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Back on Beerus's planet, you found yourself reunited with Goku, ready to dive back into your training. This time, you had a clever plan to convince Whis to allow you to train alongside them. Armed with two irresistible bribes - a jar of mint peach jam from Calalo and a delightful playdate with Gina - you knew you had a good chance of winning him over.

With Beerus still in a deep slumber for the next couple of months, you had to be cautious with your energy usage. However, being on Beerus's planet provided a safer environment compared to Earth. So, you and Goku transformed into your SSBlue forms, ready to push yourselves to the limit during your training sessions. The hours flew by as you both trained relentlessly, determined to make up for lost time.

Meanwhile, Whis was completely engrossed in playing with little Gina. With arms outstretched, he showered her with affectionate praises, completely captivated by her adorable antics. As you sparred with Goku nearby, your energy levels soared, reflecting your heightened determination and focus.

Not only had your flexibility improved significantly, but your endurance had also reached new heights. The training hiatus had inadvertently strengthened your physical capabilities, making you more resilient than ever before.

A mischievous grin spread across Goku's face as he engaged in combat with you. He effortlessly assumed his martial arts stance, eagerly awaiting the moments when you would catch your breath. Although he couldn't help but feel a tinge of nostalgia for the days when you had your Saiyan tail, adding a touch of cuteness to your form, he couldn't deny the intensity radiating from your determined gaze.

You longed to possess the ability of Instant Transmission, but your speed was still impressive enough to make it appear as if you were vanishing and reappearing in the blink of an eye. Goku skillfully countered your attacks, skillfully maneuvering to land hits whenever an opportunity presented itself. However, he soon discovered that countering your counterattacks was proving to be a challenging task. Both of you relied solely on your martial arts skills, refraining from utilizing any ki blasts to avoid endangering Gina, who was nearby.

In a surprising turn of events, you managed to trap Goku in a headlock using your legs, forcefully slamming him into the ground, creating a small crater upon impact. However, Goku's agility allowed him to swiftly evade your subsequent attack, which would have undoubtedly sent him plummeting even deeper into the depths.

A dangerous growl escaped your lips as you swiftly closed the distance between you and Goku. The tables had turned, and now it was you who took the offensive, skillfully defending yourself against his relentless attacks. The exchange escalated into a flurry of punches and kicks, transforming into a thrilling chase that spanned across the entire planet. It was when you reached the opposite side that the atmosphere crackled with the release of powerful ki blasts.

Goku's expression contorted in surprise as you unleashed your special ki blasts, which were noticeably stronger and louder than before. It was as if you had an arsenal of miniature missiles at your disposal. Reacting swiftly, Goku utilized his own ki blasts to intercept and neutralize each one. However, his eyes widened in astonishment as you suddenly appeared behind him, narrowly evading a blade-like construct formed from your ki with a graceful bend backward.

Performing a series of acrobatic backflips, Goku's adrenaline surged as you transformed the blade into a hammer-like weapon. Each swing you executed sent waves of scorching energy rippling through the air, causing his hair to be blown back by the intense heat.

In a desperate attempt to gain the upper hand, Goku employed Instant Transmission, causing you to momentarily lose sight of him as you turned away.

To your surprise, Goku defied your expectations by appearing above you instead of behind. Reacting swiftly, you crossed your arms to block his sudden punch, which sent you crashing down into a crater, momentarily stunned.

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