Chapter 23: Rise of Metal Kai arc 3

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(Narrator: Previously on Freedom planet Kai the firedragon's adventures. Tygren was furious that Metal Kai failed to retrieve the master kingdom stone so he sends Metal Kai to capture Lori as his hostage to retrieve the stone. Metal akai arrives at the park and captures her but Kai and Lilac saved her. Can Kai and Lilac defeat Metal Kai? Find out now.)

Kai and Lilac glared at the robot as they both charged at Metal Kai. Metal Kai also charges at them. Kai delivers a roundhouse kick but Metal Kai blocks it and throws Kai straight at the tree. Lilac uses her cyclone attack at Metal Kai. The robot clone then grabs her and threw her in the bushes.

Kai:(worried) Lilac are you okay?

Lilac gave Kai a reassuring smile.

Lilac: Yeah I'm fine but this robot is no joke we need to be careful.

Kai nodded as he uses his fire tornado and charges at Metal Kai delivering a powerful blow that sent the robot into the wall of the park.

Lori came from behind the tree and gave Kai a big hug. 

Lori: Thanks for saving me you two.

Kai gave his foster mother Lori Loud a smile.

Kai:(smile) Of course after all we are a family after all.

That's when Metal Kai came out of the rubble and grabs Lori once again.

Kai: Mom!

Kai rushed at Metal Kai but Metal Kai has already escaped with Lori in his grasps.

Kai fell to his knees as he pounded the hard concrete and tears streamed down his face.

Kai: (tears) Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!!

Lilac then rushed to him and gave him a hug to calm him down.

Lilac: Hey we'll get her back that's a promise. 

Kai gave Lilac smile as he hugged her back.


Metal Kai returns with Lori.

Tygren smirked at the hostage.

Tygren: Excellent work Metal Kai leave us.

Metal Kai nodded and left the room while Lori glared at the mad scientist.

Lori: (anger) What do you want?

Tygren simply smirked.

Tygren: I simply wish to conquer this world and the whole universe! But first your foster son must be dealt with along with his friends.

Lori: Well you can forget it you won't find it that easy to do so!

Tygren: Oh I know which is why I have ordered Metal Kai to capture you as a means for them to bring the Master Kingdom Stone to me.

Lori was shocked to this and hoped that Kai and the others will get in time to save her and stop Tygren's evil plan.


Kai and Liac returned to the loud house and told them what happened. They were shocked to hear that Lori was captured.

Bobby came to Kai and gave him a comforting hug.

Bobby: We'll get her back son and we'll stop Tygren.

Ronnie Anne: Agreed but where do we find his lab?

That's when a message appeared on Lisa's computer.

Jake: If I had to guess that message belongs to Tygren.

Lisa: Correct.

Tygren's face then appeared on the screen.

Tygren: Hello ladies and gentlemen.

Everyone glared at Tygren with anger on the screen.

Kai: (anger) Where's mom?

Tygren smirked evilly

Tygren: Oh don't worry she's fine for now. I have a deal for all of you.

They were curious about this deal that Tygren is offering.

Bobby came up to the screen.

Bobby: What kind of deal?

Tygren: Come to my laboratory and give me the master kingdom stone and you have my word that no harm will come to her. But fail to comply and she will suffer the consequences.

The transmission ended.

Drazen: We have to do something and fast!

Kai: Agreed and I think I might have a plan.

Meanwhile with Metal Kai...

Metal Kai was standing outside the laboratory as he continued monitoring the area and he soon began to speak for the first time.

Metal Kai: Soon my pathetic copy will meet his end and I will rule this world!

Metal Kai laughed evilly as he will soon destroy Kai and his friends once and for all.

To be continued...

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