S7 Chapter 11: The Fate of Equestria part 2

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Both sides are now in battle. Kai and Drazeros fought as punches went everywhere as they take their fight to the sky. Lilac, Lori, Twilight, Bobby, and Cozy Glow are fighting Razia.

Razia tried to slash both Lilac and Twilight but they dodged it as Lori and Bobby came in punched her and Cozy punched her in the chest.

Razia:(rage) Big mistake!

The corrupted Element of Generosity increased her power.

Lilac: We won't let you guys rule Equestria and the Universe not while we're around to stand in your way!

Clever Claws, Lincoln, Jake, and Clyde are fighting Siderian. Jake punched Siderian and he roundhouse kicks him while Lincoln Clyde and Clever Claws all attacked Siderian.

Siderian: You fools can't defeat us!

Siderian uses the Element of Loyalty as it increased his speed and attacks them very fast. Jake, Clever Claws, Lincoln, and Clyde were wounded and had little strength to get up. Whisper and Silver along with the Popples fought Sabrus.

Siderian: You fools should just give up and accept your fate.

Rainbow Dash: Never!

Rainbow Dash swooped down and punched Siderian hard as he crashed into the wall.

Rainbow Dash then looked at Jake and the others with concern.

Rainbow Dash:(concern) You guys ok?

Jake:(smile) Yeah we're ok thanks to you.

Siderian:(evil smile) This should be fun.

Felice is fighting Carol, Applejack, Lola, and Craftycorn. Applejack bucked her from behind while Carol punched her. Lola and Craftycorn both roundhouse kicked her.

Felice:(growls in rage) I'm going to enjoy beating all of you into pulp!

Then the Element of Honesty corrupted increases her strength as the tiger smirked evilly as she stomps her foot on the ground causing an Earthquake.

Carol: We need to get that Element off of her.

Lola: Agreed but how?

Felice: You can try but you will fail!

Meanwhile with Dragold and the others...

Dragold is fighting Tirek while Dravise, Lana, Seether, Frowny Fox, and the others are fighting Seth and the rest.

Tirek and Dragold both punched and kicked each other. Dragold delivered an uppercut that made Tirek lose a tooth.

Tirek:(anger) You'll pay for that!

Dragold: We'll see about that!

Seether and his evil brother Seth clashed as Seether punched him hard in the face. Seth growled as he punched him in the chest while Spike breathed fire at Seth and Tyke bit down on his leg.

Seth:(anger) Let go mutt!

Putter: Don't call my friend that!

Putter punched him and Seether unleashed a strong attack.

Seether: Omega Nature Cannon!

He fires at Seth that creates an explosion. The Smoke cleared as the Elements of Laughter allowed him to fire a devastating attack. Henry Carlota are fighting Grimy while Tazzuk and Dragren fight Drazen and Aerion. The rest are fighting Necro and the others. The corrupted Element of Kindness has increased her power.

Kai and Drazeros clashed in the sky with swords in their hands

Drazeros: You won't stop me Kai! This world and the Universe will be mine!

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