63. Umbridge

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"Wands away."

Professor Umbridge enters from the rear door and her heels click on the ground as she walks toward her desk. Although confused, we do as she says in silence. "Good morning, class," she greets as she stands before her desk with her hands clasped together. "And welcome to Defense Against the Dark Arts."

We sit in silence to allow her to continue. "Class, when a Professor tells you 'good morning,' you must return the gesture. Good morning, class."

"Good morning, Professor," we reply in unison. Marcus and Rue share a sideways glance and Professor Umbridge's smile grows. She continues down the middle of the classroom, along the row she created in the gaps of our seats. Professor Umbridge slowly walks, taking in every face as her heels click with every step.

"Professor, how are we going to learn these spells if we can't practice them?" Hermione asks. Professor Umbridge turns to her with a sharp expression on her face.

"Do not speak out of term, Ms. Granger," she says. She continues to walk the room to gauge everyone's expression. "Why do students need to practice these spells? The Ministry has found no reason for usage of such spells in school. We are to talk about the effects of them safely, with our wands away."

Rue and I exchange a confused look and Professor Umbridge stops directly in front of our desk. "Do you have any questions, Ms. Walker?" Her smile widens, though it shows no sign of sincerity. "I don't suppose you think we should use such dangerous spells within Hogwarts grounds? You, of all people, should know the harm that may result in such instances of dark magic," she says. Her eyes shift from me, to Rue, then finally land on Marcus, where they stay.

I open my mouth to ask why she's staring, but Harry speaks before I can. "He had to use that spell to protect Valentine," Harry defends. His tone is daring and he is completely turned around in his seat to glare at Professor Umbridge. "And there is a real threat, and his name is Lord Voldemort."

Multiple gasps escape the lips of our classmates and Professor Umbridge's lips turn into a fine line as she looks at Harry. "The Minister finds no reason to believe such statements, and I will hear none of them in my classroom," she says, stepping closer to Harry as she speaks. Her bright pink heels click with every step.

"Oh, so Marcus didn't use that spell to stop a death eater from killing Valentine? And I was completely alone in the graveyard, right? And what about Cedric?"

Professor Umbridge clears her throat loudly and students wince at the mention of Cedric. Harry has barely spoken about that night in the graveyard; seldom know about what truly happened, other than the return of Lord Voldemort and the death of Cedric.

"That's detention for you, Mr. Potter. And if you were wise, you would cease to speak."

Professor Umbridge continues to the front of the classroom. Ron and Hermione begin to whisper to Harry, most likely to stop him from speaking out. "Does anyone else wish to speak out of turn?" She asks. We silently watch as she continues.


"Harry," I call, jogging to reach him, Hermione, and Ron, who are deep into a heated conversation by the time I catch up. Marcus and Rue went back to Hufflepuff common, and Marcus is debating leaving the class because of Professor Umbridge's obvious tone.

The three look at me as I begin to talk. "Thank you for defending me," I say. "You didn't have to, really. I'm sorry you have to spend more time with her than you need to."

We laugh at my apology and step closer to the wall to get out of the way of the moving students. "What do you think she has planned?" I inquire. "I mean, you can't think it's a complete coincidence that a member of the Ministry is a professor here after you announce the return of Voldemort."

"We agree with you, Valentine," Hermione says. "We just don't know what game she's playing. But we'll figure it out."

"I'll help," I offer. "I already don't like her."

"Stop talking to my girl, Potter."

Draco appears behind me with an annoyed expression directed toward Harry. "I saw the stunt you pulled in class today. Don't bring her into it," Draco warns.

"Shove off, Malfoy," Ron groans.

I place my hand on Draco's arm to stop him. "Let's go, Draco. I'll see you guys later." Draco wraps his arm around me, shoots one more glare at the trio, then leads me outside. "What was that about? Were you jealous?" I tease.

We stop beside a tree and he scoffs. "Me? Jealous of Potter? Have you lost your mind?" Draco asks. He leans against the tree and tilts his head down to look at me. "I can't have him getting you into trouble. You don't want to be on the bad side of a member of the Ministry."

I take a step forward to question him. "And how do you know this? Is this what you were talking about with 'big changes'?"

"Valentine, I have no control over who is chosen as professor of this place. If I did, half of these lunatics wouldn't be employed. Starting with him." Draco nods his head behind me and I turn to see Hagrid's hut seemingly empty. "I don't know where that oaf is, but I hope he stays out."

I fully turn to look at Hagrid's hut, hoping for some sort of sign of life. I didn't notice him on the first night, but I can't say I was necessarily looking for him. "We'll be having our O.W.Ls this year," Draco says. I turn back to him to listen to where his mind has gone now. He looks a bit nervous, but he is covering it with his usual cocky facade. "Have you given a thought to your life after Hogwarts?"

We both sit on the ground in front of the tree with our back against it. Students gather in groups around the courtyard while others walk to and from class. "Everyone says I should be an auror," I reply. My eyes are trained on Neville, who is currently fumbling through his pockets for something he has forgotten.

"Is that what you want?"

I shrug. "I'm good at that kind of stuff," I say. "I mean, I'm not even sure if I'll pass everything I need to pass in order to be one. Everyone in the Ministry is talking about me, and if I fail, then it would be heard all over the Ministry. They would think of me as a complete failure." I take a deep breath after the spirt of words. I wasn't aware of how I felt; I honestly haven't given anything much of a second thought.

"What about you, Draco?" I ask.

A shrill voice clears her throat. We turn to see Professor Umbridge standing in front of us with a large, toad-like grin on her face. "Ms. Walker, may I see you in my office?"

Sorry it took forever for another chapter 😭 I changed the dialogue in the class scene because I forgot what was said. 😩 I've been so busy with the holidays and work that I haven't been able to write much. I hope everyone is doing well!!

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