chapter. 4

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Tara pov!

It was late in night , we are still doing our work. I am busy on my painting which I do in Siya's studio or can say our because we both work here. I have to complete this painting before the due date and it's almost half completed, my costumer is leaving the country for future study and want some painting, I had already given her one but she want another one to put it in her study, a painting which can give her peace.

And about siya then she also have to complete the dresses cause in couple of days her customer wedding preparation will start, that's why both of us are working our ass off.

This was happening from couple of days, everyday we reach home late and listen mumma's scolding. Yeah I forget to tell , that siya spend her most of the time in my house cause her father is mostly out of the town, but doesn't mean he didn't love her daughter. He love her so much that whenever he come they both spend whole day with us Or rather in their home and about her mumma she left her when she was ten.

From that time she is like a another daughter of my mumma and papa. We are inseparable from that time.

As I was lost in my thoughts I heard " Tara" Siya shout near my ears.

" What happen why are you shouting? "I ask her

, " Madam where were you lost, I was calling you from last 5 min" siya said with a scariestic smile.

" Wo I was.." siya cut her wordssaid

said " listen aunty had called already two times , and said us to come home within an hour otherwise she will come here" .

As she said I opened my phone just to see many missed calls from mumma, papa and Ishaan. And without wasting a single second I put all my things aside and went to clean cause their is paint all over my hands and face.

I come out of bathrooms just to see siya is waiting for me " let's go " .

She said, I take my purse and phone , went outside .

Their is not much people are in the road so me and siya started to walk toward her car, which was parked on other side of road .

I was about to cross the road but at the same time a bike went with a speed which distract me and don't know when I come in the middle of the road just to see a car was coming in full speed , I got scared, not knowing what to do, my legs freeze at the spot and a scream leave my mouth.

Because of that the car just stop a few inches away from me. I Fall on the ground and got scratches on the hand beacuse of the stone which was placed their. At the same time siya too came here , ( yeah she got a call so she was away from me) and helped me to stand .

" you blind fool don't you have eyes haa, who give you license. And here started her scolding.

I dust my palm from my duppata and went toward them . Just to save that man before my bestie kill her .

I dragged her toward me and apologized the man cause I know it was my fault, that I come in the middle of road but being a genuine he too apologized to me.

Before , my not so happy bestie will kill this guy. I went from there dragging siya with me, who is trying to come out of my hold.

I really don't know but the whole time, I was feeling like there is someone there except that man. I heard the groan of that man, and saw another man with him but couldn't see his face cause of the dark.

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