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After basically filling Bulma in on your situation entirely, more red flags seem to come from ChiChi's behavior and actions. But with you not wanting to cause more trouble than it's worth (even though you're already past that), she keeps her emotions from exploding. Though, the whole part about the cafe competition was hilarious. But having Goku nearly talk freely about your erm, sexual moments, you had to cover the Saiyan's mouth with your hand quickly. Your entire face was on fire, as Bulma couldn't help but giggle.

However, a certain prince had overheard your story while eavesdropping from outside of the lab, mainly the part where you and Goku had been training intensely since he had been living with you.

Which in turn had Vegeta challenging you for a sparring session.

Take note, you NEVER sparred with Vegeta in any way because you knew before that he could kill you with one good punch to the sternum if he felt like it. But, with Goku agreeing for you to fight the blue blooded Saiyan, you only give a sigh in response and agree.

As Goku watches from the sidelines, he feels his pride swelling up from within.

You're holding your own against Vegeta, even if it's not by much to the Prince's own strength. Vegeta's punches and kicks are nothing to sneeze at, at all, but you're still able to land your own hits.

Vegeta's irritably curious as you keep getting back up no matter how many times you're literally knocked into the ground by him, your energy spiking in a way that makes him wonder just how much ki you held.

And the thought that you were holding back made Vegeta much more irritated. "Alright, quit acting as if you're weak, Y/N! I mean, you are, but at least put some effort into your defeat!"

Your eyebrow twitches as you wipe away some blood from your bottom lip, glaring up at the prince as he floats above you with his arms crossed, giving the feeling of him having the literal high ground and being above you. A prince versus a low level subject.

It irritated you almost uncontrollably for some reason, before you're flying back up to his level and getting into a stance. "You say that as if you're afraid I'm going to kick your ass, Vegeta. Since you know, you're only second best. But after this, you'll be third."

Oof, just flicking at Vegeta's pride was enough to get him completely pissed off.

With your fighting, of course plenty of others senses the energy you two were letting out. And by others you meant the gang. And they were approaching quickly since you were 'out of hiding'.

Goku watches the two of you still exchanging blows, his arms crossed as he keeps a focused and an intense eye on your form. Vegeta has become ferocious, and you're quickly losing ground.

"If you take back your words I'll make sure you're only in a coma for a few days, Y/N." Vegeta comments, moving back from the sudden uppercut to his jaw before he's right back to kicking your ass.

"No way, I can't believe she's back! But.. why is she fighting Vegeta?" Krillin says both happily and nervously as he and the others land beside the spiky haired Saiyan.

"Training." Goku says simply with a smile.

"He's going to kill her." Piccolo says, Gohan standing beside him. This makes the half Saiyan nervous, but he notices how resilient you actually are against Vegeta as well. He looks over to his father, noticing the look in his eyes. There's pride, but there's also another look that he can't decipher.

His attention is quickly brought back to the fight as you seem to snap after Vegeta literally backhands you during your sparring skirmish. Vegeta knows what he's done, a literal grin on his face as he enjoys seeing this enraged part of you come out.

In a way he now understands why Goku puts so much effort into you when you aren't worth it in his opinion. But after today, maybe he could continue sparring with you. Make you his personal punching bag.

However, a bit of shock passes in his eyes as you suddenly start charging up a thickly energized ki blast.

Okay, he's not the only one in shock at this amount of energy you're giving out, but damn, Vegeta wouldn't admit that he's impressed by this.

A simple human girl with an energy level of over a hundred and thirty thousand, easily.

A hundred and thirty five thousand, right now. Still nothing compared to his own level, but definitely better than what he assumed.

When you shot the blast at him, he merely smacked it away, but he wasn't prepared for it to detonate the second he actually touched it.

Not that he budged, but the impact of the blow definitely had the air almost white hot from the energy you let out. Vegeta looked at the light cracking in his armor, smirking.

"Kakarot, I can't say that I'm not surprised by you managing to whip your little tart into shape, but who knew that she could actually cause a scratch!" He laughed out loudly.

"Fuck you Vegeta!" You yell out angrily, unable to keep yourself from hunching over and resting your hands on your knees to take a breather.

Crossing his arms snugly, Vegeta stares you down. "Well, if you did, you might actually gain something from this."

You snarled at him. "Keep talking like that and I'll castrate you with a plastic butter knife."

"Ooh, such a big threat from a tiny thing."

And then, something happened.

Just for a second, a miniscule, tiny second, your energy spikes up strongly, and your hair flickers blonde before going back to its normal color.

But, everyone around had seen it happen. Everyone except you, as your world decides to darken.

Goku is quick to catch you as you fall from the sky, holding your unconscious body in his arms.

Vegeta floats down quickly, his eyes narrowing angrily. "What was that, Kakarot?"

Goku is in shock like everyone else, keeping his eyes on you. "I'm.. I'm not sure.-"

"Bullshit!!" Vegeta yells. "It may have been quick, but for a second she had gone Super Saiyan! Is that what you've been doing this entire time, harboring her all for yourself?" Vegeta accuses, believing that Goku knew before anyone else that you weren't human.

That you were, in some kind of way, a Saiyan.

"Honestly, I didn't know! I just thought she had a lot of strength!" Goku says, Bulma rushing out of the house as the group is surrounding you and Goku.

"Vegeta, what the hell?! She's back for a day and you nearly beat her to death?!"

Vegeta scoffs. "Shut it, woman! That girl is more resilient than you think. Baldy." Krillin jumps a bit as Vegeta glares at him. "Uh, yeah?" "Sensu beans, go and get them." "Uh, right!"

"Wait, there's no way she could be a Saiyan, right? Dad?" Gohan asks his father, unsure.

Goku doesn't take his eyes off of your face, holding you closer to him as his eyes are slightly clouded over in deep thought. "Well, not.. Not entirely now that I think about it. She did have a scar in the place where our tails usually sprout from, but Y/N was told that it was just a weird birth scar. We never paid much attention to it."

This makes all of them except for Vegeta and Bulma gives Goku weird looks.

"Wait, have you seen her naked before or something?" Yamcha asks, making Gohan's face tinge pink. He knew his father didn't care about personal space-

"Well, yeah, a lot of times. We're mates." Goku says absentmindedly.


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