S2 Chapter 4: Project Kelvin arc 1

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Deep within the abandoned laboratory lays a stasis pod and within it a dragon was inside it before this being awakened and broke out the pod.

This being is named Kelvin the firedragon.

Kelvin: (confused) Where am I? What is this place?

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Kelvin: (confused) Where am I? What is this place?

Kelvin kept looking around his surroundings until he starts to get glimpses of his past and what happened to him.

Kelvin then had a look of anger on his face.

Kelvin: (anger) Area 51!!

Kelvin let out a rageful scream as his power shot through the sky.


Kai and his friends are having fun at the beach and it was going great until a red blur attacked them.

Aerion: What the heck was that?

They all looked through the smoke before it disappeared and standing before them was a black dragon with red stripes on his hair and had orange eyes brimming with hatred.

Kai: (cautious) Who are you?

Kelvin glared at Kai before he answered.

Kelvin: My name is Kelvin and my mission is to destroy this world and to make a perfect world by my hands!

This was a new threat to Earth and it's up to Kai and the others to stop him and save the planet Earth from destruction.

To be continued...

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