S3 Chapter 10: Rise of Merga arc 8

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In the theater a fierce battle is going on as Kai and Kelvin battled Siderian while Lilac faced off against Carol's sister. Felic tried to slash Carol Jake, and Aerion but they dodged as Aerion punched the tiger in the face.

Drazen and Neera charged at Necro as their weapons clashed Neera freezes her legs. 

Necro: Oh Crud.

Drazen: Nighty night.

Drazen punched Necro knocking her out. Henry and Milla attacked Siderian from behind as Kai and Kelvin both punched him in the face.

Felice growled in anger.

Felice: Let's get out of here!

Felice and the others retreated

Kai: Come on! We need to get to the Magister and quick!

They all ran straight back to the palace to protect the Magister.

Kai and Lilac sees Asoka trapped in rumble.

Kai: What happened?

Askal: Long Story. For now we need to assist Gong.

They made it to where Gong and the Magister and Askal attacks Gong.

Kai:(shocked) Askal what are you doing?!

Askal: The right thing!

Drazeros laughed.

Drazeros:(evil smile) So good to see you again Magister.

Magister: I had hoped to never see you again.

Drazeros: Hehe well here I am and I see you still haven't told Kai and Lilac of the secret you kept hidden.

Kai: What's he talking about?

Merga: You young Kai are the former prince of the Firekingdom.

Kai was shocked to hear this he was a former prince and he wasn't the only one shocked.

Kai:(shocked) Me? A prince?

Drazeros smirked evilly.

Drazeros:(evil smile) Indeed your guardian never did told you the full story of your past did he?

Magister:(anger) Be silent you twisted monster!

Drazeros: Now now Magister the boy deserves to know the truth after all his parents did trust you to keep his origin of his past hidden.

Drazeros: You see Kai your real parents were once the rulers of the Firekingdom that always protect the weak. I desired to conquer Avalice and become king. So I killed your parents and wiped out every last Firedragon until all that was left was you and your Guardian.

Kai and the others were absolutely shocked. Drazeros destroyed the Firekingdom and killed Kai's real parents that he never met.

Lilac yelled at Drazeros with rage in her voice.

Lilac:(rage) You heartless monster!

Kai shook in anger the scales on his body were starting to change from red to black.

Jake:(concern) Kai?

Kai:(rage) I'll Kill you!

Kai was soon covered in a dark aura. Everyone was pushed back but Drazeros continued to smirk as he knew that Kai has awakened his Dark form

Lilac stared in horror. Her boyfriend Kai had completely changed. He now had sharp claws and his eyes were now purple but they were filled with malice and unstoppable rage. His wings have also changed as they looked skeletal.

Drazeros laughed as he now sees Kai has entered his dark form

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Drazeros laughed as he now sees Kai has entered his dark form.

Dark Kai charged at Drazeros with killing intent as he punched Drazeros on the side of his cheek sending him a few feet back but Dark Kai wasn't done as kicked Drazeros by the side. Drazeros grabs Dark Kai as he throws him straight at the wall.

Drazeros: That's it keep giving in to your hatred and become a killer like me!

Dark Kai roared in rage as he brings out his sword and Drazeros also bring out his sword as the two clashed.

Lilac: We need to help Kai!

Kelvin: Agreed.

Merga: All of you will not interfere.

Merga charged at them while Drazeros and Kai continued their battle.

Merga: Open your eyes hatchling! The Earthdragons wiped out our kind you should join us!

Lilac: I'll never betray my friends!

Dark Kai tried to stab Drazeros but he stopped that as he kneed him in the stomach and throws him straight to the ground.

Drazeros was about to finish off Kai but Kelvin stopped him. Kelvin rushed to see if Kai is alright as he was back to his normal self.

Kelvin carried him behind his back.

Kelvin: We need to get out of here!

They escaped as Askal and Siderian were about to chase after them.

Drazeros: No let them leave.

Askal: And what about the Magister and Kai?

Drazeros: Oh believe me once they had recovered I will kill them.

The final battle is coming will Kai and the others be able to stop Drazeros and Merga before it's too late? Find out next Freedom Planet Kai the Firedragon's adventures!

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