Chapter 19: Kai and Lilac vs Drazeros and Brevon

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Kai the firedragon and his friends all couldn't believe it. Drazeros has risen from the dead and they could tell he wants revenge.

Drazeros: Now Lincoln Loud was it? I'm going to give you one chance to give me the stone and I may spare all of your pitiful lives.

Kai and Lilac stood in front of Drazeros until Brevon jumps down to join the fight.

Brevon then looked to Drazeros.

Brevon: So you are the shadow dragon Siderian spoke of?

Drazeros: Correct. And I see a water dragon. I thought they were all but extinct.

Kai was furious when Drazeros said that but calmed down.

Kai then looked to Jake and the others.

Kai: Guys get out of here I'll keep Drazeros and Brevon distracted.

Jake: No way! I'm helping you out in this fight.

Lilac: Guys the stone and Lincoln are much more important they need to be protected. 

Kai: She's right get Lincoln to safety.

Jake and the others didn't want to leave Kai on his own but they reluctantly agreed as they took Lincoln and the stone out of the Dreadnaught

Kai looked to Lilac.

Kai: Lilac you should go with them too.

Lilac then looked at Kai and gave him a reassuring smile.

Lilac: Nope I'm helping you out in this fight. Besides I still owe Brevon some payback for the torture he put me through.

Kai nodded. They both charged at Drazeros and Brevon. Kai delivers a massive punch to Drazeros which sent him only a few feet away. Lilac used her cyclone attack on Brevon but he caught her hair and threw her at the wall.

Kai looked at Lilac in worry.

Kai: Lilac!

Lilac: I'm fine you focus on Drazeros!

Drazeros draws out his sword and charges at Kai. Kai brings out his sword and blocks the attack. The fire dragon and shadow dragon have an epic sword battle as they ran at each other in full speed. Lilac used her dragon boost at Brevon but he brings out his dagger and tries to slash her but she dodges and hit Brevon in the chest and sends him straight to the wall and fell unconscious.

Lilac then goes to help Kai.

The dragons still go at each other with all their might.

Drazeros: I'm impressed boy you have improved your skills but unfortunately it won't be enough to defeat me!

Drazeros punches Kai in the gut so hard that he coughed up blood and was sent to the wall.

Drazeros then walked up to Kai with his sword still in hand as he had an evil smile on his face.

Drazeros: (smirk) Any last words?

Kai then sees Lilac preparing to attack him from behind.

Kai: (smirk) Yeah always look behind you.

Drazeros was confused until he was hit from behind by Lilac.

Lilac: You ok?

Kai: I am now thanks to you.

The two dragons then escaped before Drazeros and Brevon could stop them from escaping.

Drazeros growls in fury as his revenge upon Kai was taken from him.

Drazeros: (anger) The next time we meet Fire Dragon I will kill you.

Meanwhile back at the loud house...

The loud family, Casagrande family, and McBride family are happy to see Lincoln is alright but they are worried about Kai and Lilac. Lori and Bobby are especially worried for their foster son Kai Loud the fire dragon.

Lori: (worried) I hope they're ok.

Bobby: Me too Lori. Me too.

Lana then sees two blurs coming this way.

Lana: Guys it's Kai and Lilac they're ok!

Everyone is happy that they are okay. Lori and Bobby came up to their foster son and gave him a hug.

Jake then walked up to the two dragons.

Jake: You had us worried for a minute.

Kai: Sorry dude.

Both Kai and Jake did a bro fist as they are happy to see that Kai and Lilac are back in one piece.

CJ then came to them.

CJ: So what happened?

Kai then had a grim look on his face.

Kai: Guys Drazeros has returned.

The Loud Family, Casagrande family, and McBride family couldn't believe what they heard the evil shadow dragon has returned the same monster that killed his guardian and almost killed Lincoln and Ronnie Anne.

Luan: (shocked) Y-You're joking right?

Kai shook his head no.

Lori: This is not good if Drazeros is back then we now have to deal with two dangerous enemies now.

Lilac: That's why me and the others are staying on Earth to help you guys out.

Kai and the others all gave team Lilac a smile as they now have allies to help them defeat Brevon and Drazeros once and for all.

To be continued...

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