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Today, everyone gathered at Bulma's house. Goku and Bardock were outside, spending quality time together with Gohan and Goten, catching up on their father-son bond. Meanwhile, you and the rest of the group were inside.

You found yourself watching a movie with Trunks and Turles. The young boy with lilac hair had expressed his desire to watch a movie and enjoy some snacks with you. Turles took this opportunity to have your company all to himself, his tail gently wrapped around yours, creating a sense of closeness.

Vegeta, on the other hand, decided to utilize this time to train in the gravity room. However, his thoughts were consumed by you. He had developed strong feelings for you, but he couldn't ignore the fact that you belonged to Kakarot. It frustrated him to see both Kakarot and Turles sharing you, as if it were some kind of acceptable "open relationship." The whole situation was enough to give him a pounding headache.

Bulma let out a soft sigh as she observed Vegeta through her security system. She couldn't help but wonder how all of this was affecting you. Being the only woman living among four grown men was undoubtedly challenging for you.

Lost in her thoughts, Bulma hummed, contemplating the complex dynamics at play. It was evident that three out of the four men harbored feelings for you, and she understood that you wouldn't simply abandon them. Each of them relied on you for comfort and guidance in their own unique ways.

Her mind wandered to Goku and how he was moving forward with you. The mention of ChiChi was a sensitive topic, considering the lengths she had gone to deceive Goku and Goten, drugging them to create a facade of happiness without you. It was a low blow, undeserving of such manipulation.

Shaking off those troubling thoughts, Bulma decided to leave her lab and check on Trunks and you. A smile formed on her face as she witnessed Trunks sitting contently in your lap, while you gently ran your fingers through his hair, providing him with a sense of calm.

She also noticed Turles beside you, surprisingly calm despite his crossed arms and his head resting on your shoulder. You returned her smile, fully occupied with both boys, and even Ryun, who had emerged from his hiding spot, seeking some affection from the brilliant scientist.

Bulma couldn't help but chuckle as she scooped up the small red panda, providing her with some company. Carrying him to the kitchen, she decided to spoil him with his favorite snack. She prepared a small bowl filled with a mix of grapes and cantaloupe chunks, knowing it would bring joy to her furry companion.

With Ryun happily munching away, Bulma's attention shifted back to the Son family outside. Her heart swelled with warmth as she observed the group of four, witnessing the happiness and contentment radiating from them. Bardock's eyes gleamed with pride as he watched his son and grandsons, cherishing the precious moments they were sharing.

Leaving them to enjoy their time together, Bulma made her way to the training room, where Vegeta was engrossed in his intense workout. Opening the door, she boldly turned off the gravity, instantly irritating the Saiyan prince.

Vegeta huffed in annoyance, his frustration evident on his face. "Why are you interrupting me, woman?" he grumbled, wiping the sweat off his brow.

Unfazed by his irritation, Bulma simply smiled. "Just in a good mood," she replied, her tone filled with a hint of mischief.

Vegeta rolled his eyes, his arms still crossed as he approached Bulma. "You just had to disrupt me in such a good mood, didn't you?" he grumbled.

Bulma hummed innocently, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she smiled at Vegeta. "Yep. So, have you told Y/N how you feel?"

Vegeta was caught off guard by her question, quickly turning his head away with a scoff. "As if! She's already dealing with those two knucklehead twins. She doesn't need to think that I'm also pining after her," he grumbled, his frustration evident.

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