pt. 2

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Draco and I turn the corner towards the feast, and the smell of the food and sound of the students overwhelm us. I didn't realize how hungry I was until this delicious food was made. Before we make it within eyesight of the students, Draco takes a step in front of me to stop me.

"Valentine, you look lovely."

My lips part in surprise. Did Draco Malfoy just compliment me? Before I can reply, he spins and walks into the dining hall, leaving me speechless. After a moment of gathering myself, I step into the dining hall and see Rue and Marcus already shoving their face with food. They're dressed like the ideal couple - beautiful, fashionable, and admirable.

They see the look on my face before I sit down, but I can't find the words to speak. Instead, I pick up a fork and begin to eat the feast. "Valentine, I know that look! Where's Seamus?" Rue asks. Marcus is scanning the Gryffindor table but shakes his head.

"Draco said that he had an 'accident' in potions today that made him sick."

Rue's eyes bulge out of her head. "Wait, you were talking to Malfoy? That's why you were late?"

I nod. "He seemed too smug about Seamus not being able to come. When I was close to him, he put his hands on my lips and got upset about my lipgloss and accused me of wanting to kiss Seamus!"

Rue squeals into her hands and Marcus takes a sip of his juice to wash down the food he almost spit out. "That isn't even the best part!" I exclaim. They lean forward silently and I meet them in the middle. "Before we walked in, he stopped and said 'Valentine, you look lovely.'"

"Our Valentine!" Marcus delights, putting his arm around Rue's shoulders like proud parents. "The bad boy has feelings for our Valentine!" They lean their heads against each other and grin at me.

Professor Dumbledore clears his throat and we all turn to look at him. "I assume you've all had time to enjoy this delicious food, even those who arrived late," he begins. His eyes scan to me and then the Slytherin table. Professor McGonagall must have told him. "Nevertheless, I think that it is time for the party to begin. I ask that everyone line against the walls so that we may redecorate appropriately."

We do as he says and in an instant, the feast and long tables are gone. Replacing them is multiple tables filled with punch and dessert placed randomly, allowing enough room for students to dance. The lights turn into an orange hue and bats begin to fly around the ceiling; music begins to play. "Remember, students - this is still a school party. Please be on your best behavior."

The students reply with a loud cheer and we flood the floor. Many students head for desserts but Rue, Marcus and I head towards the middle of the dance floor. I wouldn't say any of us are actually a decent dancer, but it's fun to enjoy time with friends. We enjoy the beginning of the party, admiring the tricks the ghosts are performing above us. They seem to be enjoying the attention as much as we're enjoying the entertainment.

Towards the end of the party, about an hour later, the music takes a turn. A slow love song begins to play and Professor McGonagall reminds us to "remain decent." I shoo Rue and Marcus to enjoy a dance together and I slide towards the side of the room, not wanting to be in the center without a date. It's a shame Seamus is sick, it would've been great to dance with him tonight.

"Friends left you in the dust, Hufflepuff? It's a shame your boyfriend couldn't make it."

I don't bother to get angry. Right now I'm feeling a bit of self-pity, seeing basically everyone dancing besides me, Malfoy, and his two minions across the room from us. The song is almost halfway over and I can't help but to be mesmerized by the looks Rue and Marcus are giving each other. It's obvious that they were meant to be together with how well their forms fit with one another and how happy they are.

Before I can think, I grab Malfoy's wrist and pull him towards the center of the dance floor. I make sure we're not in the dead center and I turn to face him, putting my arms around his neck and pulling him closer. He doesn't protest, and his arms find their way around my waist. "This isn't a pity dance, is it?" He asks. His voice is low enough for only my ears. There's a look of vulnerability in his face, mixed with the utter terror of being rejected. I shake my head no and we begin to dance in time with the song.

For a bully, he isn't so mean after all. His hands are gently placed on my waist and he isn't stepping on my feet. This close, I can smell his cologne and see that his hair is perfectly gelled back. "Malfoy, if I ask you a question, would you be completely honest?"

His eyebrows furrow in confusion. "When have I ever lied? I never lie! It's not my fault your cat is fat and that the students here are complete morons."

I can only laugh in response. He's got a point - as rude as he is, I've never seen him lie. Well, besides when he covered Seamus's "accident" earlier. "Do you have feelings for me?" I ask. We stop dancing and a troubled look appears on his face.

Not long after my question, the music stops and Dumbledore tries for our attention again. "I have to go," Draco says. He pulls away and disappears through the crowd, towards the large doors. I see his two minions follow him and I know that he's gone.

"It's time to vote for best costumes! We have a few students chosen by your professors to participate."

A group of students walk behind him and I'm elated to see Rue and Marcus posing next to each other. They're happy and not afraid to be next to each other in front of everyone.

An ideal couple.

Hello again! I'm so excited to see Draco and Valentine together but I have to remind myself that there should be a plot or buildup of some kind. I'm also trying to stick close to Draco's original character, which can be difficult for romance situations.

As always, please like and comment. Thank you to anyone reading this. <3

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