68. The Meeting

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A/N: A long chapter to make up for being inactive!! <3

"You think I wouldn't hear about a boy wanting to spend time with you, Valentine?" Draco asks, his voice getting angrier as he does so. "Especially that complete filth! Tell me what he's planning, Valentine."

I bite my lip as I process what he's saying. I hate lying to him; it kills me to even consider it. But I promised Hermione, and she's right - Professor Umbridge will find out if I tell Draco. He wouldn't say anything about me, but he would definitely give her all of the information about Harry.

"I don't... I don't know! I haven't seen Harry in so long. I can't remember the last time I spoke to him."

Draco places his right hand on the wall above me and leans down, his face mere inches from mine. I can see as he decides whether to believe me or not. "What were you talking about with Hermione earlier? Think I didn't see?"

"Draco, please calm down," I whisper. I place my hand on his chest and gently push him away from me. He allows me to, his hand falling to his side as he breathes heavily. "I would never do anything to hurt you. Especially anything to do with the one person you hate the most."

He rubs his face and nods, his expression hidden behind his hands with multiple rings similar in beauty to the jewelry he's given me. "He has it all," he murmurs behind his hands. His arms cross over his head, resting on top as his eyes squeeze shut in frustration. "He breathes, and everyone just worships him. I'm not sorry that the entire school is laughing at him, telling him he's crazy. It's about time someone else saw him as something other than the bloody hero!"

The vein in his neck is thick and protruding as his voice rises. "Before he was even a student here, everyone knew him! Everyone placed him above all else like there was nothing better in the world."

He sits on the bench and shoves his face into his hands again. His back rises and falls rapidly as he breathes. I sit next to him and put my arm around him, pulling him closer to me. I haven't realized how Draco must feel. The pressure his father puts him under, his enemy constantly being praised, his girlfriend going through countless life-threatening tasks not even a year before, and now we have the O.W.Ls that completely dictate our future. How could he not be stressed beyond belief? No wonder he's been so moody.

Draco's hand finds mine and his thumb runs over the promise ring he gave me. "I try to show everyone that you're mine, but what happens? A dumb Weaslebee and Potter mentioned you in every other breath."

His voice cracks but he tries to cover it with clearing his throat. He's still looking away from me. "Let's go back," Draco says with finality. We both stand, hand in hand, and walk back to the path. We continue to walk back to the castle silently, despite the laughter and loud conversations of the students around us.

We arrive shortly before dinner, so we stand outside the Great Hall. "Stop laughing so loudly!" Draco scolds. A second year boy flinches and runs away at Draco's voice. "What? Keep walking!" He barks at the staring students. They do as they're told once they see the shimmering prefect badge on his chest.

"Draco, you need to be nicer. They only listen to you because they fear you!" I warn. Draco scoffs and a smug look appears on his face. "Draco, I'm serious! These poor kids will end up in therapy!"

He laughs loudly. "Valentine, don't feel sorry for them. This place needs discipline. Professor Umbridge is finally the one with enough guts to bring it."

My heart sinks at his praise for her. What if he finds out I'm helping teach defense against the dark arts, against the wishes of his favorite role model and with the boy he considers his sworn enemy? I haven't agreed to anything, but I don't think Marcus or Rue will let me say no.

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