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The sun rose slowly in the morning, its rays peeking in through your bedroom window and over your face just enough to disturb you.

Internally you groan from being woken up so early, and you wished that you had closed the curtains last night before just going straight to sleep.
You were so comfortable right now, it sucked that you'd have to move just to close the curtains better.

If you could actually move from your position.

Your brows furrow as you realize that you were stuck, or at least your midsection seemed to be held down, before you reach down carefully to feel what was holding you down.

At first you were thinking that maybe you slept wildly enough to have your covers tangled up around you, but as your hand touches a firm and bulged warm bicep, your body tenses up and your eyes snap open.

The more you wake up, the more anxious you become at this obvious person holding you like a personal pillow. You glanced downwards first, seeing that there is indeed a rather lightly tanned buff arm around your stomach, before seeing that there's a same tanned tone knee poking between your legs.

Swallowing a bit, you start to turn your head to try and see the face of the perpetrator, but instead you feel a face nuzzling against the back of your neck. "Mm.."

Your eyes widen as you slightly hear the small humming sound, recognizing it as Goku's voice before your cheeks start to burn. You didn't even question why he was here, but you were questioning why he was here!
"G... Goku?" You test, but don't get a response. So you try again.

"G-Goku... You've gotta get up." You try to say sternly, only getting the result of him pulling you closer against his frame with a whining sleep filled grunt. "Mmmn, no... Comfy..."

You huff softly as your cheeks burn worse because of this predicament, before you try to wriggle free from his grasp. But with how much stronger he was than you, you only manage to get slightly trapped underneath him with your front being pressed against the mattress.

Damn his bear grip and deep sleeping!

Squirming, you try to buck your hips back against his stomach to make him loosen his grip from around you enough, but then you resort to doing an alligator roll rough enough in his arms to actually make him wake up if anything.

You weren't expecting him to retaliate in a rather angry way from being stirred awake though.

Hugging his arms against your sides suddenly, you gasp as you feel Goku pinning you against your bed while on your back, his own body between your legs as his head was next to yours.

"I said I was comfy, Y/N." Goku growled out in a deep and husky tone as his lips were against your neck, sending multiple shivers through you. The fact that he naturally smelled like a sweet and spicy cinnamon wasn't helping, your body heating up under his.

Swallowing at how bad this situation was turning out, you turn your head carefully to talk into his ear clearly, and go to grab his shoulders to push him off of you. "Y-You... You need to wake up, Goku.." Your mumble, only then realizing that he was practically naked while on top of you.

You've felt his muscles before, but not like this, not this close! Your own pajamas weren't helping, considering all you usually wore was a tank top and shorts.

Whining and growling in his sleep, Goku presses his hips against your crotch area suddenly, making your body jolt and awaken your core from the feeling.

"You... I feel too good..." He mumbles, his hips rolling against you slowly at the same time his teeth start to graze against the skin of your neck.

"G-Goku, no.. this... This is bad." You gasp out, gripping his shoulders tightly as he continues rolling his hips. You couldn't even figure out if he was sleep-talking, but this was definitely not working in your favor. You had to get him to stop his actions-

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