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As you and Goku engaged in the fierce battle against Kefla, you couldn't deny the strength of this fusion surpassed your expectations. The revelation that the Potara earrings could be employed left you unsettled, a reminder that as long as Zeno-Sama found entertainment, the rules could be bent. Even with Goku in his SSG form, he endured being tossed around just as much as you did. Despite your frustration, you recognized the importance of conserving energy, assuming a defensive stance. Training against Whis had prepared you for this, where Goku led in battles, allowing your energy to regenerate before a sudden switch. Although you never managed to defeat Whis in this training, the dynamic strategy proved effective in different scenarios created by the powers of his staff.

Beerus narrowed his eyes, observing the intense battle alongside others in the stands. "What in the world are those two fools attempting? They're working together, but not efficiently. At this rate, they'll both be eliminated." In the distance, Champa sneered, wearing a smug grin as he shouted, "Keep it up, Kefla! Knock Goku and Y/N out of the ring!"

As Beerus argued with Champa about the use of Potara earrings being a form of cheating, the Zeno-Samas' enthusiastic chants in favor of watching fusions fight persuaded the Grand Priest to allow it. Various universes still in the competition held diverse opinions on the matter, confident that such drastic measures were unnecessary. Beerus was on the verge of handing over the earrings to someone from your universe until Whis highlighted the double risk of losing two warriors if the fusion were to be defeated.

Another universe that was about to employ the earrings had its plans foiled when Kefla charged right into the two warriors, destroying the earrings in the process. In a sudden moment, Kefla targeted you, but Goku shielded you from her more dangerous ki blast, leading you to share your energy with him. As the smoke screen cleared, you and Goku exchanged a knowing look, hinting at the potential return of his Ultra Instinct.

Kefla taunted you, claiming you were too weak to keep up. Internally smirking, you knew she had fallen for your ploy, leaving Goku and Kefla to face off alone. Unbeknownst to everyone else, the energy you transferred to Goku through your bond aimed to push him back into Ultra Instinct.

Goku and Kefla engaged in a rapid exchange of super-fast punches, and you decided to take a position next to Frieza, who was observing the battle. Aware that some might disapprove of you standing with Frieza, your priority was to prevent any potential mischief from him.

As Goku combined Kaioken with his Super Saiyan Blue form, you stood a few feet from Frieza, both of you attentively watching the intense battle. Frieza smirked, making a subtle comment about abandoning your husband on the battlefield. You retorted, noting his tendency to talk excessively. Frieza, despite a twitch in his eye, remained silent and narrowly dodged a ki blast. You focused on staying rooted to your spot, anticipating the moment when Goku might appear down for the count, reminding yourself to keep your protective emotions in check.

And then, just when it seemed like Kefla had secured the victory, Goku staggered to his feet, a silent determination in his eyes.

As Kefla unleashed a barrage of ki blasts at him, a grin crept across your face. Goku had seamlessly transitioned into Ultra Instinct, executing the plan the two of you had crafted. The sudden reappearance of this formidable form left everyone else astonished. However, you knew better than to let your guard down, ensuring that your energy was steadily rising. With 19 minutes remaining, you needed to be prepared for the final seconds of the battle.

Frieza observed you from the corner of his eye, contemplating the strength of female Saiyans and their innate capacity to support their mates in battle, akin to the protective instincts of alpha female wolves. It reminded him of why he, in his youth, had feared the Saiyans. If they hadn't been eradicated en masse, fighting female Saiyans could have posed an even greater threat. In an ironic twist, Frieza found solace in the pride and stubbornness that defined the Saiyan race, preventing them from fully realizing their potential.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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