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This week was going to be fun.

The cafe had decided to close temporarily for the next week and a half for maintenance updates and other tasks, so you didn't have to worry about showing up for work.

With this newfound freedom, you planned to make the most of it. You had organized a five-day trip with your entire group, thanks to Bulma who had reserved the entire week for everyone's enjoyment. Being the wealthy woman she was, she had even bought out the entire resort, including covering all the food expenses. It was a generous gesture that you couldn't refuse.

The group had decided to stay at a mountain retreat. Bulma wanted to spend some quality girl time with you, while the boys had their own plans for training and improving their skills.

As you and Bulma sat together, getting a Pedi Mani treatment, she couldn't help but express her skepticism. "Wait, so getting your memories back didn't really solve everything?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. Despite not being particularly fond of the treatment, you cherished this personal time with Bulma. "Well, it did help in some ways, but my parents were still absent from my life," you replied, letting out a soft sigh.

"They did find ways to show up around my birthday each year for the next six or so, but it always felt like a mere obligation to make sure I was still alive and well," you tell her, closing your eyes and reflecting on those bittersweet memories.

"But amidst all that, it made me remember and appreciate my uncle even more. He truly took care of me and ensured I had a somewhat normal life. He taught me not to judge people too quickly, even if I had doubts about them. He believed in giving them a chance until they felt comfortable enough to reveal their true colors. Or, well, if they displayed obvious red flags, then it was time to kick their asses. Or, um, report them. That mindset has kept me safe on numerous occasions," you reminisce, feeling a hint of moisture in your closed eyes.

Bulma listens attentively, her gaze softening. "Well, I'm glad you had such a wonderful role model," she says, offering a supportive smile. You give her a grateful nod, not wanting to dwell on the past when you were supposed to be enjoying yourself.

"So... I've noticed that Turles seems to have taken quite a liking to you," Bulma carefully brings up, instigating a new topic of conversation.

As Bulma brings up Turles, you hesitate, a rush of memories flooding your mind from the past month alone.

Turles had been inserting himself into your training sessions with Goku and Vegeta, using it as an opportunity to train himself. However, he would purposefully make flirtatious advances towards you, mainly to provoke Goku, but it seemed to affect both Goku and Vegeta in different ways.

He would playfully wrap his tail around yours when you sat together, a gesture that you found endearing, but it would always irritate Goku, and you didn't appreciate the tension it created.

Despite setting clear boundaries with the former pirate, he would occasionally utter a sentence or two that would leave you blushing and flustered.

It was evident that Turles enjoyed toying with all of you, and it was becoming increasingly frequent. However, it was also causing Goku to become possessive, and while a part of you enjoyed it, you couldn't deny that it was starting to feel overwhelming.

"Yeah, the timing isn't exactly ideal," you acknowledge, a touch of apprehension in your voice. "I think Turles misses the thrill of traveling through space and conquering planets. That's why I'm looking forward to when the house is finished. He'll have his own space and a better outlet for his restless energy. The training helps, but it's not quite enough for him. And, well, he's too stubborn to even consider dating. He's even more stuck up than Vegeta."

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