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I've been rereading some earlier chapters and the more recent ones I've made for fillers and all, and just realized I've had a few mistakes on things. Also a few things I wanted to bring up, too. So, I'm going to kinda make a list of people and whatnot, and a paragraph or so for them. Changes will definitely be evident or new, but this is basically a long note.

Y/N and Goku: you and Goku met around Gohan's second birthday, just to show the actual length of time you two have known each other. Goku started to develop stronger feelings after the first Vegeta incident, when ChiChi barely gave him a glance but you were very worried about him. You never picked up on your feelings for Goku until after his death and seven year hiatus on coming back, but you kept it under wraps because he was a married man and all that. With recent filler chapters that I made though, obviously both you and Goku realized you had feelings for each other but never actually admitted to it, but ended up being beneficial stress relievers for each other until ChiChi figured it out and all that jazz.

ChiChi: Is she gone from the story? Maybe, maybe not. But I will say that her secret phone messages haven't been seen or revealed yet. Was it a lover? Was it some type of loan shark or just a best friend we haven't seen yet? Won't know until after the tournament.

The kids: Solara and Gina's ages I might have messed up on. Solara is four and Gina is two, just to clarify by now. Goten absolutely loves and cherishes his baby sisters completely, and sees you as his literal second mom because you have been caring for him too since he had been born. Gohan loves you as his stepmom, but he'll always love ChiChi as his actual mom even if she was a yandere type of person with a controlling attitude. Trunks sees Solara as his baby sister more than he does Gina, but he still loves both of them as well. Pan and Gina are definitely going to be thick as thieves as they get older.

Vegeta: He's definitely harbored hidden feelings for Y/N way longer than he had let on, having developed them for you a bit after realizing that Kakarot loved you deeply, causing the prince to pay closer attention to your personality and such. You've shared that one intimate kiss with him, and maybe a kiss on the cheek or two for when he took care of you when you were sick, but that's all. Does he still have feelings for you? Absolutely. But he's not going to abandon Bulma and his kids just cause. You're both at a mutual understanding at this point, too. You're allowed to give him hugs, he will accept that. And if course he does see Solara as his unofficial first daughter as well.

Turles: His feelings for Y/N have definitely gone down now that he's with Ristetta, but he still holds you in high regards for basically saving him and caring for him, and of course he'll always love you, but he's moved on.

Bardock: He sees you as his daughter in law wholeheartedly, even though he thinks you can be a pain at times as much as Kakarot. But he'd protect you in a heartbeat like any true loving father would.

Suiji's killers: They may have an appearance in future chapters. Will they be looking for redemption from you or not? Won't know.

The Bunny Family as a whole: Secrets and such will come forth. What's NaNa's real connection with Whis? What hijinks will ensue? Will the side of the family that rejects you gave sinister plans in the future? Won't know.

Lord Frieza: Does the tyrant lizard have feelings for you? Perhaps, perhaps not. As Goku's wife, you certainly play a role with Frieza and his unknown plans. Sinister or downright degenerative? Won't know yet.

Whis and Beerus: Both men have different reasons to deal with you. Whis... Basically just likes to steal Gina from you to spoil her a lot. Beerus however can't stand you for obvious reasons, but he may have developed a soft spot for you. Why tell you this, well, there may be a future chapter that shows how Beerus feels about you.

Broly and Paragus: Considering your age and such, Paragus knows your parents. Will this play a role in figuring out more to your lineage? DEFINITELY. I've been wanting to give your parents a background for a while, but this will happen after the tournament for sure.

I think that covers everything and everyone I wanted to talk about. I'll have the next tournament chapter out soon or when I get the time.

Any questions or comments, lemme know.


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