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With a gentle gasp, your eyes flutter open, cautiously taking in your surroundings. The weight of the snow and ice from the avalanche had been mostly shielded by your arms, but your leg throbs with pain. Amidst the muffled shouts of Goku, Goten, and Trunks desperately calling for you and Gohan, you gather your strength.

Determined, you begin to dig yourself out of the snow, but frustration soon takes hold. With a frustrated curse, you decide to release a mini ki blast, shooting it upwards. The burst of energy creates a path, clearing the snow above you.

Gohan, always one step ahead, follows suit, emerging from the snow with remarkable speed. Goten and Trunks rush to his side, concerned, but he motions for them to stay back.

Goku, ever the protector, rushes to your aid, his gasp escaping his lips as he notices the metal clamp tightly gripping your leg, resembling a menacing bear trap.

Meanwhile, Turles cautiously inspects the area, his hand raised to unleash a barrage of ko blasts at the unexpected discovery.

Gohan's left calf is also ensnared by the menacing metal clamp, causing Trunks and Goten to exchange worried glances.

"Stay back, you two!" Gohan's voice rings out, his teeth clenched in pain. He quickly scans the area, sensing your presence and Goku's, only to find that the clamp on your leg has inflicted a deeper wound, causing blood to flow profusely.

You muster a weak smile, trying to downplay the situation. "Well, I guess our plans for avalanche racing didn't quite work out, huh?" Goku's expression softens momentarily, but his concern returns as he gazes at the clamp. "We have to remove these traps from both of you."

You nod, determination flickering in your eyes. "Yes, but... what triggered them? And what exactly are these contraptions?"

Turles catches a glimpse of movement in the snow nearby, instantly reacting by unleashing a barrage of ki blasts towards the source.

Goku shields you from the sudden onslaught of ki blasts, his protective stance shielding you from harm. He glares at Turles, his voice laced with frustration. "What was that for?"

Turles grunts, his expression unyielding. "Just a precaution."

As the tension hangs in the air, more movement stirs beneath the heavy blanket of snow. Before you and Gohan can react, the clamps tighten their grip, dragging you both through the snow with an alarming force.

Goku and the others swiftly give chase, but they find themselves skillfully evading more clamps that unexpectedly spring forth from the depths of the avalanche.

You and Gohan desperately brainstorm ways to free yourselves from the clamps, while Goku and Turles work in tandem to neutralize the remaining traps.

Vegeta, Piccolo, and Krillin swiftly reach Goten and Trunks, quickly grasping the gravity of the situation before they hasten to catch up with the rest of the group.

Suddenly, the ground trembles violently, causing the entire gang to dodge the relentless onslaught of clamps with increased urgency.

As you try to make sense of the situation, you find yourselves being forcefully lifted into the air, colliding with Gohan like helpless fish caught on a reel.

"Ow!" The simultaneous cry of pain escapes both of you as the metal cables constrict around your bodies, rendering your attempts to break free futile. The pain intensifies, especially in your injured leg, causing it to throb relentlessly.

Concerned, you inquire about Gohan's well-being. "Are you okay?" you ask, as your voice is filled with genuine worry.

Gohan grimaces, his voice strained. "I think so..."

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