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While Whis and Beerus patiently awaited Vegeta's completion of the fresh batch of takoyaki balls, you made the decision to retreat and change. As you left, a lingering worry crossed your mind - what if something went wrong in your absence?

Inside the cruise ship, you retraced your steps to the room Bulma had initially shown you. Sitting on the edge of the bed, you closed your eyes, trying to shake off the feeling that this entire situation was nothing more than a bizarre nightmare. It made you feel foolish, but more than that, it left you feeling utterly lost.

Resting your head in your hands, you let out a heavy sigh, the weight of the world seemingly pressing down on you. Just as you were lost in your thoughts, Calalo's comforting presence interrupted your solitude. She approached you with a motherly aura, easing your tension.

"You seem like you're on the verge of exploding. What's troubling you?" Calalo inquired, her concern evident in her voice.

Looking up at her, you found solace in her presence. Not only had you unexpectedly become a maid for Lord Beerus, seemingly chosen for your appearance, but now the fate of the world rested solely on his volatile temper. And to make matters worse, Goku had yet to make an appearance, adding to the mounting anxiety.

"I just... There's so much happening, and I can't help but feel like I'm failing to make a difference. It's like I'm just in the way," you confess, your voice filled with frustration. You lower your gaze, squeezing your knees tightly. "My life has always been complicated, but now... Now I'm just lost. I don't know how to help anyone, including myself."

Calalo moves closer, her hand gently resting on your back, offering a comforting touch. "It's because you're a Saiyan who was raised as a normal human," she says, her tone direct but understanding.

You look up at Calalo, her smile softening. "I believe that if you had been raised to embrace your anger and your innate abilities, instead of constantly overthinking things, you would have more confidence in your actions. I see it in Gohan too, actually. He doesn't want to fight, but you... You don't mind it. In fact, I know you enjoy it."

"But you always think before you act, no matter what. You trust your instincts, but you also consider the consequences while you're in the midst of a fight. Or, well, sparring. I've witnessed it when you train with Bardock. He tells you the same thing, I've heard him before. You're still holding back, as if you're afraid.. Your uncle, I... I was so devastated when we lost him.. But he... We kept trying to hold on." Calalo observes, her gaze focused and filled with a tinge of sadness as she speaks.

Her words hit you, resonating deep within. Memories of protecting your uncle from harm flood your mind, and you immediately shut down. Pain flashes in your eyes as you turn away from Calalo, unable to face the emotions that surge within you for a good moment.

"I know... I miss him too," you whisper, your voice filled with a mix of longing and sorrow. "But deep down, I know he wouldn't want me to constantly doubt myself. He always encouraged me to trust my instincts and do what feels right."

Calalo's hand gently covers yours, offering a comforting squeeze. "He was always like that, with both of us especially... For now, just try to enjoy yourself, okay? You deserve some relaxation after all that training. And don't worry, Goku will be here soon. If not, I'll have a serious talk with him."

You look up at her, mustering a small nod and a grateful smile. Calalo returns the smile, planting a gentle kiss on your temple before she rises from the bed. "Don't take too long, alright? And don't change out of that outfit."

As you watch her leave, a soft sigh escapes your lips. How were you going to explain to Calalo, and especially to Goku, that you had been inexplicably chosen as a maid without any real reason, yet couldn't bring yourself to refuse the offer because it could cause annihilation? The weight of that secret hangs heavy on your shoulders, leaving you with a sense of uncertainty.

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