🌤️Filler: Adventures 🍋🌤️

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With the Son family out for the day, the tranquility at home was almost palpable. Yet, it was the perfect chance for your solo adventure. You dressed appropriately in hiking gear, slinging a compact backpack over your shoulder, packed with essentials for the journey ahead.

The training sessions with Goku had clearly paid off, granting you newfound confidence in exploring different parts of Mount Paozu. The basics of ki control and your budding flying skills made you feel more at ease, even if it was merely gliding a few feet above the ground.

Before setting off, you secured your home, double-checking the lock, and pondered which direction to begin your exploration. The trusty journal in your backpack awaited its next entries, with only a few pages filled with previous discoveries.

As you slipped on your headphones, adjusting the volume to ensure safety while keeping your tunes, you decided to start by heading left. The path to the north led to the Son residence, the right seemed to verge toward the cliff's edge, and south merely took you away from the mountain.

Moving cautiously, you scrutinized your surroundings, eager to stumble upon something thrilling during your solo escapade. The possibility of discovering something exhilarating made your heart race with anticipation as you ventured forth into the unknown.

Resting atop a large rock, you took in the serenity of the surroundings, relishing the moment with a refreshing sip of water. The spot you'd discovered was idyllic—a flat expanse hugged by lush trees and scattered bamboo shoots, creating a serene ambiance.

However, your tranquility was interrupted by thoughts of Goku's unexpected escapade, his reckless act of using your bed without your knowledge, and the almost-intimate encounter that followed. Flushing at the memory, your cheeks warmed, feeling a hint of guilt, though it seemed that Goku had moved on from that moment.

Peeling off your headphones, you tuned into the environment's sounds, detecting an unexpected bubbling sound that piqued your curiosity. Was it the creek close to Goku's home or a mere runoff? Determined to investigate, you rose cautiously, wary of any potential wildlife in the area.

Moving forward, the atmosphere subtly changed; the air grew warmer and more humid. Notably, the grass wasn't as tall but dense, yet surprisingly devoid of any insects. Braving through a thicket of bamboo shoots, you stumbled upon a sight that stole your breath away—an untouched natural hot spring!

In utter disbelief, you muttered under your breath, "There's no way this hidden gem is known to anyone else, except me, obviously." Excitedly jotting down the location in your journal, the temptation to immerse yourself in the inviting waters proved irresistible.

Without hesitation, you undressed and slipped into the soothing, perfectly tempered water. A blissful sigh escaped your lips as the tension and anxiety melted away, replaced by a newfound sense of tranquility. The warm embrace of the hot springs offered a moment of pure relaxation in the heart of nature.

As the warm waters of the hot spring enveloped you, your mind involuntarily revisited the recent moments of intimacy shared with Goku. Memories flooded in—the clandestine kisses, those tender embraces mid-training, the way he'd pinned you or corrected your stance, moments that seemed to blur the lines between friendship and something more.

A deep flush crept up your cheeks, forcing you to bury your face in your hands as guilt welled up within you. Goku was married, and you were just his neighbor, deeply connected to his family. Yet, the yearning for more lingered, leaving you sighing heavily, grappling with the ethical dilemma of stopping these moments without causing Goku pain. He knew your feelings, and his joy about it only added to your inner turmoil. Did he even comprehend the gravity of these encounters?

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