84. The Quibbler

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The owls swoop low and parcels drop in some of our breakfast plates. Val chirps lightly as she darts through the bigger birds to get to me. She lands lightly on my notebook with a perfectly rolled scroll clutched in her small claw. I drop a few treats and absentmindedly pet her head as I open the letter. It's from my father.

I can't describe how much I miss you. I've been looking through old photographs of you and your mother and it has made me realize that I may have been too harsh on you before. It was never my intention to drive you away when I saw the type of family your boyfriend comes from. Your mother would have put me to shame for letting my frustration control your love life.

As your father, I can't stand the idea of a boy fancying you. I can barely fathom the idea that he would put his life at risk just to keep you safe. I'm sorry I was too upset to realize that that is exactly what he had done for you.

Your mother and I named you Valentine because we had never known love like the love we had for each other. Your mother was always the romantic. Sorry for rambling. I just miss you both.

Please write to me. I know you have exams, and a boyfriend, and best friends, and now fame. Please remember your father in the midst.

With love,

Val nips at my finger and takes off with the other owls that have already departed. I tuck the letter into my bag to read again later. Then I'll let Rue read it and then we'll cry together. Gosh, when was the last time I cried?

"Valentine, look at this!" Marcus says. He sits next to me and pushes my bowl of food away. In its place he sets a newspaper. I pick it up curiously - I know it isn't The Daily Prophet. It's too... unique. It's filled with strange creatures, funny magic, and rather uneventful topics.

Marcus flips to a page where a familiar face stares back at me. "Rita Skeeter interviewed Harry for The Quibbler?" I ask as I read the first few sentences. "Why did- she doesn't even work with them."

Marcus waves his hands to dismiss my statements as if they don't mean a thing in the world. "Look at what he's talking about, would you?" Marcus asks.


"There's no way," I gasp. When I stand to find Harry at the Gryffindor table, he already has quite a few people talking to him. Whether it's good or bad, I don't know. "Someone actually let him speak about this?"

I continue to read the entire interview about what Harry saw months ago. "This has got to be the end of Rita's career," I say. My fingers run down every line as I re-read the article. "I mean, The Daily Prophet has stayed true to saying he isn't back - that Harry is a liar."

More students begin to speak up about what they think of the interview. Some believe it to be a load of rubbish, while others contemplate the possibility that Lord Voldemort might actually be back. He is. Of all people, I should know this. One of his loyal followers tried to kill me in the maze.

This could change everything. Maybe people will believe Harry and Dumbledore now. Maybe they'll stop slandering their names and open their eyes to the truth!

Maybe Dumbledore's Army will grow in numbers.

"I have to talk to him," I say. With The Quibbler in hand, I throw my bag over my shoulder and make my way to the Gryffindor table. I have no trouble finding a seat in front of Harry, since most people spoke in passing. "Harry, this is amazing!" I muse.

Hermione beams at me and sits higher. "It was all my idea, after all. It's about time everyone hears the truth," she states matter-of-factly. I'm convinced this is her default tone of voice. "It's only a matter of time before everyone finally believes him."

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