20. Quidditch World Cup Invite

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Summer break has mostly passed in a breeze. Being safe in my father's house, separated from the dangers that arise at Hogwarts, brings me a deeper sleep. Sitting on the bench in our garden and talking while the only other noise is the animals and insects around us is blissful. I have told my father about the entire school year, apart from my run-in with Sirius and a murderer who is now in hiding. I even told him a little about Draco. Mostly how confusing and mean he is to others, but nothing about his father or his demeanor towards what they call "mudbloods." I could never say such a disgraceful word in front of the man that loves me the most.

"Have you told Rue and Marcus that they are welcome at any time?" He asks, digging his fork into the last bite of his cheesecake. Although I have written about my best friends and sent photos many times, I have never invited them to stay. Mostly since they would probably find this life boring. I would, too, but my love for my father can make anything bearable. "And this Draco boy, too, if you insist."

I smile at his words; he has only recently gotten fonder of the idea of me dating someone. I am sure it is mostly because he wants someone to care about me deeply and protect me when he cannot. "I plan to write them tonight. I would love for all of you to meet." I, too, finish my dessert and we begin to walk back inside. I wish I could tell him how unlikely it would be for Draco to ever travel to a muggle neighborhood while under strict supervision from his father.

When we finish cleaning the dishes, we bid each other good night and Martin trots up the stairs next to me to join me in bed. When I arrived back at Diagon Alley - Marcus's family greeted us since my father had to work - I bought an owl to use to communicate with my friends. The past few summers, I have had to wait for them to contact me first since I did not have one of my own to use. Thankfully there was a young, chirpy owl that flew directly to my shoulder upon entering the shop.

Taking out a quill and a piece of parchment, I begin to write my first letter.

I miss you. I am sorry for not writing much this summer, I've just missed time with my father. I hope you're well! Are you spending time with Marcus this summer? My father has invited the two of you (and Draco, which we know is unlikely) to spend the night whenever you're free. I do miss you and agree with this idea. My father would love to know more about this side of my life.

P.S., If you are with Marcus, tell him I said hello and to send chocolate frogs ASAP!

I roll the piece of parchment up and tie it with a small yellow ribbon. The second letter will be harder - what could I say to Draco? Does his father read his mail and be able to see the girl that is infatuated with his son? Shaking my head, I begin to write the letter. He is all I dream about; he is all I can think about. How we couldn't have a goodbye kiss at the end of term. Him never truly asking me out but making it clear that I am his alone. His soft lips on my own; the vulnerable look on his face as we discuss families. With the thought of how terrified he is of his own father, I know I must write to him.

I am deeply sorry that I have not written to you. You are always on my mind, and I hope that it is the same for you, too. I have been counting down the days until I can see you again, even if it is in passing on the Hogwarts Express because we cannot yet talk to each other. I miss you, Draco, and I hope to hear back from you soon.


Unsure of what else to write, I roll the second piece of parchment up and tie another yellow ribbon around it. My owl, who I have named Val, hops to my desk and eagerly holds out a talon. "This one is for Rue," I instruct, tying it securely around Val's small claw. "This one is for Draco," I say, tying the other one to her other claw. "Please deliver Rue's first," I beg, hoping that this tiny owl would understand the humility if Draco read my letter to Rue.

I pat Val and she excitedly chirps and flies out of my bedroom window. Exhaustion suddenly overcomes me and I join Martin on my bed and quickly fall asleep, ignoring the anxious thoughts of Draco's reaction.


After four days of Val not returning, I begin to worry. Surely it would not take them that long to reply? I'm sure they don't live too far from my home, anyways. To distract my mind, I have begun another book to read while sitting at my desk, facing the warm sun.

"Valentine, you have company!"

Excitement and curiosity course through me as I descend the staircase to where my father called me. When I enter the living room, I am met with a family of attractive blondes and their son beaming down at me. "Marcus!"

Marcus engulfs me in a hug, almost crushing me in his arms. He has to be working out - the old Marcus would never be able to squish me like this. "Valentine, how are you?" Marcus's mother coos, kissing my cheek and hugging me. "Marcus and Rue have been talking nonstop about you!"

"Rue?" I ask. My dad grins and points behind me. When I turn, Rue is behind me, her dark curly hair bouncing as she jumps in place, her arms extending to embrace me. "Rue!" I exclaim. A chorus of laughter emits from behind us as we hug, laughing into each other's shoulders. "So you got my letter? I've been worried sick!"

Rue laughs and nods, pulling the letter from her back pocket. "We got it two nights ago and planned a surprise to see you."

"How did you know where I lived?" I ask. Marcus's father raises his hand and smiles. He is a few inches taller than my father with a well-defined jaw and broad shoulders. If Ken, Barbie's boyfriend, had a dad, it would be him. Ironic, considering his son's recent Halloween costume.

"Rue told me that your father is a lawyer so I searched for him. I introduced myself and the plan yesterday. It isn't hard to track anyone, really."

My eyes lock with my father's and we smile at each other. He is a bit socially awkward, but I can tell how happy he is to finally meet the two people I have spent most of the last few years with. "They tell me about a, um, tournament of some sort?" My father asks. He seems to have forgotten the exact words used by Marcus's family, but there is no need for him to feel embarrassed. I, too, forgot half of the words I was taught when I was first introduced to everything.

"The Quidditch World Cup is being held in England this year," Marcus's father states. "We would like to take both you and Rue with us to see the game if you desire."

My jaw drops slightly - a real, professional quidditch match? That sounds amazing! And no doubt half of the school will be there, especially the boy I would love to see the most. Out of instinct, I turn to my dad for permission before I give my response. He only laughs when he sees my expression. "Of course you can go, Valentine! I think it's a beautiful idea for you to experience more of your mother's world outside the confines of school."

I jump into his arms in glee. I love to spend time with my father, but he's right; I need to experience more.

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