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It had been a few days since Turles had been basically added to the group. Goku and Vegeta both seemed to actually agree on one thing for once; Turles was an annoyance. And the former space pirate enjoyed knowing this, as he made sure that your attention was on him each chance he got. And due to the truce, well, he had the upper hand.

Curiosity brimming within you, you pose a question to Turles, your new housemate, regarding his striking resemblance to Goku. "Is it simply because you belong to the lower class Saiyan race?" you inquire, genuinely intrigued by the connection. Both of you were in your backyard, the sky covered in storm clouds that had yet to actually start up.

You also managed to find clothes for the Saiyan, and it fitted him rather well. Even if his rippled muscles were still very noticeable, you wouldn't deny he had some women fainting dreamily.

Munching on a bowl of freshly harvested apples, Turles responds with a mere grunt, relishing the delectable crunch and sweetness of the fruit. His nonchalant reply leaves you slightly disappointed, as you had hoped to establish a deeper understanding with the older Saiyan, steering him away from his divisive tendencies.

It had already proven challenging to foster camaraderie between him and the other Saiyans, except for Goten, who surprisingly enjoyed the sporadic roughhousing bouts initiated by the larger warrior, reminiscent of battling dinosaurs.

"You're an elite, so why do you associate with us so-called lower class Saiyans? Not that I mind," Turles remarks, but his words fail to fully convince you.

"I grew up here on Earth, just like Goku. Although we didn't grow up together, we crossed paths in our early twenties. By then, he was already married with a child," you explain, hoping to shed light on the shared experiences that bind you and Turles, despite the disparities in your Saiyan backgrounds.

"Hm," Turles responds with a nonchalant tone, taking a bite of a reddish-yellow apple from the bowl. His gaze briefly shifts to the brooding storm clouds above.

A tranquil silence envelops the scene, your tail swaying gently behind you, reflecting your calm demeanor.

"Are you satisfied being mated with Goku?" Turles suddenly asks, causing your face to flush crimson. "That's a personal question, Turles," you reply, trying to hide your embarrassment.

Turles grins mischievously. "Don't deny it. He already has offspring, and it's clear they aren't yours. Did you disrupt his previous relationship for the sake of dominance or something?"

Guilt washes over you, extinguishing the heat in your face. "N-No, it wasn't about dominance. It's just... Goku and I... we had feelings for each other, and... well, I left. But he found me, and... I mean..."

Turles bursts into laughter, deliberately aiming to make you feel ashamed as he playfully slaps your back. "Ah, so there is a hint of darkness within you."

"That's not true! I don't have any darkness within me," you assert, though your uncertainty lingers, causing you to huff and shake your head. "Anyway, why did you decline the opportunity to train with Goku and the others?" you redirect the conversation towards Turles, observing as he leans back, already indulging in another apple.

"Why would I? I have a woman taking care of my needs, serving me food. I'm going to relish in the luxury," Turles responds, a hint of satisfaction in his voice.

You softly shake your head, your tail swaying gently. "So, simplicity is what you prefer."

Turles lets out an annoyed huff. "Why didn't you join them?"

You meet the older Saiyan's gaze. "It's my day off, and Vegeta insisted that I rest so he and Goku could train without interruptions."

"Why do you bother serving these lower-level beings anyway? It doesn't serve any true purpose other than providing mediocre entertainment, does it?" Turles questions, his tone laced with skepticism.

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