71. The Room of Requirement

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My eyes are red and puffy from crying, but I've had to mask everything because of how much I've had to study. My hand hurts because of how many essays I've written. Rue has asked me a million times if I'm okay, and I've told her a million and one times that I have to focus on homework and the meeting coming up. Of course my relationship has been rocky during preparation for O.W.Ls, and with a new professor who is trying to completely take over the entire school. As if I don't have enough to worry about, with me having to compete in a life-threatening competition that someone entered me in with the hopes I'd die just last year.

Draco hasn't spoken to me since Rue and Marcus helped me move back. I didn't break up with him, but he refuses to even look at me so I can explain everything. I'm terrified that he's told Professor Umbridge, but she hasn't lashed out on me. Which is a tell-tale sign she doesn't know, since she would be singing about expelling me by now. She's probably ecstatic seeing Draco and I so upset, looking as if we have broken up. My head is running in circles just praying that there's a chance he'll believe me.

"Erm, I'm supposed to, um, find you."

Ron stands next to our table in the library, looking as awkward as ever. "What for?" I ask. My tone comes out harsher than I intended, mostly due to the pain in my throat.

"Harry sent me," he responds. I catch on immediately and put everything in my bag. Rue does the same and we follow Ron out of the library. "We've found the place," he whispers. We begin to climb the stairs, Rue and I struggling to keep up with his urgency. When we reach the first landing, I put my hand on Ron's shoulder and turn him to face me.

"Ron, can you be any more conspicuous?" I hiss. "You've almost knocked over three students!"

"Sorry," he mumbles. We walk at an even pace up more steps, finally turning down a hallway dimly lit. We stop in front of a large set of doors I've never noticed. "Dobby showed Harry," he explains. We open the doors to reveal a large room with a fireplace in the back.

Harry and Hermione are already inside with their wands out, levitating pillows. "Harry," I greet with a smile. He drops his pillow and smiles at me. "Does anyone know about this place?"

"Brilliant, right?" He asks. He motions to the walls of books, the numerous items to levitate, and mannequins to practice defensive spells on. I toss my bag in the corner after I get my wand out.

"It's the Room of Requirement," Hermione informs. Rue is looking at the different books on the wall and nodding along, her long, curly hair bouncing as she does so. Her hair is as wide as she is now, but in a shiny, perfectly taken care of way. Reality hits when I see the young girl I met on the first train ride turn into a beautiful young woman.

Pushing my sentiments aside, I greet the other students who arrive. Neville, Seamus, Dean, nervously look around. Ginny and Luna come after, then another wave of students.

"Will we be practicing spells?" Neville asks. George throws his arm around him and laughs.

"Keep off, Longbottom, she's all mine tonight."

"George!" I hiss, smacking his chest and turning red. "That is so wrong!"

He rolls his eyes and lets Neville go. "You know I'm joking," he says. "Besides, Draco got me forbidden from quidditch. I can joke with his girlfriend as much as I want."

I bite my lip at the title. There is no way George hasn't seen how torn Draco has been recently. I haven't seen him, either, because of how he's been avoiding me, but Marcus told me all about it last night.

"Trouble in paradise?"

Fred leans against the bookshelf and crosses his arms, one eyebrow arched curiously. "None of your business," I say. I cross my arms, too, earning a pat on the head from George.

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