74. Game Plan

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Today is the last full day at Hogwarts until the winter holiday break. Most of us are cramming whatever we can in our luggage for the train back to our families. Draco and I spoke about break, and given that his father isn't the biggest fan of me, we thought it better to not spend the holiday together. He also promised to clarify everything with his father before Umbridge threatened to expel us for getting back together. I'm still unsure if it'll work, but I'll have to hope for the best.

I've decided to go back to 12 Grimmauld Place for the holidays. I've told Draco I'll be back at the Weasleys, but he told me something that scared me. He told me never to tell him everything. That he would have to explain after break, but to trust him for now. I'm perplexed; I would've told him everything, trusting him, but now he's told me not to be completely honest.

"What do you think classes will be about today?" Rue asks as she shoves her suitcase closed. We both woke up early today to make sure we're completely packed before the morning. "Do you think we'll be let off easy?"

I snort in response - how a girl could dream. "Every professor will probably go on and on about how the O.W.Ls are approaching and how we need to be completely prepared."

We groan in unison and decide we've done enough packing. We grab our bags and head down for breakfast. Rue sits next to Marcus and I sit at the Slytherin table with Draco, something he asked me to do last night since we lost so much time together.

Draco's arm wraps around me while he's still in middle of a conversation with Crabbe. When he finishes his sentence, he kisses me lightly and smiles. "I missed you, my love."

"I saw you last night," I reply. I've missed him, too, but I love to mess with him.

"And? Can't a boy miss his girlfriend?"

I giggle but am interrupted by Hermione awkwardly clearing her throat. She stands on the opposite side of the table looking rather uncomfortable. "Sorry for, em, interrupting," she begins. Draco's expression turns to disgust but I squeeze his hand to silence him - Hermione is being civil, after all. "But I was wondering, Valentine, since we're both going to the Weasleys and they've all left... well, would you like to ride the rain with me back?"

My smile widens - I'm ecstatic to spend more time with her. Since her closest friends are boys, I know she needs some girl time. "Yes, absolutely! I think Martin and Crookshanks have missed each other. We'll just have to ignore Val."

"Thank you! I'll meet you in the morning, okay?" Hermione suggests. I agree with her and watch as she quickly makes her way back to the Gryffindor table. She's so sweet. And bless her for having to keep Ron and Harry in line all the time.

Draco's arm tightens around me to where our sides are together. "I have something for you," he whispers in my ear. Tingles shoot up and down my body as he speaks. He reaches into his bag and pulls out a black velvet bag with green ribbon tying it closed. It thumps on the table as he sets it down. "Make sure you buy yourself something pretty for me, darling, okay?" He whispers in my ear.

I pick the bag up and realize I vastly underestimated how much money is within. "Draco, why-"

"My girl needs to be wearing only the best. There is some muggle money in there, too, if your father decides to see you."

After running my thumb over the velvet again, I place it carefully into my bag in disbelief. "Draco... thank you." That's all I can say - I know he won't accept any arguments and I quite frankly don't know what else I could possibly say.

He leans in again and I swear my knees are weak just having him so close. He twirls some of my hair around in his finger. "Maybe I can take you on another date, hm? You can wear something pretty while I show everyone you're mine."

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