28. Dropped Drawing

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Professor Moody talks about dangerous spells we can cast on dark wizards for the entire class. This time last year, I would've laughed at the idea of the ordinary student facing a dark wizard. Then I was in the room with one, and another wizard who had been incarcerated in Azkaban for another man's crime. Maybe I should pay more attention to Professor Moody's tangents.

As class ends, Professor Moody asks that I stay behind. Rue and I exchange a glance and she leaves, no doubt waiting for me just outside the front door. "How are you, Ms. Walker?" He asks. His voice starkly contrasts what it was just moments ago in front of the class. "I see you've got nervous ticks."

I bite my lip in embarrassment - I didn't realize my panic was that evident. "I'm sorry Professor, I just wish my name had never been called. Do you truly think there could be dark magic behind it?"

Professor Moody sits on his desk and takes a swig of his flask. "Sweetheart, I know dark magic when I see it. The only question is who has it out for you?" I shrug - I sincerely don't know who would ever do something like this to me. I know I'm not everyone's favorite, but I've never done anything to result in someone's hatred. "Think, Ms. Walker. Anyone pay too much attention to you? Anything strange happen?"

"Well, there is this one Durmstrang student who can't seem to stop staring. But I've never spoken to him, so I figured it's harmless."

This seems to interest him; he begins to pace around the room at the news. "Durmstrang, you say? That comes to nobody's surprise. Just keep an eye out for the boy and tell me if anything strange happens."


The first event is approaching and I have no clue what it is. Rue, Marcus, and I have spent countless hours in the library in preparation for whatever could happen. Draco has even taught me multiple curses to use in case I have to protect myself in any way. I'm currently in the library with Rue as both of us brainstorm on what it could be. It couldn't be too dangerous, right? After all, we're just students. But then again, students from long ago also died as a result of this tournament. Will there be any deaths this year? A shiver runs down my spine at the thought. Focus, Valentine. You have to worry about keeping yourself alive.

"I don't think I could look at another word," Rue groans, slamming another book shut. "Are you sure you haven't been given any clues?" I shake my head no and rub my face with my hands. "We can continue later. Besides, it's time for dinner anyways."

We both stand and collect our belongings before we head to eat. Marcus agreed to meet us there later and I'm supposed to spend time with Draco afterward to continue our lessons. In all honesty, he's a fantastic teacher. As Rue and I exit, someone in the hall bumps into us. It's the boy who always stares at me. "Sorry, Val," He says, looking at me for a second too long and then disappearing into the group of Durmstrangs. For a moment I feel terrified about how he knows my name, but then I remember the horrible moment I had to walk in front of everyone when my name was called.

"He dropped this," Rue says, handing me a folded piece of parchment paper. I open it and there's a drawing of a dragon breathing fire over a small girl that resembles me. My eyes widen and I exchange a glance with Rue. "You don't think..."

"The first task is dragons," I finish. I could quite possibly vomit at the thought right now. Dragons? They want teenagers to fight dragons as the first task? I couldn't imagine what comes afterward if this is only the beginning. Rue and I rush to the Hufflepuff table and find Marcus already waiting for us. "Marcus, you won't believe this," I breathe. I hand him the drawing and he looks back up at me in confusion.

Marcus waves the drawing as if it means nothing. "Why are you showing me this? Did you draw this?" He asks. I glare at him until he realizes what it means. "You mean this is the first task? How did you find out?"

Rue and I hush him and we lean forward to tell him everything. "Valentine, you have to tell Professor Moody about this. Do all Durmstrang students know about it? Why was this boy so interested in telling you?"

We're interrupted by Professor Dumbledore. He announces how fast the first task is approaching and I bite my lip. I look to the Slytherin table to find Draco already looking at me in worry. Since he heard the theory of dark magic, he hasn't allowed me to be alone. He only feels safe when I'm with someone, even if that someone is the boy he hates the most. His disgust for Harry doesn't change the fact that he knows Harry would protect me if someone tried to attack.

After dinner, I find Draco at the bottom of the stairs leading to the Astronomy Tower. "Are you ready, love?" He asks. I nod my head and we ascend the staircase until we reach the top. The moon shines brightly into the tower and we can see each other perfectly well.

"The first task is dragons," I say. It comes out so fast that I'm unsure if Draco fully understood me. His widened eyes tell me that he did, in fact, understand every word that came out of my mouth. I hand him the slip of parchment and he unfolds it. "A Durmstrang student bumped into me and dropped that. I think he wanted to tell me."

Draco scoffs and folds the paper again. "It's the bloke who can't take his eyes off you, isn't it?" He asks. When I nod, he crumples the paper and throws it over the railing. "What will it take for him to know who you belong to?"

My face reddens at his words and I hold onto the railing to keep myself upright. Draco always knows how to make my stomach whirl. "Draco, he was trying to help. Imagine if he didn't tell me and I had the surprise of facing dragons."

Draco clenches his jaw. "Valentine, you need to stay away from him. Don't trust any of those filth as long as Karkaroff is the headmaster. I'll be keeping an eye on both of you from now on. Do you understand?"

"I understand."

Ooooh, I love protective Draco. I'm so excited for the coming chapters and yes there will be confrontation.

Wonder // Draco Malfoyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें